speechbrain.utils.distributed module

Guard for running certain operations on main process only

  • Abdel Heba 2020

  • Aku Rouhe 2020




In DDP mode, this function will synchronize all processes.


This function will initialize the ddp group if distributed_launch bool is given in the python command line.


Checks if the current process is the main process and authorized to run I/O commands.


Runs a function with DPP (multi-gpu) support.


speechbrain.utils.distributed.run_on_main(func, args=None, kwargs=None, post_func=None, post_args=None, post_kwargs=None, run_post_on_main=False)[source]

Runs a function with DPP (multi-gpu) support.

The main function is only run on the main process. A post_function can be specified, to be on non-main processes after the main func completes. This way whatever the main func produces can be loaded on the other processes.

  • func (callable) – Function to run on the main process.

  • args (list, None) – Positional args to pass to func.

  • kwargs (dict, None) – Keyword args to pass to func.

  • post_func (callable, None) – Function to run after func has finished on main. By default only run on non-main processes.

  • post_args (list, None) – Positional args to pass to post_func.

  • post_kwargs (dict, None) – Keyword args to pass to post_func.

  • run_post_on_main (bool) – Whether to run post_func on main process as well. (default: False)


Checks if the current process is the main process and authorized to run I/O commands. In DDP mode, the main process is the one with RANK == 0. In standard mode, the process will not have RANK Unix var and will be authorized to run the I/O commands.


In DDP mode, this function will synchronize all processes. torch.distributed.barrier() will block processes until the whole group enters this function.


This function will initialize the ddp group if distributed_launch bool is given in the python command line.

The ddp group will use distributed_backend arg for setting the DDP communication protocol. RANK Unix variable will be used for registering the subprocess to the ddp group.


run_opts (list) – A list of arguments to parse, most often from sys.argv[1:].