Source code for speechbrain.utils.train_logger

"""Loggers for experiment monitoring.

 * Peter Plantinga 2020
import logging
import ruamel.yaml
import torch
import os

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TrainLogger: """Abstract class defining an interface for training loggers."""
[docs] def log_stats( self, stats_meta, train_stats=None, valid_stats=None, test_stats=None, verbose=False, ): """Log the stats for one epoch. Arguments --------- stats_meta : dict of str:scalar pairs Meta information about the stats (e.g., epoch, learning-rate, etc.). train_stats : dict of str:list pairs Each loss type is represented with a str : list pair including all the values for the training pass. valid_stats : dict of str:list pairs Each loss type is represented with a str : list pair including all the values for the validation pass. test_stats : dict of str:list pairs Each loss type is represented with a str : list pair including all the values for the test pass. verbose : bool Whether to also put logging information to the standard logger. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FileTrainLogger(TrainLogger): """Text logger of training information. Arguments --------- save_file : str The file to use for logging train information. precision : int Number of decimal places to display. Default 2, example: 1.35e-5. summary_fns : dict of str:function pairs Each summary function should take a list produced as output from a training/validation pass and summarize it to a single scalar. """ def __init__(self, save_file, precision=2): self.save_file = save_file self.precision = precision def _item_to_string(self, key, value, dataset=None): """Convert one item to string, handling floats""" if isinstance(value, float) and 1.0 < value < 100.0: value = f"{value:.{self.precision}f}" elif isinstance(value, float): value = f"{value:.{self.precision}e}" if dataset is not None: key = f"{dataset} {key}" return f"{key}: {value}" def _stats_to_string(self, stats, dataset=None): """Convert all stats to a single string summary""" return ", ".join( [self._item_to_string(k, v, dataset) for k, v in stats.items()] )
[docs] def log_stats( self, stats_meta, train_stats=None, valid_stats=None, test_stats=None, verbose=True, ): """See TrainLogger.log_stats()""" string_summary = self._stats_to_string(stats_meta) for dataset, stats in [ ("train", train_stats), ("valid", valid_stats), ("test", test_stats), ]: if stats is not None: string_summary += " - " + self._stats_to_string(stats, dataset) with open(self.save_file, "a") as fout: print(string_summary, file=fout) if verbose:
[docs]class TensorboardLogger(TrainLogger): """Logs training information in the format required by Tensorboard. Arguments --------- save_dir : str A directory for storing all the relevant logs. Raises ------ ImportError if Tensorboard is not installed. """ def __init__(self, save_dir): self.save_dir = save_dir # Raises ImportError if TensorBoard is not installed from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter self.writer = SummaryWriter(self.save_dir) self.global_step = {"train": {}, "valid": {}, "test": {}, "meta": 0}
[docs] def log_stats( self, stats_meta, train_stats=None, valid_stats=None, test_stats=None, verbose=False, ): """See TrainLogger.log_stats()""" self.global_step["meta"] += 1 for name, value in stats_meta.items(): self.writer.add_scalar(name, value, self.global_step["meta"]) for dataset, stats in [ ("train", train_stats), ("valid", valid_stats), ("test", test_stats), ]: if stats is None: continue for stat, value_list in stats.items(): if stat not in self.global_step[dataset]: self.global_step[dataset][stat] = 0 tag = f"{stat}/{dataset}" # Both single value (per Epoch) and list (Per batch) logging is supported if isinstance(value_list, list): for value in value_list: new_global_step = self.global_step[dataset][stat] + 1 self.writer.add_scalar(tag, value, new_global_step) self.global_step[dataset][stat] = new_global_step else: value = value_list new_global_step = self.global_step[dataset][stat] + 1 self.writer.add_scalar(tag, value, new_global_step) self.global_step[dataset][stat] = new_global_step
[docs] def log_audio(self, name, value, sample_rate): """Add audio signal in the logs.""" self.writer.add_audio( name, value, self.global_step["meta"], sample_rate=sample_rate )
[docs] def log_figure(self, name, value): """Add a figure in the logs.""" fig = plot_spectrogram(value) if fig is not None: self.writer.add_figure(name, fig, self.global_step["meta"])
[docs]class WandBLogger(TrainLogger): """Logger for wandb. To be used the same way as TrainLogger. Handles nested dicts as well. An example on how to use this can be found in recipes/Voicebank/MTL/CoopNet/""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: yaml_file = kwargs.pop("yaml_config") with open(yaml_file, "r") as yaml_stream: # Read yaml with ruamel to ignore bangs config_dict = ruamel.yaml.YAML().load(yaml_stream) = kwargs.pop("initializer", None)( *args, **kwargs, config=config_dict ) except Exception as e: raise e("There was an issue with the WandB Logger initialization")
[docs] def log_stats( self, stats_meta, train_stats=None, valid_stats=None, test_stats=None, verbose=False, ): """See TrainLogger.log_stats()""" logs = {} for dataset, stats in [ ("train", train_stats), ("valid", valid_stats), ("test", test_stats), ]: if stats is None: continue logs[dataset] = stats step = stats_meta.get("epoch", None) if step is not None: # Useful for continuing runs that crashed{**logs, **stats_meta}, step=step) else:{**logs, **stats_meta})
