"""Provides a metrics class for the BERTscore metric.
* Sylvain de Langen 2024
import math
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Iterable, Optional
import torch
from speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers import TextEncoder
from speechbrain.utils.distances import cosine_similarity_matrix
from speechbrain.utils.logger import get_logger
from speechbrain.utils.metric_stats import MetricStats
logger = get_logger(__name__)
class BERTScoreStats(MetricStats):
"""Computes BERTScore with a provided HuggingFace Transformers text encoder,
using the method described in the paper
`BERTScore: Evaluating Text Generation with BERT <https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.09675>`_.
BERTScore operates over contextualized tokens (e.g. the output of BERT, but
many other models would work). Since cosine similarities are used, the
output range would be between `-1` and `1`.
See the linked resources for more details.
Special tokens (as queried from the tokenizer) are entirely ignored.
Authors' reference implementation of the metric can be found
`here <https://github.com/Tiiiger/bert_score>`_. The linked page extensively
describes the approach and compares how the BERTScore relates to human
evaluation with many different models.
.. warning::
Out of the box, this implementation may not strictly match the results
of the reference implementation. Please read the argument documentation
to understand the differences.
lm : speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.TextEncoder
HF Transformers tokenizer and text encoder wrapper to use as a LM.
batch_size : int, optional
How many pairs of utterances should be considered at once. Higher is
faster but may result in OOM.
use_idf : bool, optional
If enabled (default), tokens in the reference are weighted by
Inverse Document Frequency, which allows to weight down the impact of
common words that may carry less information. Every sentence appended
is considered a document in the IDF calculation.
sentence_level_averaging : bool, optional
When `True`, the final recall/precision metrics will be the average of
recall/precision for each tested sentence, rather of each tested token,
e.g. a very long sentence will weigh as much as a very short sentence in
the final metrics. The default is `True`, which matches the reference
allow_matching_special_tokens : bool, optional
When `True`, non-special tokens may match against special tokens during
greedy matching (e.g. `[CLS]`/`[SEP]`). Batch size must be 1 due to
padding handling.
The default is `False`, which is different behavior from the reference
implementation (see
`bert_score#180 <https://github.com/Tiiiger/bert_score/issues/180>`_).
def __init__(
lm: TextEncoder,
batch_size: int = 64,
use_idf: bool = True,
sentence_level_averaging: bool = True,
allow_matching_special_tokens: bool = False,
self.lm = lm
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.use_idf = use_idf
self.sentence_level_averaging = sentence_level_averaging
self.allow_matching_special_tokens = allow_matching_special_tokens
def clear(self):
"""Clears the collected statistics"""
self.ids = []
self.predictions = []
self.targets = []
self.scores = []
self.summary = {}
def append(self, ids, predict, target):
Appends inputs, predictions and targets to internal
ids: list
the string IDs for the samples
predict: list
the model's predictions in tokenizable format
target: list
the ground truths in tokenizable format
def summarize(self, field=None):
"""Summarize the classification metric scores. Performs the actual LM
inference and BERTScore estimation.
Full set of fields:
- `bertscore-recall`, optionally weighted by idf of ref tokens
- `bertscore-precision`, optionally weighted by idf of hyp tokens
- `bertscore-f1`
field : str
If provided, only returns selected statistic. If not,
returns all computed statistics.
float or dict
Returns a float if ``field`` is provided, otherwise
returns a dictionary containing all computed stats.
with torch.no_grad():
if field is not None:
return self.summary[field]
return self.summary
def _update_summary(self):
"""Performs the actual LM inference and BERTscore estimation, updating
the `summary` field. Automatically called by `summarize`."""
if self.allow_matching_special_tokens:
assert self.batch_size == 1, (
"Batch size must be 1 when passing "
"`allow_matching_special_tokens` due to padding handling."
