Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition.
This library contains different methods to adjust the format of
complex Hermitian matrices and find their eigenvectors and
* William Aris 2020
* Francois Grondin 2020
import torch
def gevd(a, b=None):
"""This method computes the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues
of complex Hermitian matrices. The method finds a solution to
the problem AV = BVD where V are the eigenvectors and D are
the eigenvalues.
The eigenvectors returned by the method (vs) are stored in a tensor
with the following format (*,C,C,2).
The eigenvalues returned by the method (ds) are stored in a tensor
with the following format (*,C,C,2).
a : torch.Tensor
A first input matrix. It is equivalent to the matrix A in the
equation in the description above. The tensor must have the
following format: (*,2,C+P).
b : torch.Tensor
A second input matrix. It is equivalent tot the matrix B in the
equation in the description above. The tensor must have the
following format: (*,2,C+P).
This argument is optional and its default value is None. If
b == None, then b is replaced by the identity matrix in the
vs : torch.Tensor
ds : torch.Tensor
Suppose we would like to compute eigenvalues/eigenvectors on the
following complex Hermitian matrix:
A = [ 52 34 + 37j 16 + j28 ;
34 - 37j 125 41 + j3 ;
16 - 28j 41 - j3 62 ]
>>> a = torch.FloatTensor([[52,34,16,125,41,62],[0,37,28,0,3,0]])
>>> vs, ds = gevd(a)
This corresponds to:
D = [ 20.9513 0 0 ;
0 43.9420 0 ;
0 0 174.1067 ]
V = [ 0.085976 - 0.85184j -0.24620 + 0.12244j -0.24868 - 0.35991j ;
-0.16006 + 0.20244j 0.37084 + 0.40173j -0.79175 - 0.087312j ;
-0.43990 + 0.082884j -0.36724 - 0.70045j -0.41728 + 0 j ]
A = VDV^-1
# Dimensions
D = a.dim()
P = a.shape[D - 1]
C = int(round(((1 + 8 * P) ** 0.5 - 1) / 2))
# Converting the input matrices to block matrices
ash = f(a)
if b is None:
b = torch.zeros(a.shape, dtype=a.dtype, device=a.device)
ids = torch.triu_indices(C, C)
b[..., 0, ids[0] == ids[1]] = 1.0
bsh = f(b)
# Performing the Cholesky decomposition
lsh = torch.linalg.cholesky(bsh)
lsh_inv = torch.inverse(lsh)
lsh_inv_T = torch.transpose(lsh_inv, D - 2, D - 1)
# Computing the matrix C
csh = torch.matmul(lsh_inv, torch.matmul(ash, lsh_inv_T))
# Performing the eigenvalue decomposition
# cspell:ignore UPLO
es, ysh = torch.linalg.eigh(csh, UPLO="U")
# Collecting the eigenvalues
dsh = torch.zeros(
a.shape[slice(0, D - 2)] + (2 * C, 2 * C),
dsh[..., range(0, 2 * C), range(0, 2 * C)] = es
# Collecting the eigenvectors
vsh = torch.matmul(lsh_inv_T, ysh)
# Converting the block matrices to full complex matrices
vs = ginv(vsh)
ds = ginv(dsh)
return vs, ds
def svdl(a):
"""Singular Value Decomposition (Left Singular Vectors).
This function finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
input multiplied by its transpose (a x a.T).
The function will return (in this order):
1. The eigenvalues in a tensor with the format (*,C,C,2)
2. The eigenvectors in a tensor with the format (*,C,C,2)
a : torch.Tensor
A complex input matrix to work with. The tensor must have
the following format: (*,2,C+P).
