"""Time-Domain Sequential Data Augmentation Classes
This module contains classes designed for augmenting sequential data in the time domain.
It is particularly useful for enhancing the robustness of neural models during training.
The available data distortions include adding noise, applying reverberation, adjusting playback speed, and more.
All classes are implemented as `torch.nn.Module`, enabling end-to-end differentiability and gradient backpropagation.
- Peter Plantinga (2020)
- Mirco Ravanelli (2023)
# Importing libraries
import random
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchaudio
from speechbrain.dataio.dataloader import make_dataloader
from speechbrain.dataio.legacy import ExtendedCSVDataset
from speechbrain.processing.signal_processing import (
class AddNoise(torch.nn.Module):
"""This class additively combines a noise signal to the input signal.
csv_file : str
The name of a csv file containing the location of the
noise audio files. If none is provided, white noise will be used.
csv_keys : list, None, optional
Default: None . One data entry for the noise data should be specified.
If None, the csv file is expected to have only one data entry.
sorting : str
The order to iterate the csv file, from one of the
following options: random, original, ascending, and descending.
num_workers : int
Number of workers in the DataLoader (See PyTorch DataLoader docs).
snr_low : int
The low end of the mixing ratios, in decibels.
snr_high : int
The high end of the mixing ratios, in decibels.
pad_noise : bool
If True, copy noise signals that are shorter than
their corresponding clean signals so as to cover the whole clean
signal. Otherwise, leave the noise un-padded.
start_index : int
The index in the noise waveforms to start from. By default, chooses
a random index in [0, len(noise) - len(waveforms)].
normalize : bool
If True, output noisy signals that exceed [-1,1] will be
normalized to [-1,1].
noise_funct: funct object
function to use to draw a noisy sample. It is enabled if the csv files
containing the noisy sequences are not provided. By default,
torch.randn_like is used (to sample white noise). In general, it must
be a function that takes in input the original waveform and returns
a tensor with the corresponding noise to add (e.g., see pink_noise_like).
replacements : dict
A set of string replacements to carry out in the
csv file. Each time a key is found in the text, it will be replaced
with the corresponding value.
noise_sample_rate : int
The sample rate of the noise audio signals, so noise can be resampled
to the clean sample rate if necessary.
clean_sample_rate : int
The sample rate of the clean audio signals, so noise can be resampled
to the clean sample rate if necessary.
>>> import pytest
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> clean = signal.unsqueeze(0) # [batch, time, channels]
>>> noisifier = AddNoise('tests/samples/annotation/noise.csv',
... replacements={'noise_folder': 'tests/samples/noise'})
>>> noisy = noisifier(clean, torch.ones(1))
def __init__(
self.csv_file = csv_file
self.csv_keys = csv_keys
self.sorting = sorting
self.num_workers = num_workers
self.snr_low = snr_low
self.snr_high = snr_high
self.pad_noise = pad_noise
self.start_index = start_index
self.normalize = normalize
self.replacements = replacements
self.noise_funct = noise_funct
self.noise_sample_rate = noise_sample_rate
self.clean_sample_rate = clean_sample_rate
def forward(self, waveforms, lengths):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
lengths : torch.Tensor
Shape should be a single dimension, `[batch]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
# Copy clean waveform to initialize noisy waveform
noisy_waveform = waveforms.clone()
lengths = (lengths * waveforms.shape[1]).unsqueeze(1)
# Compute the average amplitude of the clean waveforms
clean_amplitude = compute_amplitude(waveforms, lengths, amp_type="rms")
# Pick an SNR and use it to compute the mixture amplitude factors
SNR = torch.rand(len(waveforms), 1, device=waveforms.device)
SNR = SNR * (self.snr_high - self.snr_low) + self.snr_low
noise_amplitude_factor = 1 / (dB_to_amplitude(SNR) + 1)
# Support for multichannel waveforms
if len(noisy_waveform.shape) == 3:
noise_amplitude_factor = noise_amplitude_factor.unsqueeze(1)
# Scale clean signal appropriately
new_noise_amplitude = noise_amplitude_factor * clean_amplitude
noisy_waveform *= 1 - noise_amplitude_factor
# Loop through clean samples and create mixture
if self.csv_file is None:
noise_waveform = self.noise_funct(waveforms)
if noise_waveform.shape[0] == 1:
