Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.DiffWave

Neural network modules for DIFFWAVE:

For more details:

 * Yingzhi WANG 2022

# This code uses a significant portion of the LMNT implementation, even though it
# has been modified and enhanced

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from math import sqrt

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchaudio import transforms

from speechbrain.nnet import linear
from speechbrain.nnet.CNN import Conv1d
from speechbrain.nnet.diffusion import DenoisingDiffusion

Linear = linear.Linear
ConvTranspose2d = nn.ConvTranspose2d

def silu(x):
    """sigmoid linear unit activation function"""
    return x * torch.sigmoid(x)

[docs] def diffwave_mel_spectogram( sample_rate, hop_length, win_length, n_fft, n_mels, f_min, f_max, power, normalized, norm, mel_scale, audio, ): """calculates MelSpectrogram for a raw audio signal and preprocesses it for diffwave training Arguments --------- sample_rate : int Sample rate of audio signal. hop_length : int Length of hop between STFT windows. win_length : int Window size. n_fft : int Size of FFT. n_mels : int Number of mel filterbanks. f_min : float Minimum frequency. f_max : float Maximum frequency. power : float Exponent for the magnitude spectrogram. normalized : bool Whether to normalize by magnitude after stft. norm : str or None If "slaney", divide the triangular mel weights by the width of the mel band mel_scale : str Scale to use: "htk" or "slaney". audio : torch.tensor input audio signal Returns ------- mel : torch.Tensor """ audio_to_mel = transforms.MelSpectrogram( sample_rate=sample_rate, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length, n_fft=n_fft, n_mels=n_mels, f_min=f_min, f_max=f_max, power=power, normalized=normalized, norm=norm, mel_scale=mel_scale, ).to(audio.device) mel = audio_to_mel(torch.clamp(audio, -1.0, 1.0)) mel = 20 * torch.log10(torch.clamp(mel, min=1e-5)) - 20 mel = torch.clamp((mel + 100) / 100, 0.0, 1.0) return mel
[docs] class DiffusionEmbedding(nn.Module): """Embeds the diffusion step into an input vector of DiffWave Arguments --------- max_steps: int total diffusion steps Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.lobes.models.DiffWave import DiffusionEmbedding >>> diffusion_embedding = DiffusionEmbedding(max_steps=50) >>> time_step = torch.randint(50, (1,)) >>> step_embedding = diffusion_embedding(time_step) >>> step_embedding.shape torch.Size([1, 512]) """ def __init__(self, max_steps): super().__init__() self.register_buffer( "embedding", self._build_embedding(max_steps), persistent=False ) self.projection1 = Linear(input_size=128, n_neurons=512) self.projection2 = Linear(input_size=512, n_neurons=512)
[docs] def forward(self, diffusion_step): """forward function of diffusion step embedding Arguments --------- diffusion_step: torch.Tensor which step of diffusion to execute Returns ------- diffusion step embedding: tensor [bs, 512] """ if diffusion_step.dtype in [torch.int32, torch.int64]: x = self.embedding[diffusion_step] else: x = self._lerp_embedding(diffusion_step) x = self.projection1(x) x = silu(x) x = self.projection2(x) x = silu(x) return x
def _lerp_embedding(self, t): """Deals with the cases where diffusion_step is not int Arguments --------- t: torch.Tensor which step of diffusion to execute Returns ------- embedding : torch.Tensor """ low_idx = torch.floor(t).long() high_idx = torch.ceil(t).long() low = self.embedding[low_idx] high = self.embedding[high_idx] return low + (high - low) * (t - low_idx) def _build_embedding(self, max_steps): """Build embeddings in a designed way Arguments --------- max_steps: int total diffusion steps Returns ------- table: torch.Tensor """ steps = torch.arange(max_steps).unsqueeze(1) # [T,1] dims = torch.arange(64).unsqueeze(0) # [1,64] table = steps * 10.0 ** (dims * 4.0 / 63.0) # [T,64] table =[torch.sin(table), torch.cos(table)], dim=1) return table
