speechbrain.inference.text module

Specifies the inference interfaces for text-processing modules.

  • Aku Rouhe 2021

  • Peter Plantinga 2021

  • Loren Lugosch 2020

  • Mirco Ravanelli 2020

  • Titouan Parcollet 2021

  • Abdel Heba 2021

  • Andreas Nautsch 2022, 2023

  • Pooneh Mousavi 2023

  • Sylvain de Langen 2023

  • Adel Moumen 2023

  • Pradnya Kandarkar 2023




A ready-to-use Response Generator model


A pretrained model implementation for Grapheme-to-Phoneme (G2P) models that take raw natural language text as an input and


A ready-to-use Response Generator model


A ready-to-use Response Generator model


class speechbrain.inference.text.GraphemeToPhoneme(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Pretrained, EncodeDecodePipelineMixin

A pretrained model implementation for Grapheme-to-Phoneme (G2P) models that take raw natural language text as an input and


>>> text = ("English is tough. It can be understood "
...         "through thorough thought though")
>>> from speechbrain.inference.text import GraphemeToPhoneme
>>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir')
>>> g2p = GraphemeToPhoneme.from_hparams('path/to/model', savedir=tmpdir) 
>>> phonemes = g2p.g2p(text) 
OUTPUT_KEYS = ['phonemes']
property phonemes

Returns the available phonemes

property language

Returns the language for which this model is available


Performs the Grapheme-to-Phoneme conversion


text (str or list[str]) – a single string to be encoded to phonemes - or a sequence of strings


result – if a single example was provided, the return value is a single list of phonemes

Return type:



Loads any relevant model dependencies


A convenience callable wrapper - same as G2P


text (str or list[str]) – a single string to be encoded to phonemes - or a sequence of strings


result – if a single example was provided, the return value is a single list of phonemes

Return type:


forward(noisy, lengths=None)[source]

Runs enhancement on the noisy input

training: bool
class speechbrain.inference.text.ResponseGenerator(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Pretrained

A ready-to-use Response Generator model

The class can be used to generate and continue dialogue given the user input. The given YAML must contain the fields specified in the *_NEEDED[] lists. It needs to be used with custom.py to load the expanded model with added tokens like bos,eos, and speaker’s tokens.

MODULES_NEEDED = ['model']

Complete a dialogue given the user’s input. :param turn: User input which is the last turn of the dialogue. :type turn: str


Generated response for the user input based on the dialogue history.

Return type:



Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.


Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.

training: bool
class speechbrain.inference.text.GPTResponseGenerator(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ResponseGenerator

A ready-to-use Response Generator model

The class can be used to generate and continue dialogue given the user input. The given YAML must contain the fields specified in the *_NEEDED[] lists. It needs to be used with custom.py to load the expanded GPT model with added tokens like bos,eos, and speaker’s tokens.


>>> from speechbrain.inference.text import GPTResponseGenerator
>>> tmpdir = getfixture("tmpdir")
>>> res_gen_model = GPTResponseGenerator.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/MultiWOZ-GPT-Response_Generation",
... savedir="tmpdir",
... pymodule_file="custom.py")  
>>> response = res_gen_model.generate_response("I want to book a table for dinner")  

Complete a dialogue given the user’s input. :param inputs: history_bos which is the tokenized history+input values with appropriate speaker token appended before each turn and history_token_type which determines

the type of each token basd on who is uttered that token (either User or Sytem).


Generated hypothesis for the user input based on the dialogue history.

Return type:


Convert user input and previous histories to the format acceptable for GPT model.

It appends all previous history and input and truncates it based on max_history value. It then tokenizes the input and generates additional input that determines the type of each token (Sytem or User).


  • history_bos – Tokenized history+input values with appropriate speaker token appended before each turn.

  • history_token_type – Type of each token basd on who is uttered that token (either User or Sytem)

training: bool
class speechbrain.inference.text.Llama2ResponseGenerator(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ResponseGenerator

A ready-to-use Response Generator model

The class can be used to generate and continue dialogue given the user input. The given YAML must contain the fields specified in the *_NEEDED[] lists. It needs to be used with custom.py to load the expanded Llama2 model with added tokens like bos,eos, and speaker’s tokens.


>>> from speechbrain.inference.text import Llama2ResponseGenerator
>>> tmpdir = getfixture("tmpdir")
>>> res_gen_model = Llama2ResponseGenerator.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/MultiWOZ-Llama2-Response_Generation",
... savedir="tmpdir",
... pymodule_file="custom.py")  
>>> response = res_gen_model.generate_response("I want to book a table for dinner")  

Complete a dialogue given the user’s input. :param inputs: prompted imputs to be passed to llama2 model for generation. :type inputs: prompt_bos


Generated hypothesis for the user input based on the dialogue history.

Return type:


Convert user input and previous histories to the format acceptable for Llama2 model.

It appends all previous history and input and truncates it based on max_history value. It then tokenizes the input and add propmts.


Tokenized history+input values with appropriate prompt.

Return type:


training: bool