noise_waveform = torch.cat(
[noise_waveform] * waveforms.shape[0], dim=0
noise_length = lengths
tensor_length = waveforms.shape[1]
noise_waveform, noise_length = self._load_noise(
lengths, tensor_length
# Rescale and add
noise_amplitude = compute_amplitude(
noise_waveform, noise_length, amp_type="rms"
noise_waveform *= new_noise_amplitude / (noise_amplitude + 1e-14)
noisy_waveform += noise_waveform
# Normalizing to prevent clipping
if self.normalize:
abs_max, _ = torch.max(
torch.abs(noisy_waveform), dim=1, keepdim=True
noisy_waveform = noisy_waveform / abs_max.clamp(min=1.0)
return noisy_waveform
def _load_noise(self, lengths, max_length):
"""Load a batch of noises"""
lengths = lengths.long().squeeze(1)
batch_size = len(lengths)
# Load a noise batch
if not hasattr(self, "data_loader"):
if self.noise_sample_rate != self.clean_sample_rate:
self.resampler = Resample(
self.noise_sample_rate, self.clean_sample_rate
# Set parameters based on input
self.device = lengths.device
# Create a data loader for the noise wavforms
if self.csv_file is not None:
dataset = ExtendedCSVDataset(
self.sorting if self.sorting != "random" else "original"
self.data_loader = make_dataloader(
shuffle=(self.sorting == "random"),
self.noise_data = iter(self.data_loader)
# Load noise to correct device
noise_batch, noise_len = self._load_noise_batch_of_size(batch_size)
noise_batch = noise_batch.to(lengths.device)
noise_len = noise_len.to(lengths.device)
# Resample noise if necessary
if hasattr(self, "resampler"):
noise_batch = self.resampler(noise_batch)
# Convert relative length to an index
noise_len = (noise_len * noise_batch.shape[1]).long()
# Ensure shortest wav can cover speech signal
if self.pad_noise:
while torch.any(noise_len < lengths):
min_len = torch.min(noise_len)
prepend = noise_batch[:, :min_len]
noise_batch = torch.cat((prepend, noise_batch), axis=1)
noise_len += min_len
# Ensure noise batch is long enough
elif noise_batch.size(1) < max_length:
padding = (0, max_length - noise_batch.size(1))
noise_batch = torch.nn.functional.pad(noise_batch, padding)
# Select a random starting location in the waveform
start_index = self.start_index
if self.start_index is None:
start_index = 0
max_chop = (noise_len - lengths).min().clamp(min=1)
start_index = torch.randint(
high=max_chop, size=(1,), device=lengths.device
# Truncate noise_batch to max_length
noise_batch = noise_batch[:, start_index : start_index + max_length]
noise_len = (noise_len - start_index).clamp(max=max_length).unsqueeze(1)
return noise_batch, noise_len
def _load_noise_batch_of_size(self, batch_size):
"""Concatenate noise batches, then chop to correct size"""
noise_batch, noise_lens = self._load_noise_batch()
# Expand
while len(noise_batch) < batch_size:
added_noise, added_lens = self._load_noise_batch()
noise_batch, noise_lens = AddNoise._concat_batch(
noise_batch, noise_lens, added_noise, added_lens
# Contract
if len(noise_batch) > batch_size:
noise_batch = noise_batch[:batch_size]
noise_lens = noise_lens[:batch_size]
return noise_batch, noise_lens
def _concat_batch(noise_batch, noise_lens, added_noise, added_lens):
"""Concatenate two noise batches of potentially different lengths"""
# pad shorter batch to correct length
noise_tensor_len = noise_batch.shape[1]
added_tensor_len = added_noise.shape[1]
pad = (0, abs(noise_tensor_len - added_tensor_len))
if noise_tensor_len > added_tensor_len:
added_noise = torch.nn.functional.pad(added_noise, pad)
added_lens = added_lens * added_tensor_len / noise_tensor_len
noise_batch = torch.nn.functional.pad(noise_batch, pad)
noise_lens = noise_lens * noise_tensor_len / added_tensor_len
noise_batch = torch.cat((noise_batch, added_noise))
noise_lens = torch.cat((noise_lens, added_lens))
return noise_batch, noise_lens
def _load_noise_batch(self):
"""Load a batch of noises, restarting iteration if necessary."""
# Don't necessarily know the key
noises, lens = next(self.noise_data).at_position(0)
except StopIteration:
self.noise_data = iter(self.data_loader)
noises, lens = next(self.noise_data).at_position(0)
return noises, lens
class AddReverb(torch.nn.Module):
"""This class convolves an audio signal with an impulse response.
csv_file : str
The name of a csv file containing the location of the
impulse response files.
sorting : str
The order to iterate the csv file, from one of
the following options: random, original, ascending, and descending.
num_workers : int
Number of workers in the DataLoader (See PyTorch DataLoader docs).
rir_scale_factor: float
It compresses or dilates the given impulse response.
