Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_wav2vec

"""This lobe enables the integration of huggingface pretrained wav2vec2/hubert/wavlm models.

Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed:

 * Titouan Parcollet 2021
 * Boumadane Abdelmoumene 2021

import os
import torch
import logging
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from huggingface_hub import model_info
from speechbrain.pretrained.fetching import fetch
from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import length_to_mask

# We check if transformers is installed.
    import transformers
    from transformers import AutoModel
    from transformers import Wav2Vec2Model, HubertModel, WavLMModel
    from transformers import Wav2Vec2Config, HubertConfig, WavLMConfig
    from transformers import Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor
    from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForPreTraining
    from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2 import (

except ImportError:
    MSG = "Please install transformers from HuggingFace to use wav2vec2 / Hubert\n"
    MSG += "E.G. run: pip install transformers"
    raise ImportError(MSG)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

HF_models = {
    "wav2vec2": Wav2Vec2Model,
    "hubert": HubertModel,
    "wavlm": WavLMModel,

HF_config = {
    "wav2vec2": Wav2Vec2Config,
    "hubert": HubertConfig,
    "wavlm": WavLMConfig,

[docs]class HuggingFaceWav2Vec2(nn.Module): """This lobe enables the integration of HuggingFace and SpeechBrain pretrained wav2vec2.0/Hubert models. Source paper wav2vec2.0: Source paper Hubert: Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed: The model can be used as a fixed feature extractor or can be finetuned. It will download automatically the model from HuggingFace or use a local path. Arguments --------- source : str HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" save_path : str Path (dir) of the downloaded model. output_norm : bool (default: True) If True, a layer_norm (affine) will be applied to the output obtained from the wav2vec model. freeze : bool (default: True) If True, the model is frozen. If False, the model will be trained alongside with the rest of the pipeline. freeze_feature_extractor : bool (default: False) When freeze = False and freeze_feature_extractor True, the featue_extractor module of the model is Frozen. If False all the wav2vec model will be trained including featue_extractor module. apply_spec_augment : bool (default: False) If True, the model will apply spec augment on the output of feature extractor (inside huggingface Wav2VecModel() class). If False, the model will not apply spec augment. We set this to false to prevent from doing it twice. output_all_hiddens : bool (default: False) If True, the forward function outputs the hidden states from all transformer layers. For example wav2vec2-base has 12 transformer layers and the output is of shape (13, B, T, C), where a projection of the CNN output is added to the beginning. If False, the forward function outputs the hidden states only from the last transformer layer. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 600]) >>> model_hub = "facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h" >>> save_path = "savedir" >>> model = HuggingFaceWav2Vec2(model_hub, save_path) >>> outputs = model(inputs) """ def __init__( self, source, save_path, output_norm=False, freeze=False, freeze_feature_extractor=False, apply_spec_augment=False, output_all_hiddens=False, ): super().__init__() # Download the extractor from HuggingFace. # The extractor is only used to retrieve the normalisation information self.feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor.from_pretrained( source, cache_dir=save_path ) # Select specific self-supervised loader (eg. Wav2Vec2, Hubert) if "hubert" in source: config = HF_config.get("hubert") model = HF_models.get("hubert") elif "wavlm" in source: config = HF_config.get("wavlm") model = HF_models.get("wavlm") else: config = HF_config.get("wav2vec2") model = HF_models.get("wav2vec2") # Download and load the model self._from_pretrained( source, config=config, model=model, save_path=save_path ) self.model.config.apply_spec_augment = apply_spec_augment # We check if inputs need to be normalized w.r.t pretrained wav2vec2 self.normalize_wav = self.feature_extractor.do_normalize self.freeze = freeze self.freeze_feature_extractor = freeze_feature_extractor self.output_norm = output_norm if self.freeze: logger.warning( "speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_wav2vec - wav2vec 2.0 is frozen." ) self.model.eval() for param in self.model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False else: self.model.train() if self.freeze_feature_extractor: logger.warning( "speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_wav2vec - wav2vec 2.0 feature extractor is frozen." ) self.model.feature_extractor.eval() for param in self.model.feature_extractor.