[docs] class SpectrogramUpsampler(nn.Module): """Upsampler for spectrograms with Transposed Conv Only the upsampling is done here, the layer-specific Conv can be found in residual block to map the mel bands into 2× residual channels Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.lobes.models.DiffWave import SpectrogramUpsampler >>> spec_upsampler = SpectrogramUpsampler() >>> mel_input = torch.rand(3, 80, 100) >>> upsampled_mel = spec_upsampler(mel_input) >>> upsampled_mel.shape torch.Size([3, 80, 25600]) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = ConvTranspose2d( 1, 1, [3, 32], stride=[1, 16], padding=[1, 8] ) self.conv2 = ConvTranspose2d( 1, 1, [3, 32], stride=[1, 16], padding=[1, 8] )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Upsamples spectrograms 256 times to match the length of audios Hop length should be 256 when extracting mel spectrograms Arguments --------- x: torch.Tensor input mel spectrogram [bs, 80, mel_len] Returns ------- upsampled spectrogram [bs, 80, mel_len*256] """ x = torch.unsqueeze(x, 1) x = self.conv1(x) x = F.leaky_relu(x, 0.4) x = self.conv2(x) x = F.leaky_relu(x, 0.4) x = torch.squeeze(x, 1) return x
[docs] class ResidualBlock(nn.Module): """ Residual Block with dilated convolution Arguments --------- n_mels: int input mel channels of conv1x1 for conditional vocoding task residual_channels: int channels of audio convolution dilation: int dilation cycles of audio convolution uncond: bool conditional/unconditional generation Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.lobes.models.DiffWave import ResidualBlock >>> res_block = ResidualBlock(n_mels=80, residual_channels=64, dilation=3) >>> noisy_audio = torch.randn(1, 1, 22050) >>> timestep_embedding = torch.rand(1, 512) >>> upsampled_mel = torch.rand(1, 80, 22050) >>> output = res_block(noisy_audio, timestep_embedding, upsampled_mel) >>> output[0].shape torch.Size([1, 64, 22050]) """ def __init__(self, n_mels, residual_channels, dilation, uncond=False): super().__init__() self.dilated_conv = Conv1d( in_channels=residual_channels, out_channels=2 * residual_channels, kernel_size=3, dilation=dilation, skip_transpose=True, padding="same", conv_init="kaiming", ) self.diffusion_projection = Linear( input_size=512, n_neurons=residual_channels ) # conditional model if not uncond: self.conditioner_projection = Conv1d( in_channels=n_mels, out_channels=2 * residual_channels, kernel_size=1, skip_transpose=True, padding="same", conv_init="kaiming", ) # unconditional model else: self.conditioner_projection = None self.output_projection = Conv1d( in_channels=residual_channels, out_channels=2 * residual_channels, kernel_size=1, skip_transpose=True, padding="same", conv_init="kaiming", )
[docs] def forward(self, x, diffusion_step, conditioner=None): """ forward function of Residual Block Arguments --------- x: torch.Tensor input sample [bs, 1, time] diffusion_step: torch.Tensor the embedding of which step of diffusion to execute conditioner: torch.Tensor the condition used for conditional generation Returns ------- residual output [bs, residual_channels, time] a skip of residual branch [bs, residual_channels, time] """ assert ( conditioner is None and self.conditioner_projection is None ) or ( conditioner is not None and self.conditioner_projection is not None ) diffusion_step = self.diffusion_projection(diffusion_step).unsqueeze(-1) y = x + diffusion_step if self.conditioner_projection is None: # using a unconditional model y = self.dilated_conv(y) else: conditioner = self.conditioner_projection(conditioner) # for inference make sure that they have the same length # conditioner = conditioner[:, :, y.shape[-1]] y = self.dilated_conv(y) + conditioner gate, filter = torch.chunk(y, 2, dim=1) y = torch.sigmoid(gate) * torch.tanh(filter) y = self.output_projection(y) residual, skip = torch.chunk(y, 2, dim=1) return (x + residual) / sqrt(2.0), skip