If 0 < scale_factor < 1, the impulse response is compressed
(less reverb), while if scale_factor > 1 it is dilated
(more reverb).
replacements : dict
A set of string replacements to carry out in the
csv file. Each time a key is found in the text, it will be replaced
with the corresponding value.
reverb_sample_rate : int
The sample rate of the corruption signals (rirs), so that they
can be resampled to clean sample rate if necessary.
clean_sample_rate : int
The sample rate of the clean signals, so that the corruption
signals can be resampled to the clean sample rate before convolution.
>>> import pytest
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> clean = signal.unsqueeze(0) # [batch, time, channels]
>>> reverb = AddReverb('tests/samples/annotation/RIRs.csv',
... replacements={'rir_folder': 'tests/samples/RIRs'})
>>> reverbed = reverb(clean)
def __init__(
self.csv_file = csv_file
self.sorting = sorting
self.num_workers = num_workers
self.replacements = replacements
self.reverb_sample_rate = reverb_sample_rate
self.clean_sample_rate = clean_sample_rate
self.rir_scale_factor = rir_scale_factor
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
if self.reverb_sample_rate != self.clean_sample_rate:
self.resampler = Resample(
self.reverb_sample_rate, self.clean_sample_rate
# Add channels dimension if necessary
channel_added = False
if len(waveforms.shape) == 2:
waveforms = waveforms.unsqueeze(-1)
channel_added = True
# Load and prepare RIR
rir_waveform = self._load_rir(waveforms)
# Resample to correct rate
if hasattr(self, "resampler"):
rir_waveform = self.resampler(rir_waveform)
# Compress or dilate RIR
if self.rir_scale_factor != 1:
rir_waveform = F.interpolate(
rir_waveform.transpose(1, -1),
rir_waveform = rir_waveform.transpose(1, -1)
rev_waveform = reverberate(waveforms, rir_waveform, rescale_amp="avg")
# Remove channels dimension if added
if channel_added:
return rev_waveform.squeeze(-1)
return rev_waveform
def _load_rir(self, waveforms):
# Create a data loader for the RIR waveforms
if not hasattr(self, "data_loader"):
dataset = ExtendedCSVDataset(
self.sorting if self.sorting != "random" else "original"
self.data_loader = make_dataloader(
shuffle=(self.sorting == "random"),
self.rir_data = iter(self.data_loader)
rir_waveform, length = next(self.rir_data).at_position(0)
except StopIteration:
self.rir_data = iter(self.data_loader)
rir_waveform, length = next(self.rir_data).at_position(0)
# Make sure RIR has correct channels
if len(rir_waveform.shape) == 2:
rir_waveform = rir_waveform.unsqueeze(-1)
# Make sure RIR has correct type and device
rir_waveform = rir_waveform.type(waveforms.dtype)
return rir_waveform.to(waveforms.device)
class SpeedPerturb(torch.nn.Module):
"""Slightly speed up or slow down an audio signal.
Resample the audio signal at a rate that is similar to the original rate,
to achieve a slightly slower or slightly faster signal. This technique is
outlined in the paper: "Audio Augmentation for Speech Recognition"
orig_freq : int
The frequency of the original signal.
speeds : list
The speeds that the signal should be changed to, as a percentage of the
original signal (i.e. `speeds` is divided by 100 to get a ratio).
device : str
The device to use for the resampling.
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> perturbator = SpeedPerturb(orig_freq=16000, speeds=[90])
>>> clean = signal.unsqueeze(0)
>>> perturbed = perturbator(clean)
>>> clean.shape
torch.Size([1, 52173])
>>> perturbed.shape
torch.Size([1, 46956])
def __init__(self, orig_freq, speeds=[90, 100, 110], device="cpu"):
self.orig_freq = orig_freq
self.speeds = speeds
self.device = device
# Initialize index of perturbation
self.samp_index = 0
# Initialize resamplers
self.resamplers = []
for speed in self.speeds:
config = {
"orig_freq": self.orig_freq,
"new_freq": self.orig_freq * speed // 100,
def forward(self, waveform):
waveform : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
torch.Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
# Perform a random perturbation
self.samp_index = torch.randint(0, len(self.speeds), (1,))
perturbed_waveform = self.resamplers[self.samp_index](
# Move back from host to original device
return perturbed_waveform.to(waveform.device)
class Resample(torch.nn.Module):
"""This class resamples audio using the
:class:`torchaudio resampler <torchaudio.transforms.Resample>` based on
sinc interpolation.
orig_freq : int
the sampling frequency of the input signal.
