Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.transformer.TransformerST

"""Transformer for ST in the SpeechBrain sytle.


import torch  # noqa 42
import logging
from torch import nn
from typing import Optional

from speechbrain.nnet.containers import ModuleList
from speechbrain.lobes.models.transformer.Transformer import (
from speechbrain.lobes.models.transformer.Conformer import ConformerEncoder
from speechbrain.lobes.models.transformer.TransformerASR import TransformerASR
from speechbrain.nnet.activations import Swish

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TransformerST(TransformerASR): """This is an implementation of transformer model for ST. The architecture is based on the paper "Attention Is All You Need": Arguments ---------- tgt_vocab: int Size of vocabulary. input_size: int Input feature size. d_model : int, optional Embedding dimension size. (default=512). nhead : int, optional The number of heads in the multi-head attention models (default=8). num_encoder_layers : int, optional The number of sub-encoder-layers in the encoder (default=6). num_decoder_layers : int, optional The number of sub-decoder-layers in the decoder (default=6). dim_ffn : int, optional The dimension of the feedforward network model (default=2048). dropout : int, optional The dropout value (default=0.1). activation : torch.nn.Module, optional The activation function of FFN layers. Recommended: relu or gelu (default=relu). positional_encoding: str, optional Type of positional encoding used. e.g. 'fixed_abs_sine' for fixed absolute positional encodings. normalize_before: bool, optional Whether normalization should be applied before or after MHA or FFN in Transformer layers. Defaults to True as this was shown to lead to better performance and training stability. kernel_size: int, optional Kernel size in convolutional layers when Conformer is used. bias: bool, optional Whether to use bias in Conformer convolutional layers. encoder_module: str, optional Choose between Conformer and Transformer for the encoder. The decoder is fixed to be a Transformer. conformer_activation: torch.nn.Module, optional Activation module used after Conformer convolutional layers. E.g. Swish, ReLU etc. it has to be a torch Module. attention_type: str, optional Type of attention layer used in all Transformer or Conformer layers. e.g. regularMHA or RelPosMHA. max_length: int, optional Max length for the target and source sequence in input. Used for positional encodings. causal: bool, optional Whether the encoder should be causal or not (the decoder is always causal). If causal the Conformer convolutional layer is causal. ctc_weight: float The weight of ctc for asr task asr_weight: float The weight of asr task for calculating loss mt_weight: float The weight of mt task for calculating loss asr_tgt_vocab: int The size of the asr target language mt_src_vocab: int The size of the mt source language Example ------- >>> src = torch.rand([8, 120, 512]) >>> tgt = torch.randint(0, 720, [8, 120]) >>> net = TransformerST( ... 720, 512, 512, 8, 1, 1, 1024, activation=torch.nn.GELU, ... ctc_weight=1, asr_weight=0.3, ... ) >>> enc_out, dec_out = net.forward(src, tgt) >>> enc_out.shape torch.Size([8, 120, 512]) >>> dec_out.shape torch.Size([8, 120, 512]) """ def __init__( self, tgt_vocab, input_size, d_model=512, nhead=8, num_encoder_layers=6, num_decoder_layers=6, d_ffn=2048, dropout=0.1, activation=nn.ReLU, positional_encoding="fixed_abs_sine", normalize_before=False, kernel_size: Optional[int] = 31, bias: Optional[bool] = True, encoder_module: Optional[str] = "transformer", conformer_activation: Optional[nn.Module] = Swish, attention_type: Optional[str] = "regularMHA", max_length: Optional[int] = 2500, causal: Optional[bool] = True, ctc_weight: float = 0.0, asr_weight: float = 0.0, mt_weight: float = 0.0, asr_tgt_vocab: int = 0, mt_src_vocab: int = 0, ): super().__init__( tgt_vocab=tgt_vocab, input_size=input_size, d_model=d_model, nhead=nhead, num_encoder_layers=num_encoder_layers, num_decoder_layers=num_decoder_layers, d_ffn=d_ffn, dropout=dropout, activation=activation, positional_encoding=positional_encoding, normalize_before=normalize_before, kernel_size=kernel_size, bias=bias, encoder_module=encoder_module, conformer_activation=conformer_activation, attention_type=attention_type, max_length=max_length, causal=causal, ) if ctc_weight < 1 and asr_weight > 0: self.asr_decoder = TransformerDecoder( num_layers=num_decoder_layers, nhead=nhead, d_ffn=d_ffn, d_model=d_model, dropout=dropout, activation=activation, normalize_before=normalize_before, causal=True, attention_type="regularMHA", # always use regular attention in decoder ) self.custom_asr_tgt_module = ModuleList( NormalizedEmbedding(d_model, asr_tgt_vocab) ) if mt_weight > 0: self.custom_mt_src_module = ModuleList( NormalizedEmbedding(d_model, mt_src_vocab) ) if encoder_module == "transformer": self.mt_encoder = TransformerEncoder( nhead=nhead, num_layers=num_encoder_layers, d_ffn=d_ffn, d_model=d_model, dropout=dropout, activation=activation, normalize_before=normalize_before, causal=self.causal, attention_type=self.attention_type, ) elif encoder_module == "conformer": self.mt_encoder = ConformerEncoder( nhead=nhead, num_layers=num_encoder_layers, d_ffn=d_ffn, d_model=d_model, dropout=dropout, activation=conformer_activation, kernel_size=kernel_size, bias=bias, causal=self.causal, attention_type=self.attention_type, ) assert ( normalize_before ), "normalize_before must be True for Conformer" assert ( conformer_activation is not None ), "conformer_activation must not be None" # reset parameters using xavier_normal_ self._init_params()
[docs] def forward_asr(self, encoder_out, src, tgt, wav_len, pad_idx=0): """This method implements a decoding step for asr task Arguments ---------- encoder_out : tensor The representation of the encoder (required). tgt (transcription): tensor The sequence to the decoder (required). pad_idx : int The index for <pad> token (default=0). """ # reshpae the src vector to [Batch, Time, Fea] is a 4d vector is given if src.dim() == 4: bz, t, ch1, ch2 = src.shape src = src.reshape(bz, t, ch1 * ch2) ( src_key_padding_mask, tgt_key_padding_mask, src_mask, tgt_mask, ) = self.make_masks(src, tgt, wav_len, pad_idx=pad_idx) transcription = self.custom_asr_tgt_module(tgt) if self.attention_type == "RelPosMHAXL": transcription = transcription + self.positional_encoding_decoder( transcription ) elif self.attention_type == "fixed_abs_sine": transcription = transcription + self.positional_encoding( transcription ) asr_decoder_out, _, _ = self.asr_decoder( tgt=transcription, memory=encoder_out, memory_mask=src_mask, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, tgt_key_padding_mask=tgt_key_padding_mask, memory_key_padding_mask=src_key_padding_mask, ) return asr_decoder_out
[docs] def forward_mt(self, src, tgt, pad_idx=0): """This method implements a forward step for mt task Arguments ---------- src (transcription): tensor The sequence to the encoder (required). tgt (translation): tensor The sequence to the decoder (required). pad_idx : int The index for <pad> token (default=0). """ ( src_key_padding_mask, tgt_key_padding_mask, src_mask, tgt_mask, ) = self.make_masks_for_mt(src, tgt, pad_idx=pad_idx) src = self.custom_mt_src_module(src) if self.attention_type == "RelPosMHAXL": pos_embs_encoder = self.positional_encoding(src) elif self.positional_encoding_type == "fixed_abs_sine": src = src + self.positional_encoding(src) pos_embs_encoder = None encoder_out, _ = self.mt_encoder( src=src, src_mask=src_mask, src_key_padding_mask=src_key_padding_mask, pos_embs=pos_embs_encoder, ) tgt = self.custom_tgt_module(tgt) if self.attention_type == "RelPosMHAXL": # use standard sinusoidal pos encoding in decoder tgt = tgt + self.positional_encoding_decoder(tgt) src = src + self.positional_encoding_decoder(src) elif self.positional_encoding_type == "fixed_abs_sine": tgt = tgt + self.positional_encoding(tgt) decoder_out, _, _ = self.decoder( tgt=tgt, memory=encoder_out, memory_mask=src_mask, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, tgt_key_padding_mask=tgt_key_padding_mask, memory_key_padding_mask=src_key_padding_mask, ) return encoder_out, decoder_out
[docs] def decode_asr(self, tgt, encoder_out): """This method implements a decoding step for the transformer model. Arguments --------- tgt : torch.Tensor The sequence to the decoder. encoder_out : torch.Tensor Hidden output of the encoder. """ tgt_mask = get_lookahead_mask(tgt) tgt = self.custom_tgt_module(tgt) if self.attention_type == "RelPosMHAXL": # we use fixed positional encodings in the decoder tgt = tgt + self.positional_encoding_decoder(tgt) encoder_out = encoder_out + self.positional_encoding_decoder( encoder_out ) elif self.positional_encoding_type == "fixed_abs_sine": tgt = tgt + self.positional_encoding(tgt) # add the encodings here prediction, _, multihead_attns = self.asr_decoder( tgt, encoder_out, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, ) return prediction, multihead_attns[-1]
[docs] def make_masks_for_mt(self, src, tgt, pad_idx=0): """This method generates the masks for training the transformer model. Arguments --------- src : tensor The sequence to the encoder (required). tgt : tensor The sequence to the decoder (required). pad_idx : int The index for <pad> token (default=0). """ src_key_padding_mask = None if src_key_padding_mask = get_key_padding_mask(src, pad_idx=pad_idx) tgt_key_padding_mask = get_key_padding_mask(tgt, pad_idx=pad_idx) src_mask = None tgt_mask = get_lookahead_mask(tgt) return src_key_padding_mask, tgt_key_padding_mask, src_mask, tgt_mask