Source code for speechbrain.inference.vocoders

""" Specifies the inference interfaces for Text-To-Speech (TTS) modules.

 * Aku Rouhe 2021
 * Peter Plantinga 2021
 * Loren Lugosch 2020
 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
 * Titouan Parcollet 2021
 * Abdel Heba 2021
 * Andreas Nautsch 2022, 2023
 * Pooneh Mousavi 2023
 * Sylvain de Langen 2023
 * Adel Moumen 2023
 * Pradnya Kandarkar 2023
import logging
import torch
from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import length_to_mask
from speechbrain.inference.interfaces import Pretrained

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class HIFIGAN(Pretrained): """ A ready-to-use wrapper for HiFiGAN (mel_spec -> waveform). Arguments --------- hparams Hyperparameters (from HyperPyYAML) Example ------- >>> tmpdir_vocoder = getfixture('tmpdir') / "vocoder" >>> hifi_gan = HIFIGAN.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/tts-hifigan-ljspeech", savedir=tmpdir_vocoder) >>> mel_specs = torch.rand(2, 80,298) >>> waveforms = hifi_gan.decode_batch(mel_specs) >>> # You can use the vocoder coupled with a TTS system >>> # Initialize TTS (tacotron2) >>> tmpdir_tts = getfixture('tmpdir') / "tts" >>> from speechbrain.inference.TTS import Tacotron2 >>> tacotron2 = Tacotron2.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/tts-tacotron2-ljspeech", savedir=tmpdir_tts) >>> # Running the TTS >>> mel_output, mel_length, alignment = tacotron2.encode_text("Mary had a little lamb") >>> # Running Vocoder (spectrogram-to-waveform) >>> waveforms = hifi_gan.decode_batch(mel_output) """ HPARAMS_NEEDED = ["generator"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.infer = self.hparams.generator.inference self.first_call = True
[docs] def decode_batch(self, spectrogram, mel_lens=None, hop_len=None): """Computes waveforms from a batch of mel-spectrograms Arguments --------- spectrogram: torch.Tensor Batch of mel-spectrograms [batch, mels, time] mel_lens: torch.tensor A list of lengths of mel-spectrograms for the batch Can be obtained from the output of Tacotron/FastSpeech hop_len: int hop length used for mel-spectrogram extraction should be the same value as in the .yaml file Returns ------- waveforms: torch.Tensor Batch of mel-waveforms [batch, 1, time] """ # Prepare for inference by removing the weight norm if self.first_call: self.hparams.generator.remove_weight_norm() self.first_call = False with torch.no_grad(): waveform = self.infer( # Mask the noise caused by padding during batch inference if mel_lens is not None and hop_len is not None: waveform = self.mask_noise(waveform, mel_lens, hop_len) return waveform
[docs] def mask_noise(self, waveform, mel_lens, hop_len): """Mask the noise caused by padding during batch inference Arguments --------- wavform: torch.tensor Batch of generated waveforms [batch, 1, time] mel_lens: torch.tensor A list of lengths of mel-spectrograms for the batch Can be obtained from the output of Tacotron/FastSpeech hop_len: int hop length used for mel-spectrogram extraction same value as in the .yaml file Returns ------- waveform: torch.tensor Batch of waveforms without padded noise [batch, 1, time] """ waveform = waveform.squeeze(1) # the correct audio length should be hop_len * mel_len mask = length_to_mask( mel_lens * hop_len, waveform.shape[1], device=waveform.device ).bool() waveform.masked_fill_(~mask, 0.0) return waveform.unsqueeze(1)
[docs] def decode_spectrogram(self, spectrogram): """Computes waveforms from a single mel-spectrogram Arguments --------- spectrogram: torch.Tensor mel-spectrogram [mels, time] Returns ------- waveform: torch.Tensor waveform [1, time] audio can be saved by: >>> import torchaudio >>> waveform = torch.rand(1, 666666) >>> sample_rate = 22050 >>>'tmpdir') / "test.wav"), waveform, sample_rate) """ if self.first_call: self.hparams.generator.remove_weight_norm() self.first_call = False with torch.no_grad(): waveform = self.infer(spectrogram.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)) return waveform.squeeze(0)
[docs] def forward(self, spectrogram): "Decodes the input spectrograms" return self.decode_batch(spectrogram)
[docs] class DiffWaveVocoder(Pretrained): """ A ready-to-use inference wrapper for DiffWave as vocoder. The wrapper allows to perform generative tasks: locally-conditional generation: mel_spec -> waveform Arguments --------- hparams Hyperparameters (from HyperPyYAML) """ HPARAMS_NEEDED = ["diffusion"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(self.hparams, "diffwave"): self.infer = self.hparams.diffusion.inference else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def decode_batch( self, mel, hop_len, mel_lens=None, fast_sampling=False, fast_sampling_noise_schedule=None, ): """Generate waveforms from spectrograms Arguments --------- mel: torch.tensor spectrogram [batch, mels, time] hop_len: int Hop length during mel-spectrogram extraction Should be the same value as in the .yaml file Used to determine the output wave length Also