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.output_all_hiddens = output_all_hiddens def _from_pretrained(self, source, config, model, save_path): """This function manages the source checking and loading of the params. # 1. Is the model from HF or a local path # 2. Is the model pretrained with HF or SpeechBrain # 3. Download (if appropriate) and load with respect to 1. and 2. """ is_sb, ckpt_file, is_local = self._check_model_source(source, save_path) if is_sb: config = config.from_pretrained(source, cache_dir=save_path) self.model = model(config) self.model.gradient_checkpointing_disable() # Required by DDP # fetch the checkpoint file ckpt_full_path = fetch( filename=ckpt_file, source=source, savedir=save_path ) # We transfer the parameters from the checkpoint. self._load_sb_pretrained_w2v2_parameters(ckpt_full_path) else: self.model = model.from_pretrained( source, cache_dir=save_path, local_files_only=is_local ) def _load_sb_pretrained_w2v2_parameters(self, path): """Loads the parameter of a w2v2 model pretrained with SpeechBrain and the HuggingFaceWav2Vec2Pretrain Object. It is necessary to perform a custom loading because HuggingFace adds a level to the checkpoint when storing the model breaking the compatibility between HuggingFaceWav2Vec2Pretrain and HuggingFaceWav2Vec2. In practice a typical HuggingFaceWav2Vec2 checkpoint for a given parameter would be: while for HuggingFaceWav2Vec2Pretrain it is: (wav2vec2 must be removed before loading). """ modified_state_dict = {} orig_state_dict = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu") # We remove the .wav2vec2 in the state dict. for key, params in orig_state_dict.items(): if "wav2vec2." in key: save_key = key.replace("model.wav2vec2.", "") modified_state_dict[save_key] = params incompatible_keys = self.model.load_state_dict( modified_state_dict, strict=False ) for missing_key in incompatible_keys.missing_keys: logger.warning( f"During parameter transfer to {self.model} loading from " + f"{path}, the transferred parameters did not have " + f"parameters for the key: {missing_key}" ) for unexpected_key in incompatible_keys.unexpected_keys: logger.warning( f"The param with the key: {unexpected_key} is discarded as it " + "is useless for wav2vec 2.0 finetuning." ) def _check_model_source(self, path, save_path): """Checks if the pretrained model has been trained with SpeechBrain and is hosted locally or on a HuggingFace hub. Called as static function in HuggingFaceTransformer._from_pretrained. Arguments --------- path : str Used as "source"; local path or HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" save_path : str norm_output (dir) of the downloaded model. Returns ------- is_sb : bool Whether/not the model is deserializable w/ SpeechBrain or not (then, model conversion is needed). checkpoint_filename : str as of HuggingFace documentation: file name relative to the repo root (guaranteed to be here). """ checkpoint_filename = "" source = pathlib.Path(path) is_local = True # If path is a huggingface hub. if not source.exists(): is_local = False # Check if source is downloaded already sink = pathlib.Path( save_path + "/models--" + path.replace("/", "--") + "/snapshots" ) if sink.exists(): sink = ( sink / os.listdir(str(sink))[0] ) # there's a hash-id subfolder if any( File.endswith(".bin") or File.endswith(".ckpt") for File in os.listdir(str(sink)) ): is_local = True local_path = str(sink) else: local_path = path else: local_path = path if is_local: # Test for HuggingFace model if any(File.endswith(".bin") for File in os.listdir(local_path)): is_sb = False return is_sb, checkpoint_filename, is_local # Test for SpeechBrain model and get the filename. for File in os.listdir(local_path): if File.endswith(".ckpt"): checkpoint_filename = os.path.join(path, File) is_sb = True return is_sb, checkpoint_filename, is_local else: files = model_info( path ).siblings # get the list of files of the Hub # Test if it's an HuggingFace model or a SB one for File in files: if File.rfilename.endswith(".ckpt"): checkpoint_filename = File.rfilename is_sb = True return is_sb, checkpoint_filename, is_local for File in files: if File.rfilename.endswith(".bin"): checkpoint_filename = File.rfilename is_sb = False return is_sb, checkpoint_filename, is_local err_msg = f"{path} does not contain a .bin or .ckpt checkpoint !" raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg)
[docs] def forward(self, wav, wav_lens=None): """Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding wav2vec encoding. Arguments --------- wav : torch.Tensor (signal) A batch of audio signals to transform to features. wav_len : tensor The relative length of the wav given in SpeechBrain format. """ # If we freeze, we simply remove all grads from the graph. if self.freeze: with torch.no_grad(): return self.extract_features(wav, wav_lens) return self.extract_features(wav, wav_lens)
[docs] def extract_features(self, wav, wav_lens=None): """Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding wav2vec encoding. Arguments --------- wav : torch.Tensor (signal) A batch of audio signals to transform to features. wav_len : tensor The relative length of the wav given in SpeechBrain format. """ padding_mask = self.make_masks(wav, wav_len=wav_lens) if self.normalize_wav: wav = F.layer_norm(wav, wav.shape[1:]) # Extract wav2vec output out = self.model( wav, attention_mask=padding_mask, output_hidden_states=self.output_all_hiddens, ) if self.output_all_hiddens: out = torch.stack(list(out.hidden_states), dim=0) norm_shape = out.shape[-3:] else: out = out.last_hidden_state norm_shape = out.shape # We normalize the output if required if self.output_norm: out = F.layer_norm(out, norm_shape[1:]) return out
[docs] def make_masks(self, src, wav_len=None, pad_idx=0): """This method generates the padding masks. Arguments --------- src : tensor The sequence to the encoder (required). wav_len : tensor The relative length of the wav given in SpeechBrain format. pad_idx : int The index for <pad> token (default=0). """ src_key_padding_mask = None if wav_len is not None: abs_len = torch.round(wav_len * src.shape[1]) src_key_padding_mask = length_to_mask(abs_len).bool() return src_key_padding_mask
