speechbrain.lm.ngram module

N-gram language model query interface

  • Aku Rouhe 2020




Query interface for backoff N-gram language models



Evaluates the N-gram LM on each sentence in data


Computes perplexity from a list of individual sentence evaluations.


class speechbrain.lm.ngram.BackoffNgramLM(ngrams, backoffs)[source]

Bases: object

Query interface for backoff N-gram language models

The ngrams format is best explained by an example query: P( world | <s>, hello ), i.e. trigram model, probability of “world” given “<s> hello”, is: ngrams[2][(“<s>”, “hello”)][“world”]

On the top level, ngrams is a dict of different history lengths, and each order is a dict, with contexts (tuples) as keys and (log-)distributions (dicts) as values.

The backoffs format is a little simpler. On the top level, backoffs is a list of different context-orders, and each order is a mapping (dict) from backoff context to backoff (log-)weight

  • ngrams (dict) – The N-gram log probabilities. This is a triply nested dict. The first layer is indexed by N-gram order (integer). The second layer is indexed by the context (tuple of tokens). The third layer is indexed by tokens, and maps to the log prob. Example: log(P(fox|a quick red)) = -5.3 is accessed by: ngrams[4][(‘a’, ‘quick’, ‘red’)][‘fox’]

  • backoffs (dict) – The backoff log weights. This is a doubly nested dict. The first layer is indexed by N-gram order (integer). The second layer is indexed by the backoff history (tuple of tokens) i.e. the context on which the probability distribution is conditioned on. This maps to the log weights. Example: If log(P(fox|a quick red)) is not listed, we find log(backoff(a quick red)) = -23.4, which is accessed: backoffs[3][(‘a’, ‘quick’, ‘red’)] This dict needs to have entries for orders up to at least N-1 (even if they are empty). It may also have entries for order N, though those can never be accessed.


>>> import math
>>> ngrams = {1: {tuple(): {'a': -0.6931, 'b': -0.6931}},
...           2: {('a',): {'a': -0.6931, 'b': -0.6931},
...               ('b',): {'a': -0.6931}}}
>>> backoffs = {1: {('b',): 0.}}
>>> lm = BackoffNgramLM(ngrams, backoffs)
>>> round(math.exp(lm.logprob('a', ('b',))), 1)
>>> round(math.exp(lm.logprob('b', ('b',))), 1)
logprob(token, context=())[source]

Computes the backoff log weights and applies them.

speechbrain.lm.ngram.ngram_evaluation_details(data, LM)[source]

Evaluates the N-gram LM on each sentence in data

Call ngram_perplexity with the output of this function to compute the perplexity.

  • data (iterator) – An iterator over sentences, where each sentence should be an iterator as returned by speechbrain.lm.counting.ngrams_for_evaluation

  • LM (BackoffNgramLM) – The language model to evaluate


List of `collections.Counter`s which have the keys “num_tokens” and “neglogprob”, giving the number of tokens and logprob of each sentence (in the same order as data).

Return type



The collections.Counter cannot add negative numbers. Thus it is important to use negative log probabilities (always >=0).


>>> class MockLM:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.top_order = 3
...     def logprob(self, token, context):
...         return -1.0
>>> LM = MockLM()
>>> data = [[("S", ("<s>",)),
...          ("p", ("<s>", "S")),
...          ("e", ("S", "p")),
...          ("e", ("p", "e")),
...          ("c", ("e", "e")),
...          ("h", ("e", "c")),
...          ("</s>", ("c", "h"))],
...         [("B", ("<s>",)),
...          ("r", ("<s>", "B")),
...          ("a", ("B", "r")),
...          ("i", ("r", "a")),
...          ("n", ("a", "i")),
...          ("</s>", ("i", "n"))]]
>>> sum(ngram_evaluation_details(data, LM), collections.Counter())
Counter({'num_tokens': 13, 'neglogprob': 13.0})
speechbrain.lm.ngram.ngram_perplexity(eval_details, logbase=10.0)[source]

Computes perplexity from a list of individual sentence evaluations.

  • eval_details (list) – List of individual sentence evaluations. As returned by ngram_evaluation_details

  • logbase (float) – The logarithm base to use.


The computed perplexity.

Return type



>>> eval_details = [
...     collections.Counter(neglogprob=5, num_tokens=5),
...     collections.Counter(neglogprob=15, num_tokens=15)]
>>> ngram_perplexity(eval_details)