used to mask the noise for vocoding task mel_lens: torch.tensor Used to mask the noise caused by padding A list of lengths of mel-spectrograms for the batch Can be obtained from the output of Tacotron/FastSpeech fast_sampling: bool whether to do fast sampling fast_sampling_noise_schedule: list the noise schedules used for fast sampling Returns ------- waveforms: torch.tensor Batch of mel-waveforms [batch, 1, time] """ with torch.no_grad(): waveform = self.infer( unconditional=False, scale=hop_len,, fast_sampling=fast_sampling, fast_sampling_noise_schedule=fast_sampling_noise_schedule, ) # Mask the noise caused by padding during batch inference if mel_lens is not None and hop_len is not None: waveform = self.mask_noise(waveform, mel_lens, hop_len) return waveform
[docs] def mask_noise(self, waveform, mel_lens, hop_len): """Mask the noise caused by padding during batch inference Arguments --------- wavform: torch.tensor Batch of generated waveforms [batch, 1, time] mel_lens: torch.tensor A list of lengths of mel-spectrograms for the batch Can be obtained from the output of Tacotron/FastSpeech hop_len: int hop length used for mel-spectrogram extraction same value as in the .yaml file Returns ------- waveform: torch.tensor Batch of waveforms without padded noise [batch, 1, time] """ waveform = waveform.squeeze(1) # the correct audio length should be hop_len * mel_len mask = length_to_mask( mel_lens * hop_len, waveform.shape[1], device=waveform.device ).bool() waveform.masked_fill_(~mask, 0.0) return waveform.unsqueeze(1)
[docs] def decode_spectrogram( self, spectrogram, hop_len, fast_sampling=False, fast_sampling_noise_schedule=None, ): """Computes waveforms from a single mel-spectrogram Arguments --------- spectrogram: torch.tensor mel-spectrogram [mels, time] hop_len: int hop length used for mel-spectrogram extraction same value as in the .yaml file fast_sampling: bool whether to do fast sampling fast_sampling_noise_schedule: list the noise schedules used for fast sampling Returns ------- waveform: torch.tensor waveform [1, time] audio can be saved by: >>> import torchaudio >>> waveform = torch.rand(1, 666666) >>> sample_rate = 22050 >>>'tmpdir') / "test.wav"), waveform, sample_rate) """ with torch.no_grad(): waveform = self.infer( unconditional=False, scale=hop_len, condition=spectrogram.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device), fast_sampling=fast_sampling, fast_sampling_noise_schedule=fast_sampling_noise_schedule, ) return waveform.squeeze(0)
[docs] def forward(self, spectrogram): """Decodes the input spectrograms""" return self.decode_batch(spectrogram)
[docs] class UnitHIFIGAN(Pretrained): """ A ready-to-use wrapper for Unit HiFiGAN (discrete units -> waveform). Arguments --------- hparams Hyperparameters (from HyperPyYAML) Example ------- >>> tmpdir_vocoder = getfixture('tmpdir') / "vocoder" >>> hifi_gan = UnitHIFIGAN.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/tts-hifigan-unit-hubert-l6-k100-ljspeech", savedir=tmpdir_vocoder) >>> codes = torch.randint(0, 99, (100,)) >>> waveform = hifi_gan.decode_unit(codes) """ HPARAMS_NEEDED = ["generator"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.infer = self.hparams.generator.inference self.first_call = True # Temporary fix for mapping indices from the range [0, k] to [1, k+1] self.tokenize = True
[docs] def decode_batch(self, units): """Computes waveforms from a batch of discrete units Arguments --------- units: torch.tensor Batch of discrete units [batch, codes] Returns ------- waveforms: torch.tensor Batch of mel-waveforms [batch, 1, time] """ # Remove weight norm for inference if it's the first call if self.first_call: self.hparams.generator.remove_weight_norm() self.first_call = False # Ensure that the units sequence has a length of at least 4 if units.size(1) < 4: raise RuntimeError( "The 'units' argument should have a length of at least 4 because of padding size." ) # Increment units if tokenization is enabled if self.tokenize: # Avoid changing the input in-place units = units + 1 with torch.no_grad(): waveform = self.infer( return waveform
[docs] def decode_unit(self, units): """Computes waveforms from a single sequence of discrete units Arguments --------- units: torch.tensor codes: [time] Returns ------- waveform: torch.tensor waveform [1, time] """ # Remove weight norm for inference if it's the first call if self.first_call: self.hparams.generator.remove_weight_norm() self.first_call = False # Ensure that the units sequence has a length of at least 4 if units.size(0) < 4: raise RuntimeError( "The 'units' argument should have a length of at least 4 because of padding size." ) # Increment units if tokenization is enabled if self.tokenize: # Avoid changing the input in-place units = units + 1 with torch.no_grad(): waveform = self.infer(units.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)) return waveform.squeeze(0)
[docs] def forward(self, units): "Decodes the input units" return self.decode_batch(units)