Source code for speechbrain.inference.interpretability

""" Specifies the inference interfaces for interpretability modules.

 * Aku Rouhe 2021
 * Peter Plantinga 2021
 * Loren Lugosch 2020
 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
 * Titouan Parcollet 2021
 * Abdel Heba 2021
 * Andreas Nautsch 2022, 2023
 * Pooneh Mousavi 2023
 * Sylvain de Langen 2023
 * Adel Moumen 2023
 * Pradnya Kandarkar 2023

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchaudio

import speechbrain
from speechbrain.inference.interfaces import Pretrained
from speechbrain.processing.NMF import spectral_phase
from speechbrain.utils.data_utils import split_path
from speechbrain.utils.fetching import LocalStrategy, fetch

[docs] class PIQAudioInterpreter(Pretrained): """ This class implements the interface for the PIQ posthoc interpreter for an audio classifier. Arguments --------- *args : tuple **kwargs : dict Arguments are forwarded to ``Pretrained`` parent class. Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.inference.interpretability import PIQAudioInterpreter >>> tmpdir = getfixture("tmpdir") >>> interpreter = PIQAudioInterpreter.from_hparams( ... source="speechbrain/PIQ-ESC50", ... savedir=tmpdir, ... ) >>> signal = torch.randn(1, 16000) >>> interpretation, _ = interpreter.interpret_batch(signal) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def preprocess(self, wavs): """Pre-process wavs to calculate STFTs""" X_stft = self.mods.compute_stft(wavs) X_stft_power = speechbrain.processing.features.spectral_magnitude( X_stft, power=self.hparams.spec_mag_power ) X_stft_logpower = torch.log1p(X_stft_power) return X_stft_logpower, X_stft, X_stft_power
[docs] def classifier_forward(self, X_stft_logpower): """the forward pass for the classifier""" hcat = self.mods.embedding_model(X_stft_logpower) embeddings = hcat.mean((-1, -2)) predictions = self.mods.classifier(embeddings).squeeze(1) class_pred = predictions.argmax(1) return hcat, embeddings, predictions, class_pred
[docs] def invert_stft_with_phase(self, X_int, X_stft_phase): """Inverts STFT spectra given phase.""" X_stft_phase_sb = ( torch.cos(X_stft_phase).unsqueeze(-1), torch.sin(X_stft_phase).unsqueeze(-1), ), dim=-1, ) X_stft_phase_sb = X_stft_phase_sb[:, : X_int.shape[1], :, :] if X_int.ndim == 3: X_int = X_int.unsqueeze(-1) X_wpsb = X_int * X_stft_phase_sb x_int_sb = self.mods.compute_istft(X_wpsb) return x_int_sb
[docs] def interpret_batch(self, wavs): """Classifies the given audio into the given set of labels. It also provides the interpretation in the audio domain. Arguments --------- wavs : torch.Tensor Batch of waveforms [batch, time, channels] or [batch, time] depending on the model. Make sure the sample rate is fs=16000 Hz. Returns ------- x_int_sound_domain : torch.Tensor The interpretation in the waveform domain text_lab : str The text label for the classification """ wavs = X_stft_logpower, X_stft, X_stft_power = self.preprocess(wavs) X_stft_phase = spectral_phase(X_stft) # Embeddings + sound classifier hcat, embeddings, predictions, class_pred = self.classifier_forward( X_stft_logpower ) if self.hparams.use_vq: xhat, hcat, z_q_x = self.mods.psi(hcat, class_pred) else: xhat = self.mods.psi.decoder(hcat) xhat = xhat.squeeze(1) Tmax = xhat.shape[1] if self.hparams.use_mask_output: xhat = F.sigmoid(xhat) X_int = xhat * X_stft_logpower[:, :Tmax, :] else: xhat = F.softplus(xhat) th = xhat.max() * self.hparams.mask_th X_int = (xhat > th) * X_stft_logpower[:, :Tmax, :] X_int = torch.expm1(X_int) x_int_sound_domain = self.invert_stft_with_phase(X_int, X_stft_phase) text_lab = self.hparams.label_encoder.decode_torch( class_pred.unsqueeze(0) ) return x_int_sound_domain, text_lab
[docs] def interpret_file(self, path, savedir=None): """Classifies the given audiofile into the given set of labels. It also provides the interpretation in the audio domain. Arguments --------- path : str Path to audio file to classify. savedir : str Path to cache directory. Returns ------- x_int_sound_domain : torch.Tensor The interpretation in the waveform domain text_lab : str The text label for the classification fs_model : int The sampling frequency of the model. Useful to save the audio. """ source, fl = split_path(path) path = fetch( fl, source=source, savedir=savedir, local_strategy=LocalStrategy.SYMLINK, ) batch, fs_file = torchaudio.load(path) batch = fs_model = self.hparams.sample_rate # resample the data if needed if fs_file != fs_model: print( "Resampling the audio from {} Hz to {} Hz".format( fs_file, fs_model ) ) tf = torchaudio.transforms.Resample( orig_freq=fs_file, new_freq=fs_model ).to(self.device) batch = batch.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) batch = tf(batch) x_int_sound_domain, text_lab = self.interpret_batch(batch) return x_int_sound_domain, text_lab, fs_model
[docs] def forward(self, wavs, wav_lens=None): """Runs the classification""" return self.interpret_batch(wavs, wav_lens)