new_freq : int
the new sampling frequency after this operation is performed.
additional arguments forwarded to the
:class:`torchaudio.transforms.Resample` constructor
additional keyword arguments forwarded to the
:class:`torchaudio.transforms.Resample` constructor
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> signal = signal.unsqueeze(0) # [batch, time, channels]
>>> resampler = Resample(orig_freq=16000, new_freq=8000)
>>> resampled = resampler(signal)
>>> signal.shape
torch.Size([1, 52173])
>>> resampled.shape
torch.Size([1, 26087])
def __init__(self, orig_freq=16000, new_freq=16000, *args, **kwargs):
self.orig_freq = orig_freq
self.new_freq = new_freq
self.resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(
orig_freq=orig_freq, new_freq=new_freq, *args, **kwargs
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
# Don't do anything if the frequencies are the same
if self.orig_freq == self.new_freq:
return waveforms
unsqueezed = False
if len(waveforms.shape) == 2:
waveforms = waveforms.unsqueeze(1)
unsqueezed = True
elif len(waveforms.shape) == 3:
waveforms = waveforms.transpose(1, 2)
raise ValueError("Input must be 2 or 3 dimensions")
# If necessary, migrate the resampler to the current device, for
# backwards compat with scripts that do not call `resampler.to()`
# themselves.
# Please do not reuse the sample resampler for tensors that live on
# different devices, though.
self.resampler.to(waveforms.device) # in-place
# Do resampling
resampled_waveform = self.resampler(waveforms)
if unsqueezed:
resampled_waveform = resampled_waveform.squeeze(1)
resampled_waveform = resampled_waveform.transpose(1, 2)
return resampled_waveform
class DropFreq(torch.nn.Module):
"""This class drops a random frequency from the signal.
The purpose of this class is to teach models to learn to rely on all parts
of the signal, not just a few frequency bands.
drop_freq_low : float
The low end of frequencies that can be dropped,
as a fraction of the sampling rate / 2.
drop_freq_high : float
The high end of frequencies that can be
dropped, as a fraction of the sampling rate / 2.
drop_freq_count_low : int
The low end of number of frequencies that could be dropped.
drop_freq_count_high : int
The high end of number of frequencies that could be dropped.
drop_freq_width : float
The width of the frequency band to drop, as
a fraction of the sampling_rate / 2.
epsilon : float
A small positive value to prevent issues such as filtering 0 Hz,
division by zero, or other numerical instabilities. This value sets
the absolute minimum for normalized frequencies used in the filter.
The default value is 1e-12.
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> dropper = DropFreq()
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> dropped_signal = dropper(signal.unsqueeze(0))
def __init__(
self.drop_freq_low = drop_freq_low
self.drop_freq_high = drop_freq_high
self.drop_freq_count_low = drop_freq_count_low
self.drop_freq_count_high = drop_freq_count_high
self.drop_freq_width = drop_freq_width
self.epsilon = epsilon
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
# Don't drop (return early) 1-`drop_prob` portion of the batches
dropped_waveform = waveforms.clone()
# Add channels dimension
if len(waveforms.shape) == 2:
dropped_waveform = dropped_waveform.unsqueeze(-1)
# Pick number of frequencies to drop
drop_count = torch.randint(
high=self.drop_freq_count_high + 1,
# Pick a frequency to drop
drop_range = self.drop_freq_high - self.drop_freq_low
drop_frequency = (
torch.rand(drop_count) * drop_range + self.drop_freq_low
# Filter parameters
filter_length = 101
pad = filter_length // 2
# Start with delta function
drop_filter = torch.zeros(1, filter_length, 1, device=waveforms.device)
drop_filter[0, pad, 0] = 1
# Subtract each frequency
for frequency in drop_frequency:
notch_kernel = notch_filter(
frequency, filter_length, self.drop_freq_width
drop_filter = convolve1d(drop_filter, notch_kernel, pad)
# Manage multiple channels
if len(waveforms.shape) == 3:
dropped_waveform = dropped_waveform.reshape(
dropped_waveform.shape[0] * dropped_waveform.shape[2],
# Apply filter
dropped_waveform = convolve1d(dropped_waveform, drop_filter, pad)
if len(waveforms.shape) == 3:
dropped_waveform = dropped_waveform.reshape(
waveforms.shape[0], waveforms.shape[1], waveforms.shape[2]
# Remove channels dimension if added
return dropped_waveform.squeeze(-1)
class DropChunk(torch.nn.Module):
"""This class drops portions of the input signal.
