Source code for speechbrain.nnet.transducer.transducer_joint

"""Library implementing transducer_joint.

    Abdelwahab HEBA 2020

import torch
import logging
import torch.nn as nn

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Transducer_joint(nn.Module): """Computes joint tensor between Transcription network (TN) & Prediction network (PN) Arguments --------- joint_network : torch.class (neural network modules) if joint == "concat", we call this network after the concatenation of TN and PN if None, we don't use this network. joint : joint the two tensors by ("sum",or "concat") option. nonlinearity : torch class Activation function used after the joint between TN and PN Type of nonlinearity (tanh, relu). Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.nnet.transducer.transducer_joint import Transducer_joint >>> from speechbrain.nnet.linear import Linear >>> input_TN = torch.rand(8, 200, 1, 40) >>> input_PN = torch.rand(8, 1, 12, 40) >>> joint_network = Linear(input_size=80, n_neurons=80) >>> TJoint = Transducer_joint(joint_network, joint="concat") >>> output = TJoint(input_TN, input_PN) >>> output.shape torch.Size([8, 200, 12, 80]) """ def __init__( self, joint_network=None, joint="sum", nonlinearity=torch.nn.LeakyReLU ): super().__init__() self.joint_network = joint_network self.joint = joint self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity()
[docs] def init_params(self, first_input): """ Arguments --------- first_input : tensor A first input used for initializing the parameters. """ self.joint_network(first_input)
[docs] def forward(self, input_TN, input_PN): """Returns the fusion of inputs tensors. Arguments --------- input_TN : torch.Tensor Input from Transcription Network. input_PN : torch.Tensor Input from Prediction Network. """ if len(input_TN.shape) != len(input_PN.shape): raise ValueError("Arg 1 and 2 must be have same size") if not (len(input_TN.shape) != 4 or len(input_TN.shape) != 1): raise ValueError("Tensors 1 and 2 must have dim=1 or dim=4") if self.joint == "sum": joint = input_TN + input_PN if self.joint == "concat": # For training if len(input_TN.shape) == 4: dim = len(input_TN.shape) - 1 xs = input_TN ymat = input_PN sz = [ max(i, j) for i, j in zip(xs.size()[:-1], ymat.size()[:-1]) ] xs = xs.expand(torch.Size(sz + [xs.shape[-1]])) ymat = ymat.expand(torch.Size(sz + [ymat.shape[-1]])) joint =, ymat), dim=dim) # For evaluation elif len(input_TN.shape) == 1: joint =, input_PN), dim=0) if self.joint_network is not None: joint = self.joint_network(joint) return self.nonlinearity(joint)