Source code for speechbrain.utils.distributed

"""Guard for running certain operations on main process only

 * Abdel Heba 2020
 * Aku Rouhe 2020
import os
import torch
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def run_on_main( func, args=None, kwargs=None, post_func=None, post_args=None, post_kwargs=None, run_post_on_main=False, ): """Runs a function with DPP (multi-gpu) support. The main function is only run on the main process. A post_function can be specified, to be on non-main processes after the main func completes. This way whatever the main func produces can be loaded on the other processes. Arguments --------- func : callable Function to run on the main process. args : list, None Positional args to pass to func. kwargs : dict, None Keyword args to pass to func. post_func : callable, None Function to run after func has finished on main. By default only run on non-main processes. post_args : list, None Positional args to pass to post_func. post_kwargs : dict, None Keyword args to pass to post_func. run_post_on_main : bool Whether to run post_func on main process as well. (default: False) """ # Handle the mutable data types' default args: if args is None: args = [] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if post_args is None: post_args = [] if post_kwargs is None: post_kwargs = {} if if_main_process(): # Main comes here try: func(*args, **kwargs) finally: ddp_barrier() else: # Others go here ddp_barrier() if post_func is not None: if run_post_on_main: # Just run on every process without any barrier. post_func(*post_args, **post_kwargs) elif not if_main_process(): # Others go here try: post_func(*post_args, **post_kwargs) finally: ddp_barrier() else: # But main comes here ddp_barrier()
[docs]def if_main_process(): """Checks if the current process is the main process and authorized to run I/O commands. In DDP mode, the main process is the one with RANK == 0. In standard mode, the process will not have `RANK` Unix var and will be authorized to run the I/O commands. """ if "RANK" in os.environ: if os.environ["RANK"] == "": return False else: if int(os.environ["RANK"]) == 0: return True return False return True
[docs]def ddp_barrier(): """In DDP mode, this function will synchronize all processes. torch.distributed.barrier() will block processes until the whole group enters this function. """ if torch.distributed.is_initialized(): torch.distributed.barrier()
[docs]def ddp_init_group(run_opts): """This function will initialize the ddp group if distributed_launch=True bool is given in the python command line. The ddp group will use distributed_backend arg for setting the DDP communication protocol. `RANK` Unix variable will be used for registering the subprocess to the ddp group. Arguments --------- run_opts: list A list of arguments to parse, most often from `sys.argv[1:]`. """ if run_opts["distributed_launch"]: if "local_rank" not in run_opts: raise ValueError( "To use DDP backend, start your script with:\n\t" "python -m torch.distributed.launch [args]\n\t" " hyperparams.yaml --distributed_launch=True " "--distributed_backend=nccl" ) else: if run_opts["local_rank"] + 1 > torch.cuda.device_count(): raise ValueError( "Killing process " + str() + "\n" "Not enough GPUs available!" ) if "RANK" in os.environ is None or os.environ["RANK"] == "": raise ValueError( "To use DDP backend, start your script with:\n\t" "python -m torch.distributed.launch [args]\n\t" " hyperparams.yaml --distributed_launch=True " "--distributed_backend=nccl" ) rank = int(os.environ["RANK"]) if run_opts["distributed_backend"] == "nccl": if not torch.distributed.is_nccl_available(): raise ValueError("NCCL is not supported in your machine.") elif run_opts["distributed_backend"] == "gloo": if not torch.distributed.is_gloo_available(): raise ValueError("GLOO is not supported in your machine.") elif run_opts["distributed_backend"] == "mpi": if not torch.distributed.is_mpi_available(): raise ValueError("MPI is not supported in your machine.") else: run_opts["distributed_backend"] + " communcation protocol doesn't exist." ) raise ValueError( run_opts["distributed_backend"] + " communcation protocol doesn't exist." ) # rank arg is used to set the right rank of the current process for ddp. # if you have 2 servers with 2 gpu: # server1: # GPU0: local_rank=device=0, rank=0 # GPU1: local_rank=device=1, rank=1 # server2: # GPU0: local_rank=device=0, rank=2 # GPU1: local_rank=device=1, rank=3 torch.distributed.init_process_group( backend=run_opts["distributed_backend"], rank=rank ) else: "distributed_launch flag is disabled, " "this experiment will be executed without DDP." ) if "local_rank" in run_opts and run_opts["local_rank"] > 0: raise ValueError( "DDP is disabled, local_rank must not be set.\n" "For DDP training, please use --distributed_launch=True. " "For example:\n\tpython -m torch.distributed.launch " " hyperparams.yaml " "--distributed_launch=True --distributed_backend=nccl" )