def _get_image_saver(): """Returns the TorchVision image saver, if available or None if it is not - optional dependency""" try: import torchvision return torchvision.utils.save_image except ImportError: logger.warning("torchvision is not available - cannot save figures") return None
[docs]class ProgressSampleLogger: """A logger that outputs samples during training progress, used primarily in speech synthesis but customizable, reusable and applicable to any other generative task Natively, this logger supports images and raw PyTorch output. Other custom formats can be added as needed. Example: In hparams.yaml progress_sample_logger: !new:speechbrain.utils.progress_samples.ProgressSampleLogger output_path: output/samples progress_batch_sample_size: 3 format_defs: foo: extension: bar saver: !speechbrain.dataio.mystuff.save_my_format kwargs: baz: qux formats: foobar: foo In the brain: Run the following to "remember" a sample (e.g. from compute_objectives) self.hparams.progress_sample_logger.remember( target=spectrogram_target, output=spectrogram_output, alignments=alignments_output, my_output= raw_batch={ "inputs": inputs, "spectrogram_target": spectrogram_target, "spectrogram_output": spectrorgram_outputu, "alignments": alignments_output } ) Run the following at the end of the epoch (e.g. from on_stage_end) Arguments --------- output_path: str the filesystem path to which samples will be saved formats: dict a dictionary with format identifiers as keys and dictionaries with handler callables and extensions as values. The signature of the handler should be similar to Example: { "myformat": { "extension": "myf", "saver": somemodule.save_my_format } } batch_sample_size: int The number of items to retrieve when extracting a batch sample """ _DEFAULT_FORMAT_DEFS = { "raw": {"extension": "pth", "saver":, "kwargs": {}}, "image": { "extension": "png", "saver": _get_image_saver(), "kwargs": {}, }, } DEFAULT_FORMAT = "image" def __init__( self, output_path, formats=None, format_defs=None, batch_sample_size=1 ): self.progress_samples = {} self.formats = formats or {} self.format_defs = dict(self._DEFAULT_FORMAT_DEFS) if format_defs is not None: self.format_defs.update(format_defs) self.batch_sample_size = batch_sample_size self.output_path = output_path
[docs] def reset(self): """Initializes the collection of progress samples""" self.progress_samples = {}
[docs] def remember(self, **kwargs): """Updates the internal dictionary of snapshots with the provided values Arguments --------- kwargs: dict the parameters to be saved with """ self.progress_samples.update( {key: detach(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()} )
[docs] def get_batch_sample(self, value): """Obtains a sample of a batch for saving. This can be useful to monitor raw data (both samples and predictions) over the course of training Arguments --------- value: dict|torch.Tensor|list the raw values from the batch Returns ------- result: object the same type of object as the provided value """ if isinstance(value, dict): result = { key: self.get_batch_sample(item_value) for key, item_value in value.items() } elif isinstance(value, (torch.Tensor, list)): result = value[: self.batch_sample_size] else: result = value return result
[docs] def save(self, epoch): """Saves all items previously saved with remember() calls Arguments --------- epoch: int The epoch number """ for key, data in self.progress_samples.items(): self.save_item(key, data, epoch)
[docs] def save_item(self, key, data, epoch): """Saves a single sample item Arguments --------- key: str the key/identifier of the item data: torch.Tensor the data to save epoch: int the epoch number (used in file path calculations) """ target_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, str(epoch)) if not os.path.exists(target_path): os.makedirs(target_path) format = self.formats.get(key, self.DEFAULT_FORMAT) format_def = self.format_defs.get(format) if format_def is None: raise ValueError("Unsupported format {format}") file_name = f"{key}.{format_def['extension']}" effective_file_name = os.path.join(target_path, file_name) saver = format_def.get("saver") if saver is not None: saver(data, effective_file_name, **format_def["kwargs"])
[docs]def plot_spectrogram(spectrogram, ap=None, fig_size=(16, 10), output_fig=False): """Returns the matplotlib sprctrogram if available or None if it is not - optional dependency""" try: import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: logger.warning("matplotlib is not available - cannot log figures") return None spectrogram = spectrogram.detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze() fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.imshow(spectrogram, aspect="auto", origin="lower") plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout() if not output_fig: plt.close() return fig
[docs]def detach(value): """Detaches the specified object from the graph, which can be a single tensor or a dictionary of tensors. Dictionaries of tensors are converted recursively Arguments --------- value: torch.Tensor|dict a tensor or a dictionary of tensors Returns ------- result: torch.Tensor|dict a tensor of dictionary of tensors """ if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): result = value.detach().cpu() elif isinstance(value, dict): result = {key: detach(item_value) for key, item_value in value.items()} else: result = value return result