Source code for speechbrain.tokenizers.SentencePiece

"""Library for Byte-pair-encoding (BPE) tokenization.
 * Abdelwahab Heba 2020
 * Loren Lugosch 2020

import os.path
import torch
import logging
import csv
import json
import sentencepiece as spm
from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import merge_char
from speechbrain.utils import edit_distance
from speechbrain.utils.distributed import run_on_main

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SentencePiece: """BPE class call the SentencePiece unsupervised text tokenizer from Google. Reference: SentencePiece lib is an unsupervised text tokenizer and detokenizer. It implements subword units like Byte-pair-encoding (BPE), Unigram language model and char/word tokenizer. Arguments --------- model_dir : str The directory where the model will be saved (or already stored). vocab_size : int, None, optional Vocab size for the chosen tokenizer type (BPE, Unigram). The vocab_size is optional for char, and mandatory for BPE & unigram tokenization. annotation_train : str Path of the annotation file which is used to learn the tokenizer. It can be in JSON or csv format. annotation_read : str The data entry which contains the word sequence in the annotation file. model_type : str (bpe, char, unigram). If "bpe", train unsupervised tokenization of piece of words. see: If "word" take the vocabulary from the input text. If "unigram" do piece of word tokenization using unigram language model, see: char_format_input : bool Whether the read entry contains characters format input. (default: False) (e.g., a p p l e _ i s _ g o o d) character_coverage : int Amount of characters covered by the model, good defaults are: 0.9995 for languages with a rich character set like Japanese or Chinese and 1.0 for other languages with small character set. (default: 1.0) user_defined_symbols : string String contained a list of symbols separated by a comma. User-defined symbols are handled as one piece in any context. (default: None) max_sentencepiece_length : int Maximum number of characters for the tokens. (default: 10) bos_id : int If -1 the bos_id = unk_id = 0. otherwise, bos_id = int. (default: -1) eos_id : int If -1 the bos_id = unk_id = 0. otherwise, bos_id = int. (default: -1) split_by_whitespace : bool If False, allow the sentencepiece to extract piece crossing multiple words. This feature is important for : Chinese/Japanese/Korean. (default: True) num_sequences : int If not none, use at most this many sequences to train the tokenizer (for large datasets). (default: None) annotation_list_to_check : list, List of the annotation file which is used for checking the accuracy of recovering words from the tokenizer. annotation_format : str The format of the annotation file. JSON or csv are the formats supported. text_file: str An alternate path to the text file (needed when multiple models are trained on the same data file) add_dummy_prefix : bool If True the tokenizer adds dummy whitespace at the beginning of text. (default: True) Example ------- >>> import torch >>> dict_int2lab = {1: "HELLO", 2: "MORNING"} >>> model_dir = "tests/unittests/tokenizer_data/" >>> # Example with csv >>> annotation_train = "tests/unittests/tokenizer_data/dev-clean.csv" >>> annotation_read = "wrd" >>> model_type = "bpe" >>> bpe = SentencePiece(model_dir,100, annotation_train, annotation_read, ... model_type) >>> batch_seq = torch.Tensor([[1, 2, 2, 1],[1, 2, 1, 0]]) >>> batch_lens = torch.Tensor([1.0, 0.75]) >>> encoded_seq_ids, encoded_seq_pieces = bpe( ... batch_seq, batch_lens, dict_int2lab, task="encode" ... ) >>> # Example using JSON >>> annotation_train = "tests/unittests/tokenizer_data/dev-clean.json" >>> annotation_read = "wrd" >>> bpe = SentencePiece(model_dir,100, annotation_train, annotation_read, ... model_type, annotation_format = 'json') >>> encoded_seq_ids, encoded_seq_pieces = bpe( ... batch_seq, batch_lens, dict_int2lab, task="encode" ... ) """ def __init__( self, model_dir, vocab_size, annotation_train=None, annotation_read=None, model_type="unigram", char_format_input=False, character_coverage=1.0, user_defined_symbols=None, max_sentencepiece_length=10, bos_id=-1, eos_id=-1, pad_id=-1, unk_id=0, split_by_whitespace=True, num_sequences=None, annotation_list_to_check=None, annotation_format="csv", text_file=None, add_dummy_prefix=True, ): if model_type not in ["unigram", "bpe", "char"]: raise ValueError("model_type must be one of : [unigram, bpe, char]") if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.makedirs(model_dir) if not isinstance(vocab_size, int): raise ValueError("vocab_size must be integer.") self.annotation_train = annotation_train self.annotation_read = annotation_read self.annotation_format = annotation_format if self.annotation_train is not None: ext = os.path.splitext(self.annotation_train)[1] if text_file is None: text_file = self.annotation_train.replace(ext, ".txt") self.text_file = text_file self.prefix_model_file = os.path.join( model_dir, str(vocab_size) + "_" + model_type ) self.vocab_size = str(vocab_size) self.model_type = model_type self.char_format_input = char_format_input self.character_coverage = str(character_coverage) self.max_sentencepiece_length = str(max_sentencepiece_length) self.bos_id = str(bos_id) self.eos_id = str(eos_id) self.pad_id = str(pad_id) self.unk_id = str(unk_id) self.num_sequences = num_sequences self.split_by_whitespace = split_by_whitespace self.user_defined_symbols = user_defined_symbols self.add_dummy_prefix = str(add_dummy_prefix) if not os.path.isfile(self.prefix_model_file + ".model"):"Train tokenizer with type:" + self.model_type) if not os.path.isfile(self.text_file): if annotation_format == "csv": run_on_main(self._csv2text) elif annotation_format == "json": run_on_main(self._json2text) else: raise ValueError( "Annotation format not supported. Supported formats are csv and json. Got " + annotation_format ) run_on_main(self._train_BPE) else:"Tokenizer is already trained.")"==== Loading Tokenizer ===")"Tokenizer path: " + self.prefix_model_file + ".model")"Tokenizer vocab_size: " + str(self.vocab_size))"Tokenizer type: " + self.model_type) self.sp = spm.SentencePieceProcessor() self.sp.load(self.prefix_model_file + ".model") if annotation_list_to_check is not None: run_on_main( self._check_coverage_from_bpe, kwargs={"list_annotation_files": annotation_list_to_check}, ) def _csv2text(self): """Read CSV file and convert specific data entries into text file. """ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(self.annotation_train)): raise ValueError( self.annotation_train + " is not a file. please provide annotation file for training." ) "Extract " + self.annotation_read + " sequences from:" + self.annotation_train ) annotation_file = open(self.annotation_train, "r") reader = csv.reader(annotation_file) headers = next(reader, None) if self.annotation_read not in headers: raise ValueError( self.annotation_read + " must exist in:" + self.annotation_train ) index_label = headers.index(self.annotation_read) text_file = open(self.text_file, "w+") row_idx = 0 for row in reader: if self.num_sequences is not None and row_idx > self.num_sequences: print( "Using %d sequences to train the tokenizer." % self.num_sequences ) break row_idx += 1 sent = row[index_label] if self.char_format_input: (sent,) = merge_char([sent.split()]) sent = " ".join(sent) text_file.write(sent + "\n") text_file.close() annotation_file.close()"Text file created at: " + self.text_file) def _json2text(self): """Read JSON file and convert specific data entries into text file. """ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(self.annotation_train)): raise ValueError( self.annotation_train + " is not a file. please provide annotation file for training." ) "Extract " + self.annotation_read + " sequences from:" + self.annotation_train ) # Read JSON with open(self.annotation_train, "r") as f: out_json = json.load(f) # Save text file text_file = open(self.text_file, "w+") row_idx = 0 for snt_id in out_json.keys(): if self.num_sequences is not None and row_idx > self.num_sequences: print( "Using %d sequences to train the tokenizer." % self.num_sequences ) break row_idx += 1 sent = out_json[snt_id][self.annotation_read] if self.char_format_input: (sent,) = merge_char([sent.split()]) sent = " ".join(sent) text_file.write(sent + "\n") text_file.close()"Text file created at: " + self.text_file) def _train_BPE(self): """Train tokenizer with unsupervised techniques (BPE, Unigram) using SentencePiece Library. If you use "char" mode, the SentencePiece creates a char dict so the vocab_size attribute is not needed. """ query = ( "--input=" + self.text_file + " --model_prefix=" + self.prefix_model_file + " --model_type=" + self.model_type + " --bos_id=" + self.bos_id + " --eos_id=" + self.eos_id + " --pad_id=" + self.pad_id + " --unk_id=" + self.unk_id + " --max_sentencepiece_length=" + self.max_sentencepiece_length + " --character_coverage=" + self.character_coverage + " --add_dummy_prefix=" + self.add_dummy_prefix ) if self.model_type not in ["char"]: # include vocab_size query += " --vocab_size=" + str(self.vocab_size) if self.user_defined_symbols is not None: query += " --user_defined_symbols=" + self.user_defined_symbols if not self.split_by_whitespace: query += " --split_by_whitespace=false" # Train tokenizer spm.SentencePieceTrainer.train(query) def _check_coverage_from_bpe(self, list_annotation_files=[]): """Logging the accuracy of the BPE model to recover words from the training text. Arguments --------- annotation_list_to_check : list, List of the annotation file which is used for checking the accuracy of recovering words from the tokenizer. """ for annotation_file in list_annotation_files: if os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(annotation_file)): "==== Accuracy checking for recovering text from tokenizer ===" ) # csv reading if self.annotation_format == "csv": fannotation_file = open(annotation_file, "r") reader = csv.reader(fannotation_file) headers = next(reader, None) if self.annotation_read not in headers: raise ValueError( self.annotation_read + " must exist in:" + annotation_file ) index_label = headers.index(self.annotation_read) # json reading else: with open(self.annotation_train, "r") as f: reader = json.load(f) index_label = self.annotation_read wrong_recover_list = [] for row in reader: if self.annotation_format == "csv": row = row[index_label] else: row = reader[row][index_label] if self.char_format_input: (row,) = merge_char([row.split()]) row = " ".join(row) row = row.split("\n")[0] encoded_id = self.sp.encode_as_ids(row) decode_text = self.sp.decode_ids(encoded_id) (details,) = edit_distance.wer_details_for_batch( ["utt1"], [row.split(" ")], [decode_text.split(" ")], compute_alignments=True, ) if details["WER"] > 0: for align in details["alignment"]: if align[0] != "=" and align[1] is not None: if align[1] not in wrong_recover_list: wrong_recover_list.append(align[1]) if self.annotation_format == "csv": fannotation_file.close()"recover words from: " + annotation_file) if len(wrong_recover_list) > 0: logger.warn( "Wrong recover words: " + str(len(wrong_recover_list)) ) logger.warn( "Tokenizer vocab size: " + str(self.sp.vocab_size()) ) logger.warn( "accuracy recovering words: " + str( 1 - float(len(wrong_recover_list)) / self.sp.vocab_size() ) ) else:"Wrong recover words: 0") logger.warning("accuracy recovering words: " + str(1.0)) else: "No accuracy recover checking for" + annotation_file )
[docs] def __call__( self, batch, batch_lens=None, ind2lab=None, task="encode", ): """This __call__ function implements the tokenizer encoder and decoder (restoring the string of word) for BPE, Regularized BPE (with unigram), and char (speechbrain/nnet/ Arguments ---------- batch : tensor.IntTensor or list List if ( batch_lens = None and task = "decode_from_list") Contains the original labels. Shape: [batch_size, max_length] batch_lens : tensor.LongTensor Containing the relative length of each label sequences. Must be 1D tensor of shape: [batch_size]. (default: None) ind2lab : dict Dictionary which maps the index from label sequences (batch tensor) to string label. task : str ("encode", "decode", "decode_from_list) "encode": convert the batch tensor into sequence of tokens. the output contain a list of (tokens_seq, tokens_lens) "decode": convert a tensor of tokens to a list of word sequences. "decode_from_list": convert a list of token sequences to a list of word sequences. """ if task == "encode" and ind2lab is None: raise ValueError("Tokenizer encoder must have the ind2lab function") if task == "encode": # Convert list of words/chars to bpe ids bpe = [] max_bpe_len = 0 batch_lens = (batch_lens * batch.shape[1]).round().int() for i, utt_seq in enumerate(batch): tokens = [ ind2lab[int(index)] for index in utt_seq[: batch_lens[i]] ] if self.char_format_input: (words_list,) = merge_char([tokens]) sent = " ".join(words_list) else: sent = " ".join(tokens) bpe_encode = self.sp.encode_as_ids(sent) bpe.append(bpe_encode) # save the longest bpe sequence # it help to compute the relative length of each utterance if len(bpe_encode) > max_bpe_len: max_bpe_len = len(bpe_encode) # Create bpe tensor bpe_tensor = torch.zeros( (batch.shape[0], max_bpe_len), device=batch.device ) bpe_lens = torch.zeros((batch.shape[0]), device=batch.device) for i, bpe_utt in enumerate(bpe): bpe_tensor[i, : len(bpe_utt)] = torch.Tensor(bpe_utt) bpe_lens[i] = len(bpe_utt) / max_bpe_len return bpe_tensor, bpe_lens elif task == "decode_from_list": # From list of hyps (not padded outputs) # do decoding return [self.sp.decode_ids(utt_seq).split(" ") for utt_seq in batch] elif task == "decode": # From a batch tensor and a length tensor # find the absolute batch lengths and do decoding batch_lens = (batch_lens * batch.shape[1]).round().int() return [ self.sp.decode_ids( utt_seq[: batch_lens[i]].int().tolist() ).split(" ") for i, utt_seq in enumerate(batch) ]