Using `DropChunk` as an augmentation strategy helps a models learn to rely
on all parts of the signal, since it can't expect a given part to be
drop_length_low : int
The low end of lengths for which to set the
signal to zero, in samples.
drop_length_high : int
The high end of lengths for which to set the
signal to zero, in samples.
drop_count_low : int
The low end of number of times that the signal
can be dropped to zero.
drop_count_high : int
The high end of number of times that the signal
can be dropped to zero.
drop_start : int
The first index for which dropping will be allowed.
drop_end : int
The last index for which dropping will be allowed.
noise_factor : float
The factor relative to average amplitude of an utterance
to use for scaling the white noise inserted. 1 keeps
the average amplitude the same, while 0 inserts all 0's.
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> dropper = DropChunk(drop_start=100, drop_end=200, noise_factor=0.)
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> signal = signal.unsqueeze(0) # [batch, time, channels]
>>> length = torch.ones(1)
>>> dropped_signal = dropper(signal, length)
>>> float(dropped_signal[:, 150])
def __init__(
self.drop_length_low = drop_length_low
self.drop_length_high = drop_length_high
self.drop_count_low = drop_count_low
self.drop_count_high = drop_count_high
self.drop_start = drop_start
self.drop_end = drop_end
self.noise_factor = noise_factor
# Validate low < high
if drop_length_low > drop_length_high:
raise ValueError("Low limit must not be more than high limit")
if drop_count_low > drop_count_high:
raise ValueError("Low limit must not be more than high limit")
# Make sure the length doesn't exceed end - start
if drop_end is not None and drop_end >= 0:
if drop_start > drop_end:
raise ValueError("Low limit must not be more than high limit")
drop_range = drop_end - drop_start
self.drop_length_low = min(drop_length_low, drop_range)
self.drop_length_high = min(drop_length_high, drop_range)
def forward(self, waveforms, lengths):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
lengths : torch.Tensor
Shape should be a single dimension, `[batch]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or
`[batch, time, channels]`
# Reading input list
lengths = (lengths * waveforms.size(1)).long()
batch_size = waveforms.size(0)
dropped_waveform = waveforms.clone()
# Store original amplitude for computing white noise amplitude
clean_amplitude = compute_amplitude(waveforms, lengths.unsqueeze(1))
# Pick a number of times to drop
drop_times = torch.randint(
high=self.drop_count_high + 1,
# Iterate batch to set mask
for i in range(batch_size):
if drop_times[i] == 0:
# Pick lengths
length = torch.randint(
high=self.drop_length_high + 1,
# Compute range of starting locations
start_min = self.drop_start
if start_min < 0:
start_min += lengths[i]
start_max = self.drop_end
if start_max is None:
start_max = lengths[i]
if start_max < 0:
start_max += lengths[i]
start_max = max(0, start_max - length.max())
# Pick starting locations
start = torch.randint(
low=start_min, high=start_max + 1, size=(drop_times[i],)
end = start + length
# Update waveform
if not self.noise_factor:
for j in range(drop_times[i]):
dropped_waveform[i, start[j] : end[j]] = 0.0
# Uniform distribution of -2 to +2 * avg amplitude should
# preserve the average for normalization
noise_max = 2 * clean_amplitude[i] * self.noise_factor
for j in range(drop_times[i]):
# zero-center the noise distribution
noise_vec = torch.rand(length[j], device=waveforms.device)
noise_vec = 2 * noise_max * noise_vec - noise_max
dropped_waveform[i, start[j] : end[j]] = noise_vec
return dropped_waveform
class FastDropChunk(torch.nn.Module):
"""This class drops portions of the input signal. The difference with
DropChunk is that in this case we pre-compute the dropping masks in the
first time the forward function is called. For all the other calls, we only
shuffle and apply them. This makes the code faster and more suitable for
data augmentation of large batches.
It can be used only for fixed-length sequences.
drop_length_low : int
The low end of lengths for which to set the
signal to zero, in samples.
drop_length_high : int
The high end of lengths for which to set the
signal to zero, in samples.
drop_count_low : int
The low end of number of times that the signal
can be dropped to zero.
drop_count_high : int
The high end of number of times that the signal
can be dropped to zero.
drop_start : int
The first index for which dropping will be allowed.
drop_end : int
The last index for which dropping will be allowed.
n_masks : int
The number of precomputed masks.
