"""This lobe enables the integration of huggingface pretrained wav2vec2 models.
Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.11477
Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.05862
Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13900
Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed:
* Salah Zaiem 2023
* Adel Moumen 2023, 2024
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.huggingface import (
from speechbrain.utils.logger import get_logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)
class WeightedSSLModel(HFTransformersInterface):
"""This lobe enables the integration of use of weighted sum representations
from different layers in a SSL encoder.
The model can be used as a fixed feature extractor for SSL benchmarking. It
will download automatically the model from HuggingFace or use a local path.
More details in recipes/SSL_benchmark
hub : str
HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60"
save_path : str
Path (dir) of the downloaded model.
layernorm: bool, (default: False)
Whether layer representations should be layernormed before sum
freeze : bool (default: True)
If True, the model is frozen. If False, the model will be trained
alongside with the rest of the pipeline.
**kwargs : dict
Additional arguments to pass to HFTransformersInterface
>>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 600])
>>> model_hub = "facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h"
>>> save_path = "savedir"
>>> model = WeightedSSLModel(model_hub, save_path)
>>> outputs = model(inputs)
def __init__(
self, hub, save_path="", layernorm=False, freeze=False, **kwargs
source=hub, save_path=save_path, freeze=freeze, **kwargs
self.layernorm = layernorm
self.freeze = freeze
self.num_layers = self.config.num_hidden_layers + 1
# Initializing the learnable weights
zero_init = torch.cat([torch.zeros(self.num_layers)])
self.weights = torch.nn.Parameter(zero_init, requires_grad=True)
def forward(self, wav, wav_lens=None):
"""This method outputs a weighted sum of the layer representations of the SSL encoder
wav : torch.Tensor
The wavs
wav_lens : torch.Tensor
The wav lengths
weighted_feats : torch.Tensor
The weighted sum of layer representations.
feats = self.model(wav)
if self.freeze:
hidden_states = torch.stack(feats.hidden_states, dim=0).detach()
hidden_states = torch.stack(feats.hidden_states, dim=0)
# First dimension should be equal to the number of layers in the hparams
assert (
self.num_layers == hidden_states.shape[0]
), "Num layers not equal to num hidden states"
# Layernorming the layers representations if asked
if self.layernorm:
normalized_shape = (hidden_states.size(-1),)
hidden_states = F.layer_norm(hidden_states, normalized_shape)
# Summing the weighted layers
norm_weights = F.softmax(self.weights, dim=-1).view(-1, 1, 1, 1)
weighted_feats = (hidden_states * norm_weights).sum(axis=0)
return weighted_feats
def override_config(self, config):
"""If the config needs to be overridden, here is the place
config : Wav2Vec2Config
The original config needs to be overridden.
Overridden config
config.output_hidden_states = True
return config