Source code for speechbrain.utils.parameter_transfer

"""Convenience functions for the simplest parameter transfer cases.

Use `speechbrain.utils.checkpoints.Checkpointer` to find a checkpoint
and the path to the parameter file.

 * Aku Rouhe 2020
 * Andreas Nautsch 2023
 * Adel Moumen 2023
import logging
import pathlib
from speechbrain.utils.distributed import run_on_main
from speechbrain.utils.fetching import fetch, FetchFrom, FetchSource
from speechbrain.utils.checkpoints import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Pretrainer: """Orchestrates pretraining First collects parameter file symlinks into the given directory. Then calls load hooks for each of those parameter files. Arguments --------- collect_in : str or Path Path to directory where the parameter file symlinks are collected. loadables : mapping Mapping from loadable key to object. This connects the keys to the actual object instances. paths : mapping Mapping from loadable key to filepath. The last part of the path is treated as file name, the rest of it is treated as a "source" which can be either a directory path or a magic source like Huggingface hub ID. e.g. sb/asr-crdnn-libri/lm.ckpt -> source=sb/asr-crdnn-libri, file=lm.ckpt Note that when collecting, you can specify a default source, which is used for all loadables that don't have a path specified. custom_hooks : mapping Mapping from loadable key to parameter transfer hook function. If you want to use a custom loading function, specify it here. conditions: mapping An optional mapping from loadable keys to condition values, useful for loading certain elements only if a flag is turned on """ def __init__( self, collect_in="./model_checkpoints", loadables=None, paths=None, custom_hooks=None, conditions=None, ): self.loadables = {} self.collect_in = pathlib.Path(collect_in) if loadables is not None: self.add_loadables(loadables) self.paths = {} if paths is not None: self.add_paths(paths) self.custom_hooks = {} if custom_hooks is not None: self.add_custom_hooks(custom_hooks) self.conditions = {} if conditions is not None: self.add_conditions(conditions) self.is_local = []
[docs] def set_collect_in(self, path): """Change the collecting path""" self.collect_in = pathlib.Path(path)
[docs] def add_loadables(self, loadables): """Update the loadables dict from the given mapping. Arguments --------- loadables : mapping Mapping from loadable key to object """ self.loadables.update(loadables)
[docs] def add_paths(self, paths): """Update the paths for different loadables. When collecting parameters, paths here are preferred. Note that when collecting, you can specify a default source, which is used for all loadables that don't have a path specified. Arguments --------- paths : mapping Mapping from loadable key to filepath. The last part of the path is treated as file name, the rest of it is treated as a "source" which can be either a directory path or a magic source like Huggingface hub ID. e.g. sb/asr-crdnn-libri/lm.ckpt -> source=sb/asr-crdnn-libri, file=lm.ckpt """ self.paths.update(paths)
[docs] def add_custom_hooks(self, custom_hooks): """Update the custom hooks. When loading parameters, hooks here are preferred over class defaults. Arguments --------- custom_hooks : mapping Mapping from loadable key to parameter transfer hook function. If you want to use a custom loading function, specify it here. """ self.custom_hooks.update(custom_hooks)
[docs] def add_conditions(self, conditions): """Update the conditions. Arguments --------- conditions: mapping Mapping from loadable keys to condition values, useful for loading certain elements only if a flag is turned on """ self.conditions.update(conditions)
[docs] @staticmethod def split_path(path): """Splits a path to source and filename This also handles URLs and Huggingface hub paths, in addition to regular paths. Arguments --------- path : str Returns ------- str Source str Filename """ def split(src): """Core function to split path.""" if "/" in src: return src.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1) else: # Interpret as path to file in current directory. return "./", src if isinstance(path, FetchSource): fetch_from, fetch_path = path source, filename = split(fetch_path) return FetchSource(fetch_from, source), filename else: return split(path)