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> dropper = FastDropChunk(drop_start=100, drop_end=200)
>>> signal = torch.rand(10, 250, 22)
>>> dropped_signal = dropper(signal)
def __init__(
self.drop_length_low = drop_length_low
self.drop_length_high = drop_length_high
self.drop_count_low = drop_count_low
self.drop_count_high = drop_count_high
self.drop_start = drop_start
self.drop_end = drop_end
self.n_masks = n_masks
self.first = True
# Validate low < high
if drop_length_low > drop_length_high:
raise ValueError("Low limit must not be more than high limit")
if drop_count_low > drop_count_high:
raise ValueError("Low limit must not be more than high limit")
# Make sure the length doesn't exceed end - start
if drop_end is not None and drop_end >= 0:
if drop_start > drop_end:
raise ValueError("Low limit must not be more than high limit")
drop_range = drop_end - drop_start
self.drop_length_low = min(drop_length_low, drop_range)
self.drop_length_high = min(drop_length_high, drop_range)
def initialize_masks(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
dropped_masks : torch.Tensor
Tensor of size `[n_masks, time]` with the dropped chunks. Dropped
regions are assigned to 0.
if self.n_masks < waveforms.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("n_mask cannot be smaller than the batch size")
# Initializing the drop mask
dropped_masks = torch.ones(
[self.n_masks, self.sig_len], device=waveforms.device
# Pick a number of times to drop
drop_times = torch.randint(
high=self.drop_count_high + 1,
# Iterate batch to set mask
for i in range(self.n_masks):
if drop_times[i] == 0:
# Pick lengths
length = torch.randint(
high=self.drop_length_high + 1,
# Compute range of starting locations
start_min = self.drop_start
if start_min < 0:
start_min += self.sig_len
start_max = self.drop_end
if start_max is None:
start_max = self.sig_len
if start_max < 0:
start_max += self.sig_len
start_max = max(0, start_max - length.max())
# Pick starting locations
start = torch.randint(
high=start_max + 1,
end = start + length
# Update waveform
for j in range(drop_times[i]):
dropped_masks[i, start[j] : end[j]] = 0.0
return dropped_masks
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`
dropped_waveforms = waveforms.clone()
# Initialize the masks
if self.first:
self.sig_len = waveforms.shape[1]
self.dropped_masks = self.initialize_masks(waveforms)
self.first = False
# Random Permutation
rand_perm = torch.randperm(self.dropped_masks.shape[0])
self.dropped_masks = self.dropped_masks[rand_perm, :]
# Random shift in time
rand_shifts = torch.randint(low=0, high=self.sig_len, size=(1,))
self.dropped_masks = torch.roll(
self.dropped_masks, shifts=rand_shifts.item(), dims=1
if len(waveforms.shape) == 3:
dropped_waveforms = dropped_waveforms * self.dropped_masks[
0 : waveforms.shape[0]
dropped_waveforms = (
dropped_waveforms * self.dropped_masks[0 : waveforms.shape[0]]
return dropped_waveforms
class DoClip(torch.nn.Module):
"""This function mimics audio clipping by clamping the input tensor.
First, it normalizes the waveforms from -1 to -1. Then, clipping is applied.
Finally, the original amplitude is restored.
clip_low : float
The low end of amplitudes for which to clip the signal.
clip_high : float
The high end of amplitudes for which to clip the signal.
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> clipper = DoClip(clip_low=0.01, clip_high=0.01)
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> clipped_signal = clipper(signal.unsqueeze(0))
def __init__(self, clip_low=0.5, clip_high=0.5):
self.clip_low = clip_low
self.clip_high = clip_high
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`
# Normalize the signal
abs_max, _ = torch.max(torch.abs(waveforms), dim=1, keepdim=True)
waveforms = waveforms / abs_max
# Randomly select clip value
clipping_range = self.clip_high - self.clip_low
clip_value = (
torch.rand(1, device=waveforms.device)[0] * clipping_range
+ self.clip_low
# Apply clipping
clipped_waveform = waveforms.clamp(-clip_value, clip_value)
# Restore original amplitude
clipped_waveform = clipped_waveform * abs_max / clip_value
return clipped_waveform
class RandAmp(torch.nn.Module):
"""This function multiples the signal by a random amplitude. First, the
signal is normalized to have amplitude between -1 and 1. Then it is
multiplied with a random number.
amp_low : float
The minimum amplitude multiplication factor.
amp_high : float
The maximum amplitude multiplication factor.
