Source code for speechbrain.inference.text

""" Specifies the inference interfaces for text-processing modules.

 * Aku Rouhe 2021
 * Peter Plantinga 2021
 * Loren Lugosch 2020
 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
 * Titouan Parcollet 2021
 * Abdel Heba 2021
 * Andreas Nautsch 2022, 2023
 * Pooneh Mousavi 2023
 * Sylvain de Langen 2023
 * Adel Moumen 2023
 * Pradnya Kandarkar 2023
import torch
from itertools import chain
from speechbrain.inference.interfaces import (

[docs] class GraphemeToPhoneme(Pretrained, EncodeDecodePipelineMixin): """ A pretrained model implementation for Grapheme-to-Phoneme (G2P) models that take raw natural language text as an input and Example ------- >>> text = ("English is tough. It can be understood " ... "through thorough thought though") >>> from speechbrain.inference.text import GraphemeToPhoneme >>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir') >>> g2p = GraphemeToPhoneme.from_hparams('path/to/model', savedir=tmpdir) # doctest: +SKIP >>> phonemes = g2p.g2p(text) # doctest: +SKIP """ INPUT_STATIC_KEYS = ["txt"] OUTPUT_KEYS = ["phonemes"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.create_pipelines() self.load_dependencies() @property def phonemes(self): """Returns the available phonemes""" return self.hparams.phonemes @property def language(self): """Returns the language for which this model is available""" return self.hparams.language
[docs] def g2p(self, text): """Performs the Grapheme-to-Phoneme conversion Arguments --------- text: str or list[str] a single string to be encoded to phonemes - or a sequence of strings Returns ------- result: list if a single example was provided, the return value is a single list of phonemes """ single = isinstance(text, str) if single: text = [text] model_inputs = self.encode_input({"txt": text}) self._update_graphemes(model_inputs) model_outputs = self.mods.model(**model_inputs) decoded_output = self.decode_output(model_outputs) phonemes = decoded_output["phonemes"] if single: phonemes = phonemes[0] return phonemes
def _update_graphemes(self, model_inputs): grapheme_sequence_mode = getattr(self.hparams, "grapheme_sequence_mode") if grapheme_sequence_mode and grapheme_sequence_mode != "raw": grapheme_encoded_key = f"grapheme_encoded_{grapheme_sequence_mode}" if grapheme_encoded_key in model_inputs: model_inputs["grapheme_encoded"] = model_inputs[ grapheme_encoded_key ]
[docs] def load_dependencies(self): """Loads any relevant model dependencies""" deps_pretrainer = getattr(self.hparams, "deps_pretrainer", None) if deps_pretrainer: deps_pretrainer.collect_files() deps_pretrainer.load_collected()
[docs] def __call__(self, text): """A convenience callable wrapper - same as G2P Arguments --------- text: str or list[str] a single string to be encoded to phonemes - or a sequence of strings Returns ------- result: list if a single example was provided, the return value is a single list of phonemes """ return self.g2p(text)
[docs] def forward(self, noisy, lengths=None): """Runs enhancement on the noisy input""" return self.enhance_batch(noisy, lengths)
[docs] class ResponseGenerator(Pretrained): """A ready-to-use Response Generator model The class can be used to generate and continue dialogue given the user input. The given YAML must contain the fields specified in the *_NEEDED[] lists. It needs to be used with to load the expanded model with added tokens like bos,eos, and speaker's tokens. """ MODULES_NEEDED = ["model"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Load model self.model = self.hparams.model self.tokenizer = self.model.tokenizer self.history_window = 2 * self.hparams.max_history + 1 self.history = []
[docs] def generate_response(self, turn): """ Complete a dialogue given the user's input. Arguments --------- turn: str User input which is the last turn of the dialogue. Returns ------- response Generated response for the user input based on the dialogue history. """ self.history.append(turn) inputs = self.prepare_input() hyps = self.generate(inputs) predicted_words = self.model.tokenizer.batch_decode( hyps[:, inputs[0].shape[1] :], skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True, ) response = predicted_words[0] self.history.append(response) return response
[docs] def prepare_input(self): """Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def generate(self): """Users should modify this function according to their own tasks.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class GPTResponseGenerator(ResponseGenerator): """A ready-to-use Response Generator model The class can be used to generate and continue dialogue given the user input. The given YAML must contain the fields specified in the *_NEEDED[] lists. It needs to be used with to load the expanded GPT model with added tokens like bos,eos, and speaker's tokens. Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.inference.text import GPTResponseGenerator >>> tmpdir = getfixture("tmpdir") >>> res_gen_model = GPTResponseGenerator.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/MultiWOZ-GPT-Response_Generation", ... savedir="tmpdir", ... pymodule_file="") # doctest: +SKIP >>> response = res_gen_model.generate_response("I want to book a table for dinner") # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # convert special tokens to their ids ( self.bos, self.eos, self.system, self.user, ) = self.model.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( self.hparams.special_tokens )