[docs] class DiffWave(nn.Module): """ DiffWave Model with dilated residual blocks Arguments --------- input_channels: int input mel channels of conv1x1 for conditional vocoding task residual_layers: int number of residual blocks residual_channels: int channels of audio convolution dilation_cycle_length: int dilation cycles of audio convolution total_steps: int total steps of diffusion unconditional: bool conditional/unconditional generation Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.lobes.models.DiffWave import DiffWave >>> diffwave = DiffWave( ... input_channels=80, ... residual_layers=30, ... residual_channels=64, ... dilation_cycle_length=10, ... total_steps=50, ... ) >>> noisy_audio = torch.randn(1, 1, 25600) >>> timestep = torch.randint(50, (1,)) >>> input_mel = torch.rand(1, 80, 100) >>> predicted_noise = diffwave(noisy_audio, timestep, input_mel) >>> predicted_noise.shape torch.Size([1, 1, 25600]) """ def __init__( self, input_channels, residual_layers, residual_channels, dilation_cycle_length, total_steps, unconditional=False, ): super().__init__() self.input_channels = input_channels self.residual_layers = residual_layers self.residual_channels = residual_channels self.dilation_cycle_length = dilation_cycle_length self.unconditional = unconditional self.total_steps = total_steps self.input_projection = Conv1d( in_channels=1, out_channels=self.residual_channels, kernel_size=1, skip_transpose=True, padding="same", conv_init="kaiming", ) self.diffusion_embedding = DiffusionEmbedding(self.total_steps) if self.unconditional: # use unconditional model self.spectrogram_upsampler = None else: self.spectrogram_upsampler = SpectrogramUpsampler() self.residual_layers = nn.ModuleList( [ ResidualBlock( self.input_channels, self.residual_channels, 2 ** (i % self.dilation_cycle_length), uncond=self.unconditional, ) for i in range(self.residual_layers) ] ) self.skip_projection = Conv1d( in_channels=self.residual_channels, out_channels=self.residual_channels, kernel_size=1, skip_transpose=True, padding="same", conv_init="kaiming", ) self.output_projection = Conv1d( in_channels=self.residual_channels, out_channels=1, kernel_size=1, skip_transpose=True, padding="same", conv_init="zero", )
[docs] def forward(self, audio, diffusion_step, spectrogram=None, length=None): """ DiffWave forward function Arguments --------- audio: torch.Tensor input gaussian sample [bs, 1, time] diffusion_step: torch.Tensor which timestep of diffusion to execute [bs, 1] spectrogram: torch.Tensor spectrogram data [bs, 80, mel_len] length: torch.Tensor sample lengths - not used - provided for compatibility only Returns ------- predicted noise [bs, 1, time] """ assert (spectrogram is None and self.spectrogram_upsampler is None) or ( spectrogram is not None and self.spectrogram_upsampler is not None ) x = self.input_projection(audio) x = F.relu(x) diffusion_step = self.diffusion_embedding(diffusion_step) if self.spectrogram_upsampler: # use conditional model spectrogram = self.spectrogram_upsampler(spectrogram) skip = None for layer in self.residual_layers: x, skip_connection = layer(x, diffusion_step, spectrogram) skip = skip_connection if skip is None else skip_connection + skip x = skip / sqrt(len(self.residual_layers)) x = self.skip_projection(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.output_projection(x) return x
[docs] def diffusion_forward( self, x, timesteps, cond_emb=None, length=None, out_mask_value=None, # unused for diffwave latent_mask_value=None, # unused for diffwave ): """Forward function suitable for wrapping by diffusion. For this model, `out_mask_value`/`latent_mask_value` are unused and discarded. See :meth:`~DiffWave.forward` for details.""" return self(x, timesteps, spectrogram=cond_emb, length=length)
[docs] class DiffWaveDiffusion(DenoisingDiffusion): """An enhanced diffusion implementation with DiffWave-specific inference Arguments --------- model: nn.Module the underlying model timesteps: int the total number of timesteps noise: str|nn.Module the type of noise being used "gaussian" will produce standard Gaussian noise beta_start: float the value of the "beta" parameter at the beginning of the process (see DiffWave paper) beta_end: float the value of the "beta" parameter at the end of the process sample_min: float sample_max: float Used to clip the output. show_progress: bool whether to show progress during inference Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.lobes.models.DiffWave import DiffWave >>> diffwave = DiffWave( ... input_channels=80, ... residual_layers=30, ... residual_channels=64, ... dilation_cycle_length=10, ... total_steps=50, ... ) >>> from speechbrain.lobes.models.DiffWave import DiffWaveDiffusion >>> from speechbrain.nnet.diffusion import GaussianNoise >>> diffusion = DiffWaveDiffusion( ... model=diffwave, ... beta_start=0.0001, ... beta_end=0.05, ... timesteps=50, ... noise=GaussianNoise, ... ) >>> input_mel = torch.rand(1, 80, 100) >>> output = diffusion.inference( ... unconditional=False, ... scale=256, ... condition=input_mel, ... fast_sampling=True, ... fast_sampling_noise_schedule=[0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5], ... ) >>> output.shape torch.Size([1, 25600]) """ def __init__( self, model, timesteps=None, noise=None, beta_start=None, beta_end=None, sample_min=None, sample_max=None, show_progress=False, ): super().__init__( model, timesteps, noise, beta_start, beta_end, sample_min, sample_max, show_progress, )
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def inference( self, unconditional, scale, condition=None, fast_sampling=False, fast_sampling_noise_schedule=None, device=None, ): """Processes the inference for diffwave One inference function for all the locally/globally conditional generation and unconditional generation tasks Arguments --------- unconditional: bool do unconditional generation if True, else do conditional generation scale: int scale to get the final output wave length for conditional generation, the output wave length is scale * condition.shape[-1] for example, if the condition is spectrogram (bs, n_mel, time), scale should be hop length for unconditional generation, scale should be the desired audio length condition: torch.Tensor input spectrogram for vocoding or other conditions for other conditional generation, should be None for unconditional generation fast_sampling: bool whether to do fast sampling fast_sampling_noise_schedule: list the noise schedules used for fast sampling device: str|torch.device inference device Returns ------- predicted_sample: torch.Tensor the predicted audio (bs, 1, t) """ if device is None: device = torch.device("cuda") # either condition or uncondition if unconditional: assert condition is None else: assert condition is not None device = condition.device # must define fast_sampling_noise_schedule during fast sampling if fast_sampling: assert fast_sampling_noise_schedule is not None if fast_sampling and fast_sampling_noise_schedule is not None: inference_noise_schedule = fast_sampling_noise_schedule inference_alphas = 1 - torch.tensor(inference_noise_schedule) inference_alpha_cum = inference_alphas.cumprod(dim=0) else: inference_noise_schedule = self.betas inference_alphas = self.alphas inference_alpha_cum = self.alphas_cumprod inference_steps = [] for s in range(len(inference_noise_schedule)): for t in range(self.timesteps - 1): if ( self.alphas_cumprod[t + 1] <= inference_alpha_cum[s] <= self.alphas_cumprod[t] ): twiddle = ( self.alphas_cumprod[t] ** 0.5 - inference_alpha_cum[s] ** 0.5 ) / ( self.alphas_cumprod[t] ** 0.5 - self.alphas_cumprod[t + 1] ** 0.5 ) inference_steps.append(t + twiddle) break if not unconditional: if ( len(condition.shape) == 2 ): # Expand rank 2 tensors by adding a batch dimension. condition = condition.unsqueeze(0) audio = torch.randn( condition.shape[0], scale * condition.shape[-1], device=device ) else: audio = torch.randn(1, scale, device=device) # noise_scale = torch.from_numpy(alpha_cum**0.5).float().unsqueeze(1).to(device) for n in range(len(inference_alphas) - 1, -1, -1): c1 = 1 / inference_alphas[n] ** 0.5 c2 = ( inference_noise_schedule[n] / (1 - inference_alpha_cum[n]) ** 0.5 ) # predict noise noise_pred = self.model( audio, torch.tensor([inference_steps[n]], device=device), condition, ).squeeze(1) # mean audio = c1 * (audio - c2 * noise_pred) # add variance if n > 0: noise = torch.randn_like(audio) sigma = ( (1.0 - inference_alpha_cum[n - 1]) / (1.0 - inference_alpha_cum[n]) * inference_noise_schedule[n] ) ** 0.5 audio += sigma * noise audio = torch.clamp(audio, -1.0, 1.0) return audio