Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio

Data pipeline elements for the G2P pipeline

 * Loren Lugosch 2020
 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
 * Artem Ploujnikov 2021 (minor refactoring only)

import re
from functools import reduce

import torch
from torch import nn

import speechbrain as sb
from speechbrain.wordemb.util import expand_to_chars

RE_MULTI_SPACE = re.compile(r"\s{2,}")

[docs] def clean_pipeline(txt, graphemes): """ Cleans incoming text, removing any characters not on the accepted list of graphemes and converting to uppercase Arguments --------- txt: str the text to clean up graphemes: list a list of graphemes Returns ------- item: DynamicItem A wrapped transformation function """ result = txt.upper() result = "".join(char for char in result if char in graphemes) result = RE_MULTI_SPACE.sub(" ", result) return result
[docs] def grapheme_pipeline(char, grapheme_encoder=None, uppercase=True): """Encodes a grapheme sequence Arguments --------- char: str A list of characters to encode. grapheme_encoder: speechbrain.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder a text encoder for graphemes. If not provided, uppercase: bool whether or not to convert items to uppercase Yields ------ grapheme_list: list a raw list of graphemes, excluding any non-matching labels grapheme_encoded_list: list a list of graphemes encoded as integers grapheme_encoded: torch.Tensor """ if uppercase: char = char.upper() grapheme_list = [ grapheme for grapheme in char if grapheme in grapheme_encoder.lab2ind ] yield grapheme_list grapheme_encoded_list = grapheme_encoder.encode_sequence(grapheme_list) yield grapheme_encoded_list grapheme_encoded = torch.LongTensor(grapheme_encoded_list) yield grapheme_encoded
[docs] def tokenizer_encode_pipeline( seq, tokenizer, tokens, wordwise=True, word_separator=" ", token_space_index=512, char_map=None, ): """A pipeline element that uses a pretrained tokenizer Arguments --------- seq: list List of tokens to encode. tokenizer: speechbrain.tokenizer.SentencePiece a tokenizer instance tokens: str available tokens wordwise: str whether tokenization is performed on the whole sequence or one word at a time. Tokenization can produce token sequences in which a token may span multiple words word_separator: str The substring to use as a separator between words. token_space_index: int the index of the space token char_map: dict a mapping from characters to tokens. This is used when tokenizing sequences of phonemes rather than sequences of characters. A sequence of phonemes is typically a list of one or two-character tokens (e.g. ["DH", "UH", " ", "S", "AW", "N", "D"]). The character map makes it possible to map these to arbitrarily selected characters Yields ------ token_list: list a list of raw tokens encoded_list: list a list of tokens, encoded as a list of integers encoded: torch.Tensor a list of tokens, encoded as a tensor """ token_list = [token for token in seq if token in tokens] yield token_list tokenizer_input = "".join( _map_tokens_item(token_list, char_map) if char_map is not None else token_list ) if wordwise: encoded_list = _wordwise_tokenize( tokenizer(), tokenizer_input, word_separator, token_space_index ) else: encoded_list = tokenizer().sp.encode_as_ids(tokenizer_input) yield encoded_list encoded = torch.LongTensor(encoded_list) yield encoded
def _wordwise_tokenize(tokenizer, sequence, input_separator, token_separator): """Tokenizes a sequence wordwise Arguments --------- tokenizer: speechbrain.tokenizers.SentencePiece.SentencePiece a tokenizer instance sequence: iterable the original sequence input_separator: str the separator used in the input sequence token_separator: str the token separator used in the output sequence Returns ------- result: str the resulting tensor """ if input_separator not in sequence: return tokenizer.sp.encode_as_ids(sequence) words = list(_split_list(sequence, input_separator)) encoded_words = [ tokenizer.sp.encode_as_ids(word_tokens) for word_tokens in words ] sep_list = [token_separator] return reduce((lambda left, right: left + sep_list + right), encoded_words) def _wordwise_detokenize( tokenizer, sequence, output_separator, token_separator ): """Detokenizes a sequence wordwise Arguments --------- tokenizer: speechbrain.tokenizers.SentencePiece.SentencePiece a tokenizer instance sequence: iterable the original sequence output_separator: str the separator used in the output sequence token_separator: str the token separator used in the output sequence Returns ------- result: torch.Tensor the result """ if isinstance(sequence, str) and sequence == "": return "" if token_separator not in sequence: sequence_list = ( sequence if isinstance(sequence, list) else sequence.tolist() ) return tokenizer.sp.decode_ids(sequence_list) words = list(_split_list(sequence, token_separator)) encoded_words = [ tokenizer.sp.decode_ids(word_tokens) for word_tokens in words ] return output_separator.join(encoded_words) def _split_list(items, separator): """ Splits a sequence (such as a tensor) by the specified separator Arguments --------- items: sequence any sequence that supports indexing separator: str the separator token Yields ------ item """ if items is not None: last_idx = -1 for idx, item in enumerate(items): if item == separator: yield items[last_idx + 1 : idx] last_idx = idx if last_idx < idx - 1: yield items[last_idx + 1 :]
