Source code for speechbrain.nnet.loss.stoi_loss

"""Library for computing STOI computation.
Reference: "End-to-End Waveform Utterance Enhancement for Direct Evaluation
Metrics Optimization by Fully Convolutional Neural Networks", TASLP, 2018

    Szu-Wei, Fu 2020

import torch
import torchaudio
import numpy as np
from speechbrain.utils.torch_audio_backend import check_torchaudio_backend

smallVal = np.finfo("float").eps  # To avoid divide by zero

[docs]def thirdoct(fs, nfft, num_bands, min_freq): """Returns the 1/3 octave band matrix. Arguments --------- fs : int Sampling rate. nfft : int FFT size. num_bands : int Number of 1/3 octave bands. min_freq : int Center frequency of the lowest 1/3 octave band. Returns ------- obm : tensor Octave Band Matrix. """ f = torch.linspace(0, fs, nfft + 1) f = f[: int(nfft / 2) + 1] k = torch.from_numpy(np.array(range(num_bands)).astype(float)) cf = torch.pow(2.0 ** (1.0 / 3), k) * min_freq freq_low = min_freq * torch.pow(2.0, (2 * k - 1) / 6) freq_high = min_freq * torch.pow(2.0, (2 * k + 1) / 6) obm = torch.zeros(num_bands, len(f)) # a verifier for i in range(len(cf)): # Match 1/3 oct band freq with fft frequency bin f_bin = torch.argmin(torch.square(f - freq_low[i])) freq_low[i] = f[f_bin] fl_ii = f_bin f_bin = torch.argmin(torch.square(f - freq_high[i])) freq_high[i] = f[f_bin] fh_ii = f_bin # Assign to the octave band matrix obm[i, fl_ii:fh_ii] = 1 return obm
[docs]def removeSilentFrames(x, y, dyn_range=40, N=256, K=128): """Removes silent frames from the STOI computation. This function can be used as a loss function for training with SGD-based updates. Arguments --------- x: torch.Tensor The clean (reference) waveforms. y: torch.Tensor The degraded (enhanced) waveforms. dyn_range: int Dynamic range used for mask computation. N: int Window length. K: int Step size. """ w = torch.unsqueeze(torch.from_numpy(np.hanning(N)), 0).to(torch.float) X1 = x[0 : int(x.shape[0]) // N * N].reshape(int(x.shape[0]) // N, N).T X2 = ( x[K : (int(x.shape[0]) - K) // N * N + K] .reshape((int(x.shape[0]) - K) // N, N) .T ) X = torch.zeros(N, X1.shape[1] + X2.shape[1]) X[:, 0::2] = X1 X[:, 1::2] = X2 energy = 20 * torch.log10( torch.sqrt(torch.matmul(w ** 2, X ** 2)) / 16.0 + smallVal ) Max_energy = torch.max(energy) msk = torch.squeeze((energy - Max_energy + dyn_range > 0)) Y1 = y[0 : int(y.shape[0]) // N * N].reshape(int(y.shape[0]) // N, N).T Y2 = ( y[K : (int(y.shape[0]) - K) // N * N + K] .reshape((int(y.shape[0]) - K) // N, N) .T ) Y = torch.zeros(N, Y1.shape[1] + Y2.shape[1]) Y[:, 0::2] = Y1 Y[:, 1::2] = Y2 x_sil = w.T.repeat(1, X[:, msk].shape[-1]) * X[:, msk] y_sil = w.T.repeat(1, X[:, msk].shape[-1]) * Y[:, msk] x_sil = ( x_sil[0:K, 0], (x_sil[0:K, 1:] + x_sil[K:, 0:-1]).T.flatten(), x_sil[K:N, -1], ), axis=0, ) y_sil = ( y_sil[0:K, 0], (y_sil[0:K, 1:] + y_sil[K:, 0:-1]).T.flatten(), y_sil[K:N, -1], ), axis=0, ) return [x_sil, y_sil]
[docs]def stoi_loss(y_pred_batch, y_true_batch, lens, reduction="mean"): """Compute the STOI score and return -1 * that score. This function can be used as a loss function for training with SGD-based updates. Arguments --------- y_pred_batch : torch.Tensor The degraded (enhanced) waveforms. y_true_batch : torch.Tensor The clean (reference) waveforms. lens : torch.Tensor The relative lengths of the waveforms within the batch. reduction : str The type of reduction ("mean" or "batch") to use. Example ------- >>> a = torch.sin(torch.arange(16000, dtype=torch.float32)).unsqueeze(0) >>> b = a + 0.001 >>> -stoi_loss(b, a, torch.ones(1)) tensor(0.7...) """ y_pred_batch = torch.squeeze(y_pred_batch, dim=-1) y_true_batch = torch.squeeze(y_true_batch, dim=-1) batch_size = y_pred_batch.shape[0] fs = 16000 # Sampling rate N = 30 # length of temporal envelope vectors J = 15.0 # Number of one-third octave bands octave_band = thirdoct(fs=10000, nfft=512, num_bands=15, min_freq=150) c = 5.62341325 # 10^(-Beta/20) with Beta = -15 D = torch.zeros(batch_size) resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(fs, 10000).to( y_pred_batch.device ) for i in range(0, batch_size): # Run over mini-batches y_true = y_true_batch[i, 0 : int(lens[i] * y_pred_batch.shape[1])] y_pred = y_pred_batch[i, 0 : int(lens[i] * y_pred_batch.shape[1])] y_true, y_pred = resampler(y_true), resampler(y_pred) [y_sil_true, y_sil_pred] = removeSilentFrames(y_true, y_pred) stft_true = torchaudio.transforms.Spectrogram( n_fft=512, win_length=256, hop_length=128, power=2 )(y_sil_true) stft_pred = torchaudio.transforms.Spectrogram( n_fft=512, win_length=256, hop_length=128, power=2 )(y_sil_pred) OCT_true = torch.sqrt(torch.matmul(octave_band, stft_true) + 1e-14) OCT_pred = torch.sqrt(torch.matmul(octave_band, stft_pred) + 1e-14) M = int( stft_pred.shape[-1] - (N - 1) ) # number of temporal envelope vectors X = torch.zeros(15 * M, 30) Y = torch.zeros(15 * M, 30) for m in range(0, M): # Run over temporal envelope vectors X[m * 15 : (m + 1) * 15, :] = OCT_true[:, m : m + N] Y[m * 15 : (m + 1) * 15, :] = OCT_pred[:, m : m + N] alpha = torch.norm(X, dim=-1, keepdim=True) / ( torch.norm(Y, dim=-1, keepdim=True) + smallVal ) ay = Y * alpha y = torch.min(ay, X + X * c) xn = X - torch.mean(X, dim=-1, keepdim=True) xn = xn / (torch.norm(xn, dim=-1, keepdim=True) + smallVal) yn = y - torch.mean(y, dim=-1, keepdim=True) yn = yn / (torch.norm(yn, dim=-1, keepdim=True) + smallVal) d = torch.sum(xn * yn) D[i] = d / (J * M) if reduction == "mean": return -D.mean() return -D