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> rand_amp = RandAmp(amp_low=0.25, amp_high=1.75)
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> output_signal = rand_amp(signal.unsqueeze(0))
def __init__(self, amp_low=0.5, amp_high=1.5):
self.amp_low = amp_low
self.amp_high = amp_high
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`
# Normalize the signal
abs_max, _ = torch.max(torch.abs(waveforms), dim=1, keepdim=True)
waveforms = waveforms / abs_max
# Pick a frequency to drop
rand_range = self.amp_high - self.amp_low
amp = (
torch.rand(waveforms.shape[0], device=waveforms.device) * rand_range
+ self.amp_low
amp = amp.unsqueeze(1)
if len(waveforms.shape) == 3:
amp = amp.unsqueeze(2)
waveforms = waveforms * amp
return waveforms
class ChannelDrop(torch.nn.Module):
"""This function drops random channels in the multi-channel input waveform.
drop_rate : float
The channel dropout factor
>>> signal = torch.rand(4, 256, 8)
>>> ch_drop = ChannelDrop(drop_rate=0.5)
>>> output_signal = ch_drop(signal)
def __init__(self, drop_rate=0.1):
self.drop_rate = drop_rate
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`
# Pick a channel to drop
x = torch.rand(waveforms.shape[-1], device=waveforms.device)
channel_mask = x.ge(self.drop_rate)
waveforms = waveforms * channel_mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1)
return waveforms
class ChannelSwap(torch.nn.Module):
"""This function randomly swaps N channels.
min_swap : int
The minimum number of channels to swap.
max_swap : int
The maximum number of channels to swap.
>>> signal = torch.rand(4, 256, 8)
>>> ch_swap = ChannelSwap()
>>> output_signal = ch_swap(signal)
def __init__(self, min_swap=0, max_swap=0):
self.min_swap = min_swap
self.max_swap = max_swap
# Check arguments
if self.min_swap < 0:
raise ValueError("min_swap must be >= 0.")
if self.max_swap < 0:
raise ValueError("max_swap must be >= 0.")
if self.max_swap < self.min_swap:
raise ValueError("max_swap must be >= min_swap")
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`
# Pick a frequency to drop
rand_perm1 = torch.randperm(waveforms.shape[-1])
rand_perm2 = torch.randperm(waveforms.shape[-1])
N_swaps = torch.randint(
low=self.min_swap, high=self.max_swap + 1, size=(1,)
if N_swaps < waveforms.shape[-1]:
for i in range(N_swaps):
store_channel = waveforms[:, :, rand_perm2[i]]
waveforms[:, :, rand_perm2[i]] = waveforms[:, :, rand_perm1[i]]
waveforms[:, :, rand_perm1[i]] = store_channel
# Full swap
waveforms = waveforms[:, :, rand_perm1]
return waveforms
class CutCat(torch.nn.Module):
"""This function combines segments (with equal length in time) of the time series contained in the batch.
Proposed for EEG signals in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2021.05.032.
min_num_segments : int
The number of segments to combine.
max_num_segments : int
The maximum number of segments to combine. Default is 10.
>>> signal = torch.ones((4, 256, 22)) * torch.arange(4).reshape((4, 1, 1,))
>>> cutcat = CutCat()
>>> output_signal = cutcat(signal)
def __init__(self, min_num_segments=2, max_num_segments=10):
self.min_num_segments = min_num_segments
self.max_num_segments = max_num_segments
# Check arguments
if self.max_num_segments < self.min_num_segments:
raise ValueError("max_num_segments must be >= min_num_segments")
def forward(self, waveforms):
waveforms : torch.Tensor
Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`
if (
waveforms.shape[0] > 1
): # only if there are at least 2 examples in batch
# rolling waveforms to point to segments of other examples in batch
waveforms_rolled = torch.roll(waveforms, shifts=1, dims=0)
# picking number of segments to use
num_segments = torch.randint(
high=self.max_num_segments + 1,
# index of cuts (both starts and stops)
idx_cut = torch.linspace(
0, waveforms.shape[1], num_segments.item() + 1, dtype=torch.int
for i in range(idx_cut.shape[0] - 1):
# half of segments from other examples in batch
if i % 2 == 1:
start = idx_cut[i]
stop = idx_cut[i + 1]
waveforms[:, start:stop, ...] = waveforms_rolled[
:, start:stop, ... # noqa: W504
return waveforms
def pink_noise_like(waveforms, alpha_low=1.0, alpha_high=1.0, sample_rate=50):
"""Creates a sequence of pink noise (also known as 1/f). The pink noise
is obtained by multiplying the spectrum of a white noise sequence by a
factor (1/f^alpha).
The alpha factor controls the decrease factor in the frequency domain
(alpha=0 adds white noise, alpha>>0 adds low frequency noise). It is
randomly sampled between alpha_low and alpha_high. With negative alpha this
function generates blue noise.
waveforms : torch.Tensor
The original waveform. It is just used to infer the shape.
alpha_low : float
The minimum value for the alpha spectral smoothing factor.
alpha_high : float
The maximum value for the alpha spectral smoothing factor.
sample_rate : float
The sample rate of the original signal.
pink_noise : torch.Tensor
Pink noise in the shape of the input tensor.