[docs] def enable_eos_bos(tokens, encoder, bos_index, eos_index): """ Initializes the phoneme encoder with EOS/BOS sequences Arguments --------- tokens: list a list of tokens encoder: speechbrain.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder. a text encoder instance. If none is provided, a new one will be instantiated bos_index: int the position corresponding to the Beginning-of-Sentence token eos_index: int the position corresponding to the End-of-Sentence Returns ------- encoder: speechbrain.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder an encoder """ if encoder is None: encoder = sb.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder() if bos_index == eos_index: if "<eos-bos>" not in encoder.lab2ind: encoder.insert_bos_eos( bos_label="<eos-bos>", eos_label="<eos-bos>", bos_index=bos_index, ) else: if "<bos>" not in encoder.lab2ind: encoder.insert_bos_eos( bos_label="<bos>", eos_label="<eos>", bos_index=bos_index, eos_index=eos_index, ) if "<unk>" not in encoder.lab2ind: encoder.add_unk() encoder.update_from_iterable(tokens, sequence_input=False) return encoder
[docs] def phoneme_pipeline(phn, phoneme_encoder=None): """Encodes a sequence of phonemes using the encoder provided Arguments --------- phn: list List of phonemes phoneme_encoder: speechbrain.datio.encoder.TextEncoder a text encoder instance (optional, if not provided, a new one will be created) Yields ------ phn: list the original list of phonemes phn_encoded_list: list encoded phonemes, as a list phn_encoded: torch.Tensor encoded phonemes, as a tensor """ yield phn phn_encoded_list = phoneme_encoder.encode_sequence(phn) yield phn_encoded_list phn_encoded = torch.LongTensor(phn_encoded_list) yield phn_encoded
[docs] def add_bos_eos(seq=None, encoder=None): """Adds BOS and EOS tokens to the sequence provided Arguments --------- seq: torch.Tensor the source sequence encoder: speechbrain.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder an encoder instance Yields ------ seq_eos: torch.Tensor the sequence, with the EOS token added seq_bos: torch.Tensor the sequence, with the BOS token added """ seq_bos = encoder.prepend_bos_index(seq) if not torch.is_tensor(seq_bos): seq_bos = torch.tensor(seq_bos) yield seq_bos.long() yield torch.tensor(len(seq_bos)) seq_eos = encoder.append_eos_index(seq) if not torch.is_tensor(seq_eos): seq_eos = torch.tensor(seq_eos) yield seq_eos.long() yield torch.tensor(len(seq_eos))
[docs] def beam_search_pipeline(char_lens, encoder_out, beam_searcher): """Performs a Beam Search on the phonemes. This function is meant to be used as a component in a decoding pipeline Arguments --------- char_lens: torch.Tensor the length of character inputs encoder_out: torch.Tensor Raw encoder outputs beam_searcher: speechbrain.decoders.seq2seq.S2SBeamSearcher a SpeechBrain beam searcher instance Returns ------- hyps: list hypotheses scores: list confidence scores associated with each hypotheses """ return beam_searcher(encoder_out, char_lens)
[docs] def phoneme_decoder_pipeline(hyps, phoneme_encoder): """Decodes a sequence of phonemes Arguments --------- hyps: list hypotheses, the output of a beam search phoneme_encoder: speechbrain.datio.encoder.TextEncoder a text encoder instance Returns ------- phonemes: list the phoneme sequence """ return phoneme_encoder.decode_ndim(hyps)
[docs] def char_range(start_char, end_char): """Produces a list of consecutive characters Arguments --------- start_char: str the starting character end_char: str the ending characters Returns ------- char_range: str the character range """ return [chr(idx) for idx in range(ord(start_char), ord(end_char) + 1)]
[docs] def build_token_char_map(tokens): """Builds a map that maps arbitrary tokens to arbitrarily chosen characters. This is required to overcome the limitations of SentencePiece. Arguments --------- tokens: list a list of tokens for which to produce the map Returns ------- token_map: dict a dictionary with original tokens as keys and new mappings as values """ chars = char_range("A", "Z") + char_range("a", "z") values = list(filter(lambda chr: chr != " ", tokens)) token_map = dict(zip(values, chars[: len(values)])) token_map[" "] = " " return token_map
[docs] def flip_map(map_dict): """Exchanges keys and values in a dictionary Arguments --------- map_dict: dict a dictionary Returns ------- reverse_map_dict: dict a dictionary with keys and values flipped """ return {value: key for key, value in map_dict.items()}
[docs] def text_decode(seq, encoder): """Decodes a sequence using a tokenizer. This function is meant to be used in hparam files Arguments --------- seq: torch.Tensor token indexes encoder: sb.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder a text encoder instance Returns ------- output_seq: list a list of lists of tokens """ return encoder.decode_ndim(seq)