[docs]class HuggingFaceWav2Vec2Pretrain(nn.Module): """This lobe enables the integration of HuggingFace wav2vec2.0 models to be pretrained. Source paper: Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed: The return is an HuggingFace format and the mask indices that contains: For instance, it returns the loss that can be accessed with .loss Arguments --------- source : str HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" save_path : str Path (dir) of the downloaded model. mask_prob : float (default: 0.65) Probability of masking a given frame. Default is taken from the paper. mask_length : float (default: 10) Length (i.e. number of consecutive masked frames). Default is taken from the paper. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 32000]) >>> model_hub = "facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h" >>> save_path = "savedir" >>> model = HuggingFaceWav2Vec2Pretrain(model_hub, save_path) >>> outputs, _ = model(inputs, wav_lens=None) """ def __init__( self, source, save_path, mask_prob=0.65, mask_length=10, normalize_wav=True, ): super().__init__() self.mask_prob = mask_prob self.mask_length = mask_length self.normalize_wav = normalize_wav # Download the config of the model from HuggingFace. self.config = Wav2Vec2Config.from_pretrained( source, cache_dir=save_path ) self.config.output_hidden_states = ( True # We want the hidden states as well! ) self.model = Wav2Vec2ForPreTraining(self.config) self.model.gradient_checkpointing_disable() # Required by DDP self.model.train() # We check if inputs need to be normalized w.r.t pretrained wav2vec2
[docs] def forward(self, wav, wav_lens=None): """Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding wav2vec encoding. Arguments --------- wav : torch.Tensor (signal) A batch of audio signals to transform to features. wav_len : tensor The relative length of the wav given in SpeechBrain format. """ batch_size, raw_sequence_length = wav.shape if self.normalize_wav: wav = F.layer_norm(wav, wav.shape) sequence_length = self.model._get_feat_extract_output_lengths( raw_sequence_length ).item() # 1. Compute the indices that will be masked mask_time_indices = _compute_mask_indices( (batch_size, sequence_length), mask_prob=self.mask_prob, mask_length=self.mask_length, ) torch_mask_time_indices = torch.tensor( mask_time_indices, device=wav.device, dtype=torch.long, ) padding_mask = self.make_padding_masks(wav, wav_len=wav_lens) # 2. Sample the negative samples from the entire sequence. # Fairseq does it only on the masked indices, but this only work if you # have long sentences. For more versatily, we sample on the entire sequence. # value. full_sentence_indices = np.ones((batch_size, sequence_length)) # print(np.sum(mask_time_indices, axis=1)) negative_sample_indices = torch.tensor( transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2._sample_negative_indices( (batch_size, sequence_length), num_negatives=self.config.num_negatives, mask_time_indices=full_sentence_indices, ), device=wav.device, dtype=torch.long, ) return ( self.model( wav, mask_time_indices=torch_mask_time_indices, sampled_negative_indices=negative_sample_indices, attention_mask=padding_mask, ), torch_mask_time_indices, )
[docs] def make_padding_masks(self, src, wav_len=None, pad_idx=0): """This method generates the padding masks. Arguments --------- src : tensor The sequence to the encoder (required). wav_len : tensor The relative length of the wav given in SpeechBrain format. pad_idx : int The index for <pad> token (default=0). """ src_key_padding_mask = None if wav_len is not None: abs_len = torch.round(wav_len * src.shape[1]) src_key_padding_mask = length_to_mask(abs_len).bool() return src_key_padding_mask
[docs]class WeightedSSLModel(torch.nn.Module): """This lobe enables the integration of use of weighted sum representations from different layers in a SSL encoder. The model can be used as a fixed feature extractor for SSL benchmarking. It will download automatically the model from HuggingFace or use a local path. More details in recipes/SSL_benchmark Arguments --------- hub : str HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" num_layers: int Number of internal layers: e.g 13 for "Base" models. layernorm: bool Whether layer representations should be layernormed before sum Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 600]) >>> model_hub = "facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h" >>> num_layers = 13 >>> model = WeightedSSLModel(model_hub, num_layers) >>> outputs = model(inputs) """ def __init__(self, hub, num_layers, layernorm=False): super().__init__() self.encoder = AutoModel.from_pretrained(hub, output_hidden_states=True) self.num_layers = num_layers # Initializing the learnable weights zero_init =[torch.zeros(self.num_layers)]) self.weights = torch.nn.Parameter(zero_init, requires_grad=True) self.layernorm = layernorm
[docs] def forward(self, wav, wav_lens=None): """This method outputs a weighted sum of the layers representations of the SSL encoder Arguments --------- wav : tensor The wavs """ feats = self.encoder(wav) hidden_states = torch.stack(feats.hidden_states, dim=0).detach() # First dimension should be equal to the number of layers in the hparams assert ( self.num_layers == hidden_states.shape[0] ), "Num layers not equal to num hidden states" norm_weights = torch.nn.functional.softmax(self.weights, dim=-1) # Layernorming the layers representations if asked if self.layernorm: hidden_states = [ F.layer_norm(t, (t.shape[-1],)) for t in hidden_states ] # Summing the weighted layers weighted_feats = hidden_states[0] * norm_weights[0] for i in range(1, len(hidden_states)): weighted_feats += hidden_states[i] * norm_weights[i] return weighted_feats