[docs] def generate(self, inputs): """ Complete a dialogue given the user's input. Arguments --------- inputs: tuple history_bos which is the tokenized history+input values with appropriate speaker token appended before each turn and history_token_type which determines the type of each token basd on who is uttered that token (either User or Sytem). Returns ------- response Generated hypothesis for the user input based on the dialogue history. """ history_bos, history_token_type = inputs padding_mask = ~self.hparams.padding_mask( history_bos, pad_idx=self.model.tokenizer.unk_token_id ) hyps = self.model.generate( history_bos.detach(), history_token_type.detach(), padding_mask.detach(), "beam", ) return hyps
[docs] def prepare_input(self): """Convert user input and previous histories to the format acceptable for GPT model. It appends all previous history and input and truncates it based on max_history value. It then tokenizes the input and generates additional input that determines the type of each token (Sytem or User). Arguments --------- Returns ------- history_bos: Tokenized history+input values with appropriate speaker token appended before each turn. history_token_type: Type of each token basd on who is uttered that token (either User or Sytem) """ history_tokens_lists = [ self.model.tokenizer.encode(turn) for turn in self.history ] # add speaker tokens to the history turns (user is even, system is odd) # BEFORE: [Hi how are you?], [I'm fine, thanks] # AFTER: [SPK_1 Hi how are you?], [SPK_2 I'm fine, thanks] history_input_lists = [ [self.user if i % 2 == 0 else self.system] + encoded_turn for i, encoded_turn in enumerate(history_tokens_lists) ] history_ids = history_input_lists[-self.history_window :] # concatenate every token into a single list # list(chain(*[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]])) # >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] history_ids = torch.LongTensor(list(chain(*history_ids))) # create bos version for the input history_bos = (torch.tensor([self.bos]), history_ids, torch.tensor([self.system])) ) # create a mapping that associates each token in the input to a speaker # INPUT: [SPK_1 Hi how are you? ], [SPK_2 I'm fine, thanks] # TYPE: [SPK_1 SPK_1 SPK_1 SPK_1 SPK_1], [SPK_2 SPK_2 SPK_2 SPK_2 ] history_token_type_lists = [ [self.user if i % 2 == 0 else self.system] * len(encoded_turn) for i, encoded_turn in enumerate(history_input_lists) ] history_token_type = torch.LongTensor( list( chain( *( [[self.system]] + history_token_type_lists[-self.history_window :] + [[self.system]] ) ) ) ) return history_bos.unsqueeze(0), history_token_type.unsqueeze(0)
[docs] class Llama2ResponseGenerator(ResponseGenerator): """A ready-to-use Response Generator model The class can be used to generate and continue dialogue given the user input. The given YAML must contain the fields specified in the *_NEEDED[] lists. It needs to be used with to load the expanded Llama2 model with added tokens like bos,eos, and speaker's tokens. Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.inference.text import Llama2ResponseGenerator >>> tmpdir = getfixture("tmpdir") >>> res_gen_model = Llama2ResponseGenerator.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/MultiWOZ-Llama2-Response_Generation", ... savedir="tmpdir", ... pymodule_file="") # doctest: +SKIP >>> response = res_gen_model.generate_response("I want to book a table for dinner") # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): run_opts = {"device": "cuda"} super().__init__(run_opts=run_opts, *args, **kwargs) # self.model ="cuda")
[docs] def generate(self, inputs): """ Complete a dialogue given the user's input. Arguments --------- inputs: prompt_bos prompted imputs to be passed to llama2 model for generation. Returns ------- response Generated hypothesis for the user input based on the dialogue history. """ prompt_bos = inputs[0].to(self.model.model.device) padding_mask = ~self.hparams.padding_mask( prompt_bos, pad_idx=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id ) hyps = self.model.generate( prompt_bos.detach(), padding_mask.detach(), "beam", ) return hyps
[docs] def prepare_input(self): """Convert user input and previous histories to the format acceptable for Llama2 model. It appends all previous history and input and truncates it based on max_history value. It then tokenizes the input and add propmts. Arguments --------- Returns ------- prompt_bos: Tokenized history+input values with appropriate prompt. """ def generate_prompt(idx_and_item): """add [INST] and [/INST] prompt to the start and end ogf item. Arguments --------- idx_and_item: id and its corresponding text. If the id is even, it is user turn and [ INST] is added. Returns ------- prompt_bos: prompted text for one item. """ index, item = idx_and_item if index % 2 == 0: return "[INST] " + item + " [/INST]" else: return item prompts = list(map(generate_prompt, enumerate(self.history))) # encode each turn of the history propmt_tokens_lists = [self.tokenizer.encode(turn) for turn in prompts] prompt_ids = propmt_tokens_lists[-self.history_window :] # concatenate every token into a single list # list(chain(*[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]])) # >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] prompt_ids = torch.LongTensor(list(chain(*prompt_ids))) # without bos for lm_labels # # create bos version for the input prompt_bos = (torch.tensor([self.tokenizer.bos_token_id]), prompt_ids) ) return prompt_bos.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(dim=0)