Source code for speechbrain.utils.check_HF_repo

"""Library for the HuggingFace (HF) repositories.

 * Mirco Ravanelli 2022
import os
import csv
from speechbrain.utils.data_utils import download_file

[docs]def run_HF_check( recipe_csvfile="tests/recipes.csv", field="HF_repo", output_folder="HF_repos", ): """Checks if the code reported in the readme files of the HF repository is runnable. Note: the tests run the code marked as python in the readme file. Arguments --------- recipe_csvfile: path Path of the csv recipe file summarizing all the recipes in the repo. field: string Field of the csv recipe file containing the links to HF repos. output_folder: path Where to download the HF readme files. Returns --------- check: True True if all the code runs, False otherwise. """ # Detect list of HF repositories HF_repos = repo_list(recipe_csvfile, field) # Set up output folder os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(output_folder) # Checking all detected repos check = True for i, repo in enumerate(HF_repos): print("(%i/%i) Checking %s..." % (i + 1, len(HF_repos), repo)) if not (check_repo(repo)): check = False return check
[docs]def repo_list(recipe_csvfile="tests/recipes.csv", field="HF_repo"): """Get the list of HF recipes in the csv recipe file. Arguments --------- recipe_csvfile: path Path of the csv recipe file summarizing all the recipes in the repo. field: string Field of the csv recipe file containing the links to HF repos. Returns --------- HF_repos: list List of the detected HF repos. """ HF_repos = [] with open(recipe_csvfile, newline="") as csvf: reader = csv.DictReader(csvf, delimiter=",", skipinitialspace=True) for row in reader: if len(row[field]) > 0: repos = row[field].split(" ") for repo in repos: HF_repos.append(repo) HF_repos = set(HF_repos) return HF_repos
[docs]def check_repo(HF_repo): """Runs the code reported in the README file of the given HF_repo. It checks if the code runs without errors. Arguments --------- HF_repo: string URL of the HF repository to check. Returns --------- check: bool True if all the code runs, False otherwise. """ exp_name = os.path.basename(HF_repo) if HF_repo[-1] == "/": readme_file = HF_repo + "raw/main/" else: readme_file = HF_repo + "/raw/main/" dest_file = exp_name + ".md" download_file(readme_file, dest_file) code_snippets = [] code = [] flag = False check = True with open(dest_file, "r") as f: for line in f: if "```python" in line: flag = True code = [] elif "```\n" in line and flag: flag = False code_snippets.append(code) elif flag: if len(line.strip()) > 0: code.append(line) for code in code_snippets: try: exec("\n".join(code)) except Exception as e: print("\t" + str(e)) check = False print("\tERROR: cannot run code snippet in %s" % (HF_repo)) return check