[docs] def char_map_detokenize( char_map, tokenizer, token_space_index=None, wordwise=True ): """Returns a function that recovers the original sequence from one that has been tokenized using a character map Arguments --------- char_map: dict a character-to-output-token-map tokenizer: speechbrain.tokenizers.SentencePiece.SentencePiece a tokenizer instance token_space_index: int the index of the "space" token wordwise: bool Whether to apply detokenize per word. Returns ------- f: callable the tokenizer function """ def detokenize_wordwise(item): """Detokenizes the sequence one word at a time""" return _wordwise_detokenize(tokenizer(), item, " ", token_space_index) def detokenize_regular(item): """Detokenizes the entire sequence""" return tokenizer().sp.decode_ids(item) detokenize = detokenize_wordwise if wordwise else detokenize_regular def f(tokens): """The tokenizer function""" decoded_tokens = [detokenize(item) for item in tokens] mapped_tokens = _map_tokens_batch(decoded_tokens, char_map) return mapped_tokens return f
def _map_tokens_batch(tokens, char_map): """Performs token mapping, in batch mode Arguments --------- tokens: iterable a list of token sequences char_map: dict a token-to-character mapping Returns ------- result: list a list of lists of characters """ return [[char_map[char] for char in item] for item in tokens] def _map_tokens_item(tokens, char_map): """Maps tokens to characters, for a single item Arguments --------- tokens: iterable a single token sequence char_map: dict a token-to-character mapping Returns ------- result: list a list of tokens """ return [char_map[char] for char in tokens]
[docs] class LazyInit(nn.Module): """A lazy initialization wrapper Arguments --------- init : callable The function to initialize the underlying object """ def __init__(self, init): super().__init__() self.instance = None self.init = init self.device = None
[docs] def __call__(self): """Initializes the object instance, if necessary and returns it.""" if self.instance is None: self.instance = self.init() return self.instance
[docs] def to(self, device): """Moves the underlying object to the specified device Arguments --------- device : str | torch.device the device Returns ------- self """ super().to(device) if self.instance is None: self.instance = self.init() if hasattr(self.instance, "to"): self.instance = return self
[docs] def lazy_init(init): """A wrapper to ensure that the specified object is initialized only once (used mainly for tokenizers that train when the constructor is called Arguments --------- init: callable a constructor or function that creates an object Returns ------- instance: object the object instance """ return LazyInit(init)
[docs] def get_sequence_key(key, mode): """Determines the key to be used for sequences (e.g. graphemes/phonemes) based on the naming convention Arguments --------- key: str the key (e.g. "graphemes", "phonemes") mode: str the mode/suffix (raw, eos/bos) Returns ------- key if ``mode=="raw"`` else ``f"{key}_{mode}"`` """ return key if mode == "raw" else f"{key}_{mode}"
[docs] def phonemes_to_label(phns, decoder): """Converts a batch of phoneme sequences (a single tensor) to a list of space-separated phoneme label strings, (e.g. ["T AY B L", "B UH K"]), removing any special tokens Arguments --------- phns: torch.Tensor a batch of phoneme sequences decoder: Callable Converts tensor to phoneme label strings. Returns ------- result: list a list of strings corresponding to the phonemes provided """ phn_decoded = decoder(phns) return [" ".join(remove_special(item)) for item in phn_decoded]
[docs] def remove_special(phn): """Removes any special tokens from the sequence. Special tokens are delimited by angle brackets. Arguments --------- phn: list a list of phoneme labels Returns ------- result: list the original list, without any special tokens """ return [token for token in phn if "<" not in token]
[docs] def word_emb_pipeline( txt, grapheme_encoded, grapheme_encoded_len, grapheme_encoder=None, word_emb=None, use_word_emb=None, ): """Applies word embeddings, if applicable. This function is meant to be used as part of the encoding pipeline Arguments --------- txt: str the raw text grapheme_encoded: torch.Tensor the encoded graphemes grapheme_encoded_len: torch.Tensor encoded grapheme lengths grapheme_encoder: speechbrain.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder the text encoder used for graphemes word_emb: callable the model that produces word embeddings use_word_emb: bool a flag indicated if word embeddings are to be applied Returns ------- char_word_emb: torch.Tensor Word embeddings, expanded to the character dimension """ char_word_emb = None if use_word_emb: raw_word_emb = word_emb().embeddings(txt) word_separator_idx = grapheme_encoder.lab2ind[" "] char_word_emb = expand_to_chars( emb=raw_word_emb.unsqueeze(0), seq=grapheme_encoded.unsqueeze(0), seq_len=grapheme_encoded_len.unsqueeze(0), word_separator=word_separator_idx, ).squeeze(0) return char_word_emb