token_masks = get_bert_token_mask(self.lm.tokenizer)
token_weights = self._make_weights(self.targets)
recall_sum = recall_weight = 0.0
precision_sum = precision_weight = 0.0
for chunk_idx in range(0, len(self.predictions), self.batch_size):
ids = self.ids[chunk_idx : chunk_idx + self.batch_size]
ref_text = self.targets[chunk_idx : chunk_idx + self.batch_size]
hyp_text = self.predictions[chunk_idx : chunk_idx + self.batch_size]
ref_text = [" ".join(ref) for ref in ref_text]
hyp_text = [" ".join(hyp) for hyp in hyp_text]
ref_toks, ref_hidden = self.lm(ref_text, return_tokens=True)
hyp_toks, hyp_hidden = self.lm(hyp_text, return_tokens=True)
ref_hidden = ref_hidden.cpu()
hyp_hidden = hyp_hidden.cpu()
ref_toks = ref_toks["input_ids"].cpu()
hyp_toks = hyp_toks["input_ids"].cpu()
# shape [batch, ref dim, hyp dim]
similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity_matrix(ref_hidden, hyp_hidden)
ref_mask = self._select_by_tokens(token_masks, ref_toks)
hyp_mask = self._select_by_tokens(token_masks, hyp_toks)
# mask rows according to ref_mask and columns according to hyp_mask
if not self.allow_matching_special_tokens:
similarity_matrix[~ref_mask, :] = 0.0
similarity_matrix.transpose(1, 2)[~hyp_mask, :] = 0.0
# for recall, greedily select the "closest" hyp token for every ref
# token, thus of shape [batch, ref dim]
recall_values, _ = similarity_matrix.max(dim=-1)
# for precision, same thing but with the closest ref for every hyp
precision_values, _ = similarity_matrix.max(dim=-2)
# for each token, load the matching token weight
# the result is a weight tensor with the same shape as the inputs
recall_weights = self._select_by_tokens(
token_weights, ref_toks.cpu()
precision_weights = self._select_by_tokens(
token_weights, hyp_toks.cpu()
# mask off weights
recall_weights[~ref_mask] = 0.0
precision_weights[~hyp_mask] = 0.0
batch_recall = recall_values * recall_weights
batch_precision = precision_values * precision_weights
for i, utt_id in enumerate(ids):
# TODO: optionally provide a token->token map
"key": utt_id,
"recall": (
batch_recall[i].sum() / recall_weights[i].sum()
"precision": (
/ precision_weights[i].sum()
if self.sentence_level_averaging:
recall_sum += batch_recall.sum() / recall_weights.sum()
recall_weight += 1.0
precision_sum += batch_precision.sum() / precision_weights.sum()
precision_weight += 1.0
recall_sum += batch_recall.sum()
recall_weight += recall_weights.sum()
precision_sum += batch_precision.sum()
precision_weight += precision_weights.sum()
recall = recall_sum / recall_weight
precision = precision_sum / precision_weight
f1 = 2.0 * (recall * precision) / (recall + precision)
"bertscore-recall": recall,
"bertscore-precision": precision,
"bertscore-f1": f1,
def _make_weights(self, corpus):
"""Makes a token weight tensor, optionally including IDF. If not using
IDF, currently simply returns a tensor full of ones."""
if self.use_idf:
if len(self.predictions) == 1:
raise ValueError(
"Token IDF weighting was enabled, but 1 text is not "
"enough. Compute the summary over more texts or disable "
"IDF weighting."
return get_bertscore_token_weights(self.lm.tokenizer, corpus)
return get_bertscore_token_weights(self.lm.tokenizer)
def _select_by_tokens(self, token_weight, input_tokens):
"""From a batch of tokenized texts `input_tokens`, returns an
identically shaped tensor where each item `token_id` becomes
return token_weight.index_select(
dim=0, index=input_tokens.flatten()
def get_bert_token_mask(tokenizer) -> torch.BoolTensor:
"""Returns a token mask with special tokens masked.
tokenizer : transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer
HuggingFace tokenizer for the BERT model.
A mask tensor that can be indexed by token ID (of shape `[vocab_size]`).
vocab = tokenizer.get_vocab()
max_idx = max(vocab.values())
weights = torch.ones((max_idx + 1,), dtype=torch.bool)
special_tokens = []
for tok_entry in tokenizer.special_tokens_map.values():
if isinstance(tok_entry, str):
for tok in tok_entry:
weights[special_tokens] = False
return weights
def get_bertscore_token_weights(
tokenizer, corpus: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Returns token weights for use with the BERTScore metric.
When specifying `corpus`, the weights are the Inverse Document Frequency
(IDF) of each token, extracted from the `corpus`.
The IDF formula is adapted from the BERTScore paper, where words missing
from the reference corpus are weighted with `+1` smoothing.
tokenizer : transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer
HuggingFace tokenizer for the BERT model.
corpus : Iterable[str], optional
Iterable corpus to compute the IDF from. Each iterated value is
considered a document in the corpus in the IDF calculation.
If omitted, no IDF weighting is done.
A floating-point tensor that can be indexed by token ID, of shape
`[vocab_size]`, where each entry is by how much the impact of a given
token should be multiplied.
max_idx = max(tokenizer.get_vocab().values())
if corpus is None:
return torch.ones((max_idx,))
freq_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for document_idx, document in enumerate(corpus):
tokens = tokenizer(" ".join(document))["input_ids"]
unique_words = set(tokens)
for unique_word in unique_words:
freq_dict[unique_word] += 1
document_count = document_idx + 1
weights = [
math.log((document_count + 1) / (freq_dict[token_id] + 1))
for token_id in range(max_idx + 1)
return torch.tensor(weights)