>>> import torch
>>> from speechbrain.processing.features import STFT
>>> from speechbrain.processing.multi_mic import Covariance
>>> from speechbrain.processing.decomposition import svdl
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio_multichannel
>>> xs_speech = read_audio_multichannel(
... 'tests/samples/multi-mic/speech_-0.82918_0.55279_-0.082918.flac'
... )
>>> xs_noise = read_audio_multichannel('tests/samples/multi-mic/noise_diffuse.flac')
>>> xs = xs_speech + 0.05 * xs_noise
>>> xs = xs.unsqueeze(0).float()
>>> stft = STFT(sample_rate=16000)
>>> cov = Covariance()
>>> Xs = stft(xs)
>>> XXs = cov(Xs)
>>> us, ds = svdl(XXs)
# Dimensions
D = a.dim()
P = a.shape[D - 1]
C = int(round(((1 + 8 * P) ** 0.5 - 1) / 2))
# Computing As * As_T
ash = f(a)
ash_T = torch.transpose(ash, -2, -1)
ash_mm_ash_T = torch.matmul(ash, ash_T)
# Finding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues
es, ush = torch.linalg.eigh(ash_mm_ash_T, UPLO="U")
# Collecting the eigenvalues
dsh = torch.zeros(ush.shape, dtype=es.dtype, device=es.device)
dsh[..., range(0, 2 * C), range(0, 2 * C)] = torch.sqrt(es)
# Converting the block matrices to full complex matrices
us = ginv(ush)
ds = ginv(dsh)
return us, ds
def f(ws):
"""Transform 1.
This method takes a complex Hermitian matrix represented by its
upper triangular part and converts it to a block matrix
representing the full original matrix with real numbers.
The output tensor will have the following format:
ws : torch.Tensor
An input matrix. The tensor must have the following format:
wsh : torch.Tensor
# Dimensions
D = ws.dim()
ws = ws.transpose(D - 2, D - 1)
P = ws.shape[D - 2]
C = int(round(((1 + 8 * P) ** 0.5 - 1) / 2))
# Output matrix
wsh = torch.zeros(
ws.shape[0 : (D - 2)] + (2 * C, 2 * C),
ids = torch.triu_indices(C, C)
wsh[..., ids[1] * 2, ids[0] * 2] = ws[..., 0]
wsh[..., ids[0] * 2, ids[1] * 2] = ws[..., 0]
wsh[..., ids[1] * 2 + 1, ids[0] * 2 + 1] = ws[..., 0]
wsh[..., ids[0] * 2 + 1, ids[1] * 2 + 1] = ws[..., 0]
wsh[..., ids[0] * 2, ids[1] * 2 + 1] = -1 * ws[..., 1]
wsh[..., ids[1] * 2 + 1, ids[0] * 2] = -1 * ws[..., 1]
wsh[..., ids[0] * 2 + 1, ids[1] * 2] = ws[..., 1]
wsh[..., ids[1] * 2, ids[0] * 2 + 1] = ws[..., 1]
return wsh
def finv(wsh):
"""Inverse transform 1
This method takes a block matrix representing a complex Hermitian
matrix and converts it to a complex matrix represented by its
upper triangular part. The result will have the following format:
wsh : torch.Tensor
An input matrix. The tensor must have the following format:
ws : torch.Tensor
# Dimensions
D = wsh.dim()
C = int(wsh.shape[D - 1] / 2)
P = int(C * (C + 1) / 2)
# Output matrix
ws = torch.zeros(
wsh.shape[0 : (D - 2)] + (2, P), dtype=wsh.dtype, device=wsh.device
ids = torch.triu_indices(C, C)
ws[..., 0, :] = wsh[..., ids[0] * 2, ids[1] * 2]
ws[..., 1, :] = -1 * wsh[..., ids[0] * 2, ids[1] * 2 + 1]
return ws
def g(ws):
"""Transform 2.
This method takes a full complex matrix and converts it to a block
matrix. The result will have the following format:
ws : torch.Tensor
An input matrix. The tensor must have the following format:
wsh : torch.Tensor
# Dimensions
D = ws.dim()
C = ws.shape[D - 2]
# Output matrix
wsh = torch.zeros(
ws.shape[0 : (D - 3)] + (2 * C, 2 * C),
wsh[..., slice(0, 2 * C, 2), slice(0, 2 * C, 2)] = ws[..., 0]
wsh[..., slice(1, 2 * C, 2), slice(1, 2 * C, 2)] = ws[..., 0]
wsh[..., slice(0, 2 * C, 2), slice(1, 2 * C, 2)] = -1 * ws[..., 1]
wsh[..., slice(1, 2 * C, 2), slice(0, 2 * C, 2)] = ws[..., 1]
return wsh
def ginv(wsh):
"""Inverse transform 2.
