Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.EnhanceResnet

"""Wide ResNet for Speech Enhancement.

 * Peter Plantinga 2022
import torch
import speechbrain as sb
from speechbrain.processing.features import STFT, ISTFT, spectral_magnitude

[docs]class EnhanceResnet(torch.nn.Module): """Model for enhancement based on Wide ResNet. Full model description at: Arguments --------- n_fft : int Number of points in the fourier transform, see ``speechbrain.processing.features.STFT`` win_length : int Length of stft window in ms, see ``speechbrain.processing.features.STFT`` hop_length : int Time between windows in ms, see ``speechbrain.processing.features.STFT`` sample_rate : int Number of samples per second of input audio. channel_counts : list of ints Number of output channels in each CNN block. Determines number of blocks. dense_count : int Number of dense layers. dense_nodes : int Number of nodes in the dense layers. activation : function Function to apply before convolution layers. normalization : class Name of class to use for constructing norm layers. dropout : float Portion of layer outputs to drop during training (between 0 and 1). mask_weight : float Amount of weight to give mask. 0 - no masking, 1 - full masking. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 16000]) >>> model = EnhanceResnet() >>> outputs, feats = model(inputs) >>> outputs.shape torch.Size([10, 15872]) >>> feats.shape torch.Size([10, 63, 257]) """ def __init__( self, n_fft=512, win_length=32, hop_length=16, sample_rate=16000, channel_counts=[128, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512], dense_count=2, dense_nodes=1024, activation=torch.nn.GELU(), normalization=sb.nnet.normalization.BatchNorm2d, dropout=0.1, mask_weight=0.99, ): super().__init__() self.mask_weight = mask_weight # First, convert time-domain to log spectral magnitude inputs self.stft = STFT( n_fft=n_fft, win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, sample_rate=sample_rate, ) # CNN takes log spectral mag inputs self.CNN = sb.nnet.containers.Sequential( input_shape=[None, None, n_fft // 2 + 1] ) for channel_count in channel_counts: self.CNN.append( ConvBlock, channels=channel_count, activation=activation, normalization=normalization, dropout=dropout, ) # Fully connected layers self.DNN = sb.nnet.containers.Sequential( input_shape=self.CNN.get_output_shape() ) for _ in range(dense_count): self.DNN.append( sb.nnet.linear.Linear, n_neurons=dense_nodes, combine_dims=True, ) self.DNN.append(activation) self.DNN.append(sb.nnet.normalization.LayerNorm) self.DNN.append(torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout)) # Output layer produces real mask that is applied to complex inputs self.DNN.append(sb.nnet.linear.Linear, n_neurons=n_fft // 2 + 1) # Convert back to time domain self.istft = ISTFT( n_fft=n_fft, win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, sample_rate=sample_rate, )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Processes the input tensor and outputs the enhanced speech.""" # Generate features noisy_spec = self.stft(x) log_mag = self.extract_feats(noisy_spec) # Generate mask mask = self.DNN(self.CNN(log_mag)) mask = mask.clamp(min=0, max=1).unsqueeze(-1) # Apply mask masked_spec = self.mask_weight * mask * noisy_spec masked_spec += (1 - self.mask_weight) * noisy_spec # Extract feats for loss computation enhanced_features = self.extract_feats(masked_spec) # Return resynthesized waveform return self.istft(masked_spec), enhanced_features
[docs] def extract_feats(self, x): """Takes the stft output and produces features for computation.""" return torch.log1p(spectral_magnitude(x, power=0.5))
[docs]class ConvBlock(torch.nn.Module): """Convolution block, including squeeze-and-excitation. Arguments --------- input_shape : tuple of ints The expected size of the inputs. channels : int Number of output channels. activation : function Function applied before each block. normalization : class Name of a class to use for constructing norm layers. dropout : float Portion of block outputs to drop during training. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 20, 30, 128]) >>> block = ConvBlock(input_shape=inputs.shape, channels=256) >>> outputs = block(inputs) >>> outputs.shape torch.Size([10, 20, 15, 256]) """ def __init__( self, input_shape, channels, activation=torch.nn.GELU(), normalization=sb.nnet.normalization.LayerNorm, dropout=0.1, ): super().__init__() self.activation = activation self.downsample = sb.nnet.CNN.Conv2d( input_shape=input_shape, out_channels=channels, kernel_size=3, stride=(2, 1), ) self.conv1 = sb.nnet.CNN.Conv2d( in_channels=channels, out_channels=channels, kernel_size=3 ) self.norm1 = normalization(input_size=channels) self.conv2 = sb.nnet.CNN.Conv2d( in_channels=channels, out_channels=channels, kernel_size=3, ) self.norm2 = normalization(input_size=channels) self.dropout = sb.nnet.dropout.Dropout2d(drop_rate=dropout) self.se_block = SEblock(input_size=channels)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Processes the input tensor with a convolutional block.""" x = self.downsample(x) residual = self.activation(x) residual = self.norm1(residual) residual = self.dropout(residual) residual = self.conv1(residual) residual = self.activation(residual) residual = self.norm2(residual) residual = self.dropout(residual) residual = self.conv2(residual) residual *= self.se_block(residual) return x + residual
[docs]class SEblock(torch.nn.Module): """Squeeze-and-excitation block. Defined: Arguments --------- input_size : tuple of ints Expected size of the input tensor Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 20, 30, 256]) >>> se_block = SEblock(input_size=inputs.shape[-1]) >>> outputs = se_block(inputs) >>> outputs.shape torch.Size([10, 1, 1, 256]) """ def __init__(self, input_size): super().__init__() self.linear1 = sb.nnet.linear.Linear( input_size=input_size, n_neurons=input_size ) self.linear2 = sb.nnet.linear.Linear( input_size=input_size, n_neurons=input_size )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Processes the input tensor with a squeeze-and-excite block.""" # torch.mean causes weird inplace error # x = torch.mean(x, dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True) count = x.size(1) * x.size(2) x = torch.sum(x, dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True) / count x = self.linear1(x) x = torch.nn.functional.relu(x) x = self.linear2(x) return torch.sigmoid(x)