Source code for speechbrain.inference.ST

""" Specifies the inference interfaces for Speech Translation (ST) modules.

 * Aku Rouhe 2021
 * Peter Plantinga 2021
 * Loren Lugosch 2020
 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
 * Titouan Parcollet 2021
 * Abdel Heba 2021
 * Andreas Nautsch 2022, 2023
 * Pooneh Mousavi 2023
 * Sylvain de Langen 2023
 * Adel Moumen 2023
 * Pradnya Kandarkar 2023
import torch
from speechbrain.inference.interfaces import Pretrained

[docs] class EncoderDecoderS2UT(Pretrained): """A ready-to-use Encoder Decoder for speech-to-unit translation model The class can be used to run the entire encoder-decoder S2UT model (translate_file()) to translate speech. The given YAML must contains the fields specified in the *_NEEDED[] lists. Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.inference.ST import EncoderDecoderS2UT >>> tmpdir = getfixture("tmpdir") >>> s2ut_model = EncoderDecoderS2UT.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/s2st-transformer-fr-en-hubert-l6-k100-cvss", savedir=tmpdir) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s2ut_model.translate_file("speechbrain/s2st-transformer-fr-en-hubert-l6-k100-cvss/example-fr.wav") # doctest: +SKIP """ HPARAMS_NEEDED = ["sample_rate"] MODULES_NEEDED = ["encoder", "decoder"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sample_rate = self.hparams.sample_rate
[docs] def translate_file(self, path): """Translates the given audiofile into a sequence speech unit. Arguments --------- path : str Path to audio file which to translate. Returns ------- int[] The audiofile translation produced by this speech-to-unit translationmodel. """ audio = self.load_audio(path) audio = # Fake a batch: batch = audio.unsqueeze(0) rel_length = torch.tensor([1.0]) predicted_tokens = self.translate_batch(batch, rel_length) return predicted_tokens[0]
[docs] def encode_batch(self, wavs, wav_lens): """Encodes the input audio into a sequence of hidden states The waveforms should already be in the model's desired format. You can call: ``normalized = EncoderDecoderS2UT.normalizer(signal, sample_rate)`` to get a correctly converted signal in most cases. Arguments --------- wavs : torch.tensor Batch of waveforms [batch, time, channels]. wav_lens : torch.tensor Lengths of the waveforms relative to the longest one in the batch, tensor of shape [batch]. The longest one should have relative length 1.0 and others len(waveform) / max_length. Used for ignoring padding. Returns ------- torch.tensor The encoded batch """ wavs = wavs.float() wavs, wav_lens =, encoder_out = self.mods.encoder(wavs, wav_lens) return encoder_out
[docs] def translate_batch(self, wavs, wav_lens): """Translates the input audio into a sequence of words The waveforms should already be in the model's desired format. You can call: ``normalized = EncoderDecoderS2UT.normalizer(signal, sample_rate)`` to get a correctly converted signal in most cases. Arguments --------- wavs : torch.tensor Batch of waveforms [batch, time, channels]. wav_lens : torch.tensor Lengths of the waveforms relative to the longest one in the batch, tensor of shape [batch]. The longest one should have relative length 1.0 and others len(waveform) / max_length. Used for ignoring padding. Returns ------- list Each waveform in the batch translated. tensor Each predicted token id. """ with torch.no_grad(): wav_lens = encoder_out = self.encode_batch(wavs, wav_lens) predicted_tokens, _, _, _ = self.mods.decoder(encoder_out, wav_lens) return predicted_tokens
[docs] def forward(self, wavs, wav_lens): """Runs full translation""" return self.encode_batch(wavs, wav_lens)