[docs] def collect_files( self, default_source=None, internal_ddp_handling=False, ): """Fetches parameters from known paths with fallback default_source The actual parameter files may reside elsewhere, but this ensures a symlink in the self.collect_in directory. The symlink always uses the loadable key in the filename. This standardization makes it easier to orchestrate pretraining on e.g. distributed setups. Use the default_source if you have everything organized neatly into one location, like a Huggingface hub repo. Arguments --------- default_source : str or Path or FetchSource This is used for each loadable which doesn't have a path already specified. If the loadable has key "asr", then the file to look for is default_source/asr.ckpt internal_ddp_handling : bool Whether/not the function should handle DDP i.e. `run_on_main`. (Default: False) Returns ------- dict Mapping from loadable key to a local path from which loadable's parameters can be loaded. This is not used in this class, but can possibly be helpful. """ logger.debug( f"Collecting files (or symlinks) for pretraining in {self.collect_in}." ) self.collect_in.mkdir(exist_ok=True) loadable_paths = {} for name in self.loadables: if not self.is_loadable(name): continue save_filename = name + PARAMFILE_EXT if name in self.paths: source, filename = self.split_path(self.paths[name]) elif default_source is not None: filename = save_filename source = default_source else: raise ValueError( f"Path not specified for '{name}', " "and no default_source given!" ) if internal_ddp_handling: # path needs to be available only if it is a local source w/o symlink run_on_main( fetch, kwargs={ "filename": filename, "source": source, "overwrite": False, "save_filename": save_filename, "use_auth_token": False, "revision": None, }, ) # we need the path; regardless of rank path = fetch( filename=filename, source=source, savedir=self.collect_in, overwrite=False, save_filename=save_filename, use_auth_token=False, revision=None, ) else: # main node is the only one calling this, so path is available path = fetch( filename=filename, source=source, savedir=self.collect_in, overwrite=False, save_filename=save_filename, use_auth_token=False, revision=None, ) loadable_paths[name] = path fetch_from = None if isinstance(source, FetchSource): fetch_from, source = source if fetch_from is FetchFrom.LOCAL or ( pathlib.Path(path).resolve() == pathlib.Path(source).resolve() / filename ):"Set local path in self.paths[{name}] = {path}") self.paths[name] = str(path) self.is_local.append(name) return loadable_paths
[docs] def is_loadable(self, name): """Returns True if no condition is defined or for the specified loadable or if the condition is true Arguments --------- name: str the name of the loadable Returns ------- is_loadable: bool whether the item should be loaded """ if name not in self.conditions: return True condition = self.conditions[name] if callable(condition): return condition() else: return bool(condition)
[docs] def load_collected(self): """Loads the files that have been collected.""" f"Loading pretrained files for: {', '.join(self.loadables)}" ) paramfiles = {} for name in self.loadables: if not self.is_loadable(name): continue filename = name + PARAMFILE_EXT paramfiles[name] = self.collect_in / filename if name in self.is_local: f"Redirecting (loading from local path): {paramfiles[name]} -> {self.paths[name]}" ) paramfiles[name] = self.paths[name] self._call_load_hooks(paramfiles)
def _call_load_hooks(self, paramfiles): # This internal function finds the correct hook to call for every # recoverable, and calls it. for name, obj in self.loadables.items(): if not self.is_loadable(name): continue loadpath = paramfiles[name] # First see if object has custom load hook: if name in self.custom_hooks: self.custom_hooks[name](obj, loadpath) continue # Try the default transfer hook: default_hook = get_default_hook(obj, DEFAULT_TRANSFER_HOOKS) if default_hook is not None: default_hook(obj, loadpath) continue # Otherwise find the default loader for that type: default_hook = get_default_hook(obj, DEFAULT_LOAD_HOOKS) if default_hook is not None: # Need to fake end-of-epoch: end_of_epoch = False default_hook(obj, loadpath, end_of_epoch) continue # If we got here, no custom hook or registered default hook exists MSG = f"Don't know how to load {type(obj)}. Register default hook \ or add custom hook for this object." raise RuntimeError(MSG)