>>> waveforms = torch.randn(4,257,10)
>>> noise = pink_noise_like(waveforms)
>>> noise.shape
torch.Size([4, 257, 10])
# Sampling white noise (flat spectrum)
white_noise = torch.randn_like(waveforms)
# Computing the fft of the input white noise
white_noise_fft = torch.fft.fft(white_noise, dim=1)
# Sampling the spectral smoothing factor
rand_range = alpha_high - alpha_low
alpha = (
torch.rand(waveforms.shape[0], device=waveforms.device) * rand_range
+ alpha_low
# preparing the spectral mask (1/f^alpha)
f = torch.linspace(
sample_rate / 2,
int(white_noise.shape[1] / 2),
spectral_mask = 1 / torch.pow(f.unsqueeze(0), alpha.unsqueeze(1))
# Avoid inf due to 1/0 division at f=0
spectral_mask[:, 0] = spectral_mask[:, 1]
# Mask for the upper part of the spectrum (f > sample_rate/2)
spectral_mask_up = torch.flip(spectral_mask, dims=(1,))
# Managing odd/even sequences
if white_noise.shape[1] % 2:
mid_element = spectral_mask[
:, int(white_noise.shape[1] / 2) - 1
spectral_mask = torch.cat(
[spectral_mask, mid_element, spectral_mask_up], dim=1
spectral_mask = torch.cat([spectral_mask, spectral_mask_up], dim=1)
# Managing multi-channel inputs
if len(white_noise.shape) == 3:
spectral_mask = spectral_mask.unsqueeze(2)
# Spectral masking
pink_noise_fft = white_noise_fft * spectral_mask
# Return to the time-domain
pink_noise = torch.fft.ifft(pink_noise_fft, dim=1).real
return pink_noise
class DropBitResolution(torch.nn.Module):
This class transforms a float32 tensor into a lower resolution one
(e.g., int16, int8, float16) and then converts it back to a float32.
This process loses information and can be used for data augmentation.
target_dtype: str
One of "int16", "int8", "float16". If "random", the bit resolution
is randomly selected among the options listed above.
>>> dropper = DropBitResolution()
>>> signal = torch.rand(4, 16000)
>>> signal_dropped = dropper(signal)
def __init__(self, target_dtype="random"):
self.target_dtype = target_dtype
self.bit_depths = {
"int16": (16, torch.int16),
"int8": (8, torch.int8),
"float16": (16, torch.float16),
if (
self.target_dtype != "random"
and self.target_dtype not in self.bit_depths
raise ValueError(
f"target_dtype must be one of {list(self.bit_depths.keys())}"
def forward(self, float32_tensor):
float32_tensor: torch.Tensor
Float32 tensor with shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`.
Tensor of shape `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]` (Float32)
if self.target_dtype == "random":
random_key = random.choice(list(self.bit_depths.keys()))
bit, target_dtype = self.bit_depths[random_key]
bit, target_dtype = self.bit_depths[self.target_dtype]
# Define a scale factor to map the float32 range to the target bit depth
if target_dtype != torch.float16:
scale_factor = (2 ** (bit - 1) - 1) / float32_tensor.abs().max()
quantized_tensor = (float32_tensor * scale_factor).to(target_dtype)
quantized_tensor = float32_tensor.half()
scale_factor = 1
# To dequantize and recover the original float32 values
dequantized_tensor = quantized_tensor.to(torch.float32) / scale_factor
return dequantized_tensor
class SignFlip(torch.nn.Module):
"""Flip the sign of a signal.
This module negates all the values in a tensor with a given probability.
If the sign is not flipped, the original signal is returned
unchanged. This technique is outlined in the paper:
"CADDA: Class-wise Automatic Differentiable Data Augmentation for EEG Signals"
flip_prob : float
The probability with which to flip the sign of the signal. Default is 0.5.
>>> import torch
>>> x = torch.tensor([1,2,3,4,5])
>>> flip = SignFlip(flip_prob=1) # 100% chance to flip sign
>>> flip(x)
tensor([-1, -2, -3, -4, -5])
def __init__(self, flip_prob=0.5):
self.flip_prob = flip_prob
def forward(self, waveform):
waveform : torch.Tensor
Input tensor representaing waveform, shape does not matter.
The output tensor with same shape as the input, where the
sign of all values in the tensor has been flipped with
probability `flip_prob`.
# Flip sign with `flip_prob` probability.
if torch.rand(1).item() < self.flip_prob:
return -waveform
return waveform