Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.huggingface

"""This lobe is the interface for huggingface transformers models
It enables loading config and model via AutoConfig & AutoModel.

Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed:

 * Titouan Parcollet 2021, 2022, 2023
 * Mirco Ravanelli 2021
 * Boumadane Abdelmoumene 2021
 * Ju-Chieh Chou 2021
 * Artem Ploujnikov 2021, 2022
 * Abdel Heba 2021
 * Aku Rouhe 2022
 * Arseniy Gorin 2022
 * Ali Safaya 2022
 * Benoit Wang 2022
 * Adel Moumen 2022, 2023
 * Andreas Nautsch 2022, 2023
 * Luca Della Libera 2022
 * Heitor Guimarães 2022
 * Ha Nguyen 2023

import os
import pathlib

import torch
from huggingface_hub import model_info
from torch import nn
from transformers import (

from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import length_to_mask
from speechbrain.utils.fetching import fetch
from speechbrain.utils.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class HFTransformersInterface(nn.Module): """This lobe provides an interface for integrating any HuggingFace transformer model within SpeechBrain. We use AutoClasses for loading any model from the hub and its necessary components. For example, we build Wav2Vec2 class which inherits HFTransformersInterface for working with HuggingFace's wav2vec models. While Wav2Vec2 can enjoy some already built features like modeling loading, pretrained weights loading, all weights freezing, feature_extractor loading, etc. Users are expected to override the essential forward() function to fit their specific needs. Depending on the HuggingFace transformer model in question, one can also modify the state_dict by overwriting the _modify_state_dict() method, or adapting their config by modifying override_config() method, etc. See: Arguments --------- source : str HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" save_path : str save directory of the downloaded model. for_pretraining: bool (default: False) If True, build the model for pretraining with_lm_head : bool (default: False) If True, build the model with lm_head with_casual_lm : bool (default: False) If True, build casual lm model seq2seqlm : bool (default: False) If True, build a sequence-to-sequence model with lm_head quantization_config : dict (default: None) Quantization config, extremely useful for deadling with LLM freeze : bool (default: True) If True, the model is frozen. If False, the model will be trained alongside with the rest of the pipeline. cache_dir : str or Path (default: None) Location of HuggingFace cache for storing pre-trained models, to which symlinks are created. device : any, optional Device to migrate the model to. **kwargs Extra keyword arguments passed to the `from_pretrained` function. Example ------- >>> model_hub = "facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h" >>> save_path = "tmp" >>> model = HFTransformersInterface(model_hub, save_path=save_path) """ def __init__( self, source, save_path="", for_pretraining=False, with_lm_head=False, with_casual_lm=False, seq2seqlm=False, quantization_config=None, freeze=False, cache_dir="pretrained_models", device=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() # Whether or not to allow for custom models defined on the Hub in their own modeling files. # This option should only be set to True for repositories you trust and in which you have read the code, # as it will execute code present on the Hub on your local machin trust_remote_code = kwargs.get("trust_remote_code", False) # Fetch config self.config, _unused_kwargs = AutoConfig.from_pretrained( source, cache_dir=save_path, return_unused_kwargs=True, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, ) self.config = self.override_config(self.config) self.quantization_config = quantization_config self.for_pretraining = for_pretraining if self.for_pretraining: self.auto_class = AutoModelForPreTraining elif with_lm_head: self.auto_class = AutoModelWithLMHead elif with_casual_lm: self.auto_class = AutoModelForCausalLM elif seq2seqlm: self.auto_class = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM else: self.auto_class = AutoModel # Download model self._from_pretrained( source, save_path=save_path, cache_dir=cache_dir, device=device, **kwargs, ) # Prepare for training, fine-tuning, or inference self.freeze = freeze if self.freeze: logger.warning( f"speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.huggingface - {type(self.model).__name__} is frozen." ) self.freeze_model(self.model) else: self.model.gradient_checkpointing_disable() # Required by DDP self.model.train() def _from_pretrained( self, source, save_path, cache_dir, device=None, **kwargs, ): """This function manages the source checking and loading of the params. # 1. Is the model from HF or a local path # 2. Is the model pretrained with HF or SpeechBrain # 3. Download (if appropriate) and load with respect to 1. and 2. Arguments --------- source : str HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" save_path : str Path (dir) of the downloaded model. cache_dir : str Path (dir) in which a downloaded pretrained model configuration should be cached. device : any, optional Device to migrate the model to. **kwargs Extra keyword arguments passed to `from_pretrained` function. """ is_sb, ckpt_file, is_local = self._check_model_source(source, save_path) if is_sb or self.for_pretraining: self.model = self.auto_class.from_config(self.config) if is_sb: self.model.gradient_checkpointing_disable() # Required by DDP # fetch the checkpoint file ckpt_full_path = fetch( filename=ckpt_file, source=source, savedir=save_path, ) # We transfer the parameters from the checkpoint. self._load_sb_pretrained_parameters(ckpt_full_path) elif not self.for_pretraining: self.model = self.auto_class.from_pretrained( source, config=self.config, cache_dir=save_path, quantization_config=self.quantization_config, **kwargs, ) if device is not None: def _check_model_source(self, path, save_path): """Checks if the pretrained model has been trained with SpeechBrain and is hosted locally or on a HuggingFace hub. Called as static function in HFTransformersInterface._from_pretrained. Arguments --------- path : str Used as "source"; local path or HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" save_path : str norm_output (dir) of the downloaded model. Returns ------- is_sb : bool Whether/not the model is deserializable w/ SpeechBrain or not (then, model conversion is needed). checkpoint_filename : str as of HuggingFace documentation: file name relative to the repo root (guaranteed to be here). is_local : bool Whether/not the model is hosted locally or on a HuggingFace hub. Raises ------ ValueError If file is not found """ checkpoint_filename = "" source = pathlib.Path(path) is_local = True # If path is a huggingface hub. if not source.exists(): is_local = False # Check if source is downloaded already sink = pathlib.Path( save_path + "/models--" + path.replace("/", "--") + "/snapshots" ) if sink.exists(): sink = ( sink / os.listdir(str(sink))[0] ) # there's a hash-id subfolder if any( File.endswith((".bin", ".safetensors", ".ckpt")) for File in os.listdir(str(sink)) ): is_local = True local_path = str(sink) else: local_path = path else: local_path = path if is_local: # Test for HuggingFace model if any( File.endswith((".bin", ".safetensors")) for File in os.listdir(local_path) ): is_sb = False return is_sb, checkpoint_filename, is_local # Test for SpeechBrain model and get the filename. for File in os.listdir(local_path): if File.endswith(".ckpt"): checkpoint_filename = os.path.join(path, File) is_sb = True return is_sb, checkpoint_filename, is_local else: files = model_info( path ).siblings # get the list of files of the Hub # Test if it's an HuggingFace model or a SB one for File in files: if File.rfilename.endswith(".ckpt"): checkpoint_filename = File.rfilename is_sb = True return is_sb, checkpoint_filename, is_local for File in files: if File.rfilename.endswith((".bin", ".safetensors")): checkpoint_filename = File.rfilename is_sb = False return is_sb, checkpoint_filename, is_local err_msg = f"{path} does not contain a .bin, .safetensors or .ckpt checkpoint !" raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) def _modify_state_dict(self, path, **kwargs): """A custom loading ensures SpeechBrain compatibility for pretrain and model. For example, wav2vec2 model pretrained with SB (Wav2Vec2Pretrain) has slightly different keys from Wav2Vec2. This method handle the compatibility between the two. Users should modify this function according to their own tasks. Arguments --------- path : str Checkpoint path, file name relative to the repo root. **kwargs : dict Args to forward """ pass def _load_sb_pretrained_parameters(self, path): """Loads the parameter of a HuggingFace model pretrained with SpeechBrain and the HuggingFace Pretrain Object. It is necessary to perform a custom loading because HuggingFace adds a level to the checkpoint when storing the model breaking the compatibility Pretrain and model de/serialization. For example, a typical Wav2Vec2 checkpoint for a given parameter would be: while for Wav2Vec2Pretrain it is: (wav2vec2 must be removed before loading). Arguments --------- path : pathlib.Path The full path to the checkpoint. """ modified_state_dict = self._modify_state_dict(path) if modified_state_dict is None: modified_state_dict = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu") incompatible_keys = self.model.load_state_dict( modified_state_dict, strict=False ) for missing_key in incompatible_keys.missing_keys: logger.warning( f"During parameter transfer to {self.model} loading from " + f"{path}, the transferred parameters did not have " + f"parameters for the key: {missing_key}" ) for unexpected_key in incompatible_keys.unexpected_keys: logger.warning( f"The param with the key: {unexpected_key} is discarded as it " + f"is useless for finetuning this {type(self.model).__name__} model." )
[docs] def forward(self, **kwargs): """Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def forward_encoder(self, **kwargs): """Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def forward_decoder(self, **kwargs): """Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def decode(self, **kwargs): """Might be useful for models like mbart, which can exploit SB's beamsearch for inference Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def encode(self, **kwargs): """Custom encoding for inference Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def freeze_model(self, model): """ Freezes parameters of a model. This should be overridden too, depending on users' needs, for example, adapters use. Arguments --------- model : from AutoModel.from_config Valid HuggingFace transformers model object. """ model.eval() for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False
[docs] def override_config(self, config): """Users should modify this function according to their own tasks. Arguments --------- config : HuggingFace config object The original config. Returns ------- config : HuggingFace config object Overridden config. """ return config
[docs] def load_feature_extractor(self, source, cache_dir, **kwarg): """Load model's feature_extractor from the hub. Arguments --------- source : str HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" cache_dir : str Path (dir) in which a downloaded pretrained model configuration should be cached. **kwarg Keyword arguments to pass to the AutoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained() method. """ self.feature_extractor = AutoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained( source, cache_dir=cache_dir, **kwarg )
[docs] def load_tokenizer(self, source, **kwarg): """Load model's tokenizer from the hub. Arguments --------- source : str HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" **kwarg Keyword arguments to pass to the AutoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained() method. """ self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(source, **kwarg)
[docs] def make_padding_masks(src, wav_len=None, pad_idx=0): """This method generates the padding masks. Arguments --------- src : tensor The sequence to the encoder (required). wav_len : tensor The relative length of the wav given in SpeechBrain format. pad_idx : int The index for <pad> token (default=0). Returns ------- src_key_padding_mask : tensor The padding mask. """ src_key_padding_mask = None if wav_len is not None: abs_len = torch.round(wav_len * src.shape[1]) src_key_padding_mask = length_to_mask(abs_len).bool() return src_key_padding_mask