This method takes a complex Hermitian matrix represented by a block
matrix and converts it to a full complex complex matrix. The
result will have the following format:
wsh : torch.Tensor
An input matrix. The tensor must have the following format:
ws : torch.Tensor
# Extracting data
D = wsh.dim()
C = int(wsh.shape[D - 1] / 2)
# Output matrix
ws = torch.zeros(
wsh.shape[0 : (D - 2)] + (C, C, 2), dtype=wsh.dtype, device=wsh.device
ws[..., 0] = wsh[..., slice(0, 2 * C, 2), slice(0, 2 * C, 2)]
ws[..., 1] = wsh[..., slice(1, 2 * C, 2), slice(0, 2 * C, 2)]
return ws
def pos_def(ws, alpha=0.001, eps=1e-20):
"""Diagonal modification.
This method takes a complex Hermitian matrix represented by its upper
triangular part and adds the value of its trace multiplied by alpha
to the real part of its diagonal. The output will have the format:
ws : torch.Tensor
An input matrix. The tensor must have the following format:
alpha : float
A coefficient to multiply the trace. The default value is 0.001.
eps : float
A small value to increase the real part of the diagonal. The
default value is 1e-20.
ws_pf : torch.Tensor
# Extracting data
D = ws.dim()
P = ws.shape[D - 1]
C = int(round(((1 + 8 * P) ** 0.5 - 1) / 2))
# Finding the indices of the diagonal
ids_triu = torch.triu_indices(C, C)
ids_diag = torch.eq(ids_triu[0, :], ids_triu[1, :])
# Computing the trace
trace = torch.sum(ws[..., 0, ids_diag], D - 2)
trace = trace.view(trace.shape + (1,))
trace = trace.repeat((1,) * (D - 2) + (C,))
# Adding the trace multiplied by alpha to the diagonal
ws_pf = ws.clone()
ws_pf[..., 0, ids_diag] += alpha * trace + eps
return ws_pf
def inv(x):
"""Inverse Hermitian Matrix.
This method finds the inverse of a complex Hermitian matrix
represented by its upper triangular part. The result will have
the following format: (*, C, C, 2).
x : torch.Tensor
An input matrix to work with. The tensor must have the
following format: (*, 2, C+P)
x_inv : torch.Tensor
>>> import torch
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> from speechbrain.processing.features import STFT
>>> from speechbrain.processing.multi_mic import Covariance
>>> from speechbrain.processing.decomposition import inv
>>> xs_speech = read_audio(
... 'tests/samples/multi-mic/speech_-0.82918_0.55279_-0.082918.flac'
... )
>>> xs_noise = read_audio('tests/samples/multi-mic/noise_0.70225_-0.70225_0.11704.flac')
>>> xs = xs_speech + 0.05 * xs_noise
>>> xs = xs.unsqueeze(0).float()
>>> stft = STFT(sample_rate=16000)
>>> cov = Covariance()
>>> Xs = stft(xs)
>>> XXs = cov(Xs)
>>> XXs_inv = inv(XXs)
# Dimensions
d = x.dim()
p = x.shape[-1]
n_channels = int(round(((1 + 8 * p) ** 0.5 - 1) / 2))
# Output matrix
ash = f(pos_def(x))
ash_inv = torch.inverse(ash)
as_inv = finv(ash_inv)
indices = torch.triu_indices(n_channels, n_channels)
x_inv = torch.zeros(
x.shape[slice(0, d - 2)] + (n_channels, n_channels, 2),
x_inv[..., indices[1], indices[0], 0] = as_inv[..., 0, :]
x_inv[..., indices[1], indices[0], 1] = -1 * as_inv[..., 1, :]
x_inv[..., indices[0], indices[1], 0] = as_inv[..., 0, :]
x_inv[..., indices[0], indices[1], 1] = as_inv[..., 1, :]
return x_inv