speechbrain.nnet.complex_networks.c_normalization module

Library implementing complex-valued normalization.

  • Titouan Parcollet 2020




This class is implements the complex-valued batch-normalization as introduced by "Deep Complex Networks", Trabelsi C.


This class is used to instantiate the complex layer-normalization as introduced by "Deep Complex Networks", Trabelsi C.



This function is used to apply the complex normalization as introduced by "Deep Complex Networks", Trabelsi C.


This function is used to standardize a centered tensor of complex numbers (mean of the set must be 0).


class speechbrain.nnet.complex_networks.c_normalization.CBatchNorm(input_shape=None, input_size=None, dim=-1, eps=0.0001, momentum=0.1, scale=True, center=True, track_running_stats=True)[source]

Bases: Module

This class is implements the complex-valued batch-normalization as introduced by β€œDeep Complex Networks”, Trabelsi C. et al.

  • input_shape (tuple) – Expected shape of the input.

  • input_size (int) – Expected size of the input.

  • dim (int, optional) – It defines the axis that should be normalized. It usually correspond to the channel dimension (default -1).

  • eps (float, optional) – Term used to stabilize operation (default 1e-4).

  • momentum (float, optional) – It defines the momentum as for the real-valued batch-normalization (default 0.1).

  • scale (bool, optional,) – It defines if scaling should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization scaling (default True).

  • center (bool, optional) – It defines if centering should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization centering (default True).

  • track_running_stats (bool, optional) – Equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization parameter. When True, stats are tracked. When False, solely statistics computed over the batch are used (default True).


>>> inp_tensor = torch.rand([10, 16, 30])
>>> CBN = CBatchNorm(input_shape=inp_tensor.shape)
>>> out_tensor = CBN(inp_tensor)
>>> out_tensor.shape
torch.Size([10, 16, 30])

Simply reset the running statistics to the initial values.


Simply reset all the parameters.


Returns the normalized input tensor.


input (torch.Tensor (batch, time, [channels])) – Input to normalize. It can be 2d, 3d, 4d.

Return type:

The normalized output tensor.

class speechbrain.nnet.complex_networks.c_normalization.CLayerNorm(input_shape=None, input_size=None, dim=-1, eps=0.0001, scale=True, center=True)[source]

Bases: Module

This class is used to instantiate the complex layer-normalization as introduced by β€œDeep Complex Networks”, Trabelsi C. et al.

  • input_shape (tuple) – Expected shape of the input.

  • input_size (int) – Expected size of the input dimension.

  • dim (int, optional) – It defines the axis that should be normalized. It usually correspond to the channel dimension (default -1).

  • eps (float, optional) – Term used to stabilize operation (default 1e-4).

  • scale (bool, optional,) – It defines if scaling should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization scaling (default True).

  • center (bool, optional) – It defines if centering should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization centering (default True).


>>> inp_tensor = torch.rand([10, 16, 30])
>>> CBN = CLayerNorm(input_shape=inp_tensor.shape)
>>> out_tensor = CBN(inp_tensor)
>>> out_tensor.shape
torch.Size([10, 16, 30])

Simply reset all the parameters.


Computes the complex normalization.

speechbrain.nnet.complex_networks.c_normalization.c_norm(input_centred, Vrr, Vii, Vri, beta, gamma_rr, gamma_ri, gamma_ii, scale=True, center=True, layernorm=False, dim=-1)[source]

This function is used to apply the complex normalization as introduced by β€œDeep Complex Networks”, Trabelsi C. et al.

  • input_centred (torch.Tensor) – It is the tensor to be normalized. The features dimension is divided by 2 with the first half corresponding to the real-parts and the second half to the imaginary parts.

  • Vrr (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the covariance between real-parts.

  • Vii (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the covariance between imaginary-parts.

  • Vri (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the covariance between real-parts and imaginary-parts.

  • beta (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor corresponding to the beta parameter on the real-valued batch-normalization, but in the complex-valued space.

  • gamma_rr (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the gamma between real-parts.

  • gamma_ri (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the gamma between real-parts and imaginary-parts.

  • gamma_ii (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the gamma between imaginary-parts.

  • scale (bool, optional) – It defines if scaling should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization scaling (default True).

  • center (bool, optional,) – It defines if centering should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization centering (default True).

  • layernorm (bool, optional) – It defines is c_standardization is called from a layernorm or a batchnorm layer (default False).

  • dim (int, optional) – It defines the axis that should be considered as the complex-valued axis (divided by 2 to get r and i) (default -1).

Return type:

The complex normed tensor.

speechbrain.nnet.complex_networks.c_normalization.c_standardization(input_centred, Vrr, Vii, Vri, layernorm=False, dim=-1)[source]

This function is used to standardize a centered tensor of complex numbers (mean of the set must be 0).

  • input_centred (torch.Tensor) – It is the tensor to be normalized. The features dimension is divided by 2 with the first half corresponding to the real-parts and the second half to the imaginary parts.

  • Vrr (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the covariance between real-parts.

  • Vii (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the covariance between imaginary-parts.

  • Vri (torch.Tensor) – It is a tensor that contains the covariance between real-parts and imaginary-parts.

  • layernorm (bool, optional) – It defines is c_standardization is called from a layernorm or a batchnorm layer (default False).

  • dim (int, optional) – It defines the axis that should be considered as the complex-valued axis (divided by 2 to get r and i) (default -1).

Return type:

The standardizes centered tensor.