Source code for speechbrain.nnet.loss.si_snr_loss

# Authors:
 * Szu-Wei, Fu 2021
 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
 * Samuele Cornell 2020
 * Hwidong Na 2020
 * Yan Gao 2020
 * Titouan Parcollet 2020

import torch
import numpy as np

smallVal = np.finfo("float").eps  # To avoid divide by zero

[docs]def si_snr_loss(y_pred_batch, y_true_batch, lens, reduction="mean"): """Compute the si_snr score and return -1 * that score. This function can be used as a loss function for training with SGD-based updates. Arguments --------- y_pred_batch : torch.Tensor The degraded (enhanced) waveforms. y_true_batch : torch.Tensor The clean (reference) waveforms. lens : torch.Tensor The relative lengths of the waveforms within the batch. reduction : str The type of reduction ("mean" or "batch") to use. Example ------- """ y_pred_batch = torch.squeeze(y_pred_batch, dim=-1) y_true_batch = torch.squeeze(y_true_batch, dim=-1) batch_size = y_pred_batch.shape[0] SI_SNR = torch.zeros(batch_size) for i in range(0, batch_size): # Run over mini-batches s_target = y_true_batch[i, 0 : int(lens[i] * y_pred_batch.shape[1])] s_estimate = y_pred_batch[i, 0 : int(lens[i] * y_pred_batch.shape[1])] # s_target = <s', s>s / ||s||^2 dot = torch.sum(s_estimate * s_target, dim=0, keepdim=True) s_target_energy = ( torch.sum(s_target ** 2, dim=0, keepdim=True) + smallVal ) proj = dot * s_target / s_target_energy # e_noise = s' - s_target e_noise = s_estimate - proj # SI-SNR = 10 * log_10(||s_target||^2 / ||e_noise||^2) si_snr_beforelog = torch.sum(proj ** 2, dim=0) / ( torch.sum(e_noise ** 2, dim=0) + smallVal ) SI_SNR[i] = 10 * torch.log10(si_snr_beforelog + smallVal) if reduction == "mean": return -SI_SNR.mean() return -SI_SNR