speechbrain.dataio.legacy module

SpeechBrain Extended CSV Compatibility.




The Legacy Extended CSV Data item triplet


Extended CSV compatibility for DynamicItemDataset.



Loads SB Extended CSV and formats string values.


This function reads tensors store in pkl format.


class speechbrain.dataio.legacy.CSVItem(data, format, opts)

Bases: tuple

The Legacy Extended CSV Data item triplet


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2

class speechbrain.dataio.legacy.ExtendedCSVDataset(csvpath, replacements={}, sorting='original', min_duration=0, max_duration=36000, dynamic_items=[], output_keys=[])[source]

Bases: DynamicItemDataset

Extended CSV compatibility for DynamicItemDataset.

Uses the SpeechBrain Extended CSV data format, where the CSV must have an β€˜ID’ and β€˜duration’ fields.

The rest of the fields come in triplets: <name>, <name>_format, <name>_opts

These add a <name>_sb_data item in the dict. Additionally, a basic DynamicItem (see DynamicItemDataset) is created, which loads the _sb_data item.

Bash-like string replacements with $to_replace are supported.


Mapping from legacy interface:

  • csv_file -> csvpath

  • sentence_sorting -> sorting, and β€œrandom” is not supported, use e.g. make_dataloader(..., shuffle = (sorting=="random"))

  • avoid_if_shorter_than -> min_duration

  • avoid_if_longer_than -> max_duration

  • csv_read -> output_keys, and if you want IDs add β€œid” as key

  • csvpath (str, path) – Path to extended CSV.

  • replacements (dict) – Used for Bash-like $-prefixed substitution, e.g. {"data_folder": "/home/speechbrain/data"}, which would transform $data_folder/utt1.wav into /home/speechbrain/data/utt1.wav

  • sorting ({"original", "ascending", "descending"}) – Keep CSV order, or sort ascending or descending by duration.

  • min_duration (float, int) – Minimum duration in seconds. Discards other entries.

  • max_duration (float, int) – Maximum duration in seconds. Discards other entries.

  • dynamic_items (list) –

    Configuration for extra dynamic items produced when fetching an example. List of DynamicItems or dicts with keys:

    func: <callable> # To be called
    takes: <list> # key or list of keys of args this takes
    provides: key # key or list of keys that this provides

    NOTE: A dynamic item is automatically added for each CSV data-triplet

  • output_keys (list, None) – The list of output keys to produce. You can refer to the names of the CSV data-triplets. E.G. if the CSV has: wav,wav_format,wav_opts, then the Dataset has a dynamic item output available with key "wav" NOTE: If None, read all existing.

speechbrain.dataio.legacy.load_sb_extended_csv(csv_path, replacements={})[source]

Loads SB Extended CSV and formats string values.

Uses the SpeechBrain Extended CSV data format, where the CSV must have an β€˜ID’ and β€˜duration’ fields.

The rest of the fields come in triplets: <name>, <name>_format, <name>_opts.

These add a <name>_sb_data item in the dict. Additionally, a basic DynamicItem (see DynamicItemDataset) is created, which loads the _sb_data item.

Bash-like string replacements with $to_replace are supported.

This format has its restriction, but they allow some tasks to have loading specified by the CSV.

  • csv_path (str) – Path to the CSV file.

  • replacements (dict) – Optional dict: e.g. {"data_folder": "/home/speechbrain/data"} This is used to recursively format all string values in the data.


  • dict – CSV data with replacements applied.

  • list – List of DynamicItems to add in DynamicItemDataset.

speechbrain.dataio.legacy.read_pkl(file, data_options={}, lab2ind=None)[source]

This function reads tensors store in pkl format.

  • file (str) – The path to file to read.

  • data_options (dict, optional) – A dictionary containing options for the reader.

  • lab2ind (dict, optional) – Mapping from label to integer indices.


The array containing the read signal.

Return type:
