Source code for speechbrain.decoders.ctc

"""Decoders and output normalization for CTC.

 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
 * Aku Rouhe 2020
 * Sung-Lin Yeh 2020
import torch
from itertools import groupby
from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import length_to_mask

[docs]class CTCPrefixScorer: """This class implements the CTC prefix scorer of Algorithm 2 in reference: Official implementation: Arguments --------- x : torch.Tensor The encoder states. enc_lens : torch.Tensor The actual length of each enc_states sequence. batch_size : int The size of the batch. beam_size : int The width of beam. blank_index : int The index of the blank token. eos_index : int The index of the end-of-sequence (eos) token. ctc_window_size: int Compute the ctc scores over the time frames using windowing based on attention peaks. If 0, no windowing applied. """ def __init__( self, x, enc_lens, batch_size, beam_size, blank_index, eos_index, ctc_window_size=0, ): self.blank_index = blank_index self.eos_index = eos_index self.max_enc_len = x.size(1) self.batch_size = batch_size self.beam_size = beam_size self.vocab_size = x.size(-1) self.device = x.device self.minus_inf = -1e20 self.last_frame_index = enc_lens - 1 self.ctc_window_size = ctc_window_size # mask frames > enc_lens mask = 1 - length_to_mask(enc_lens) mask = mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, x.size(-1)).eq(1) x.masked_fill_(mask, self.minus_inf) x[:, :, 0] = x[:, :, 0].masked_fill_(mask[:, :, 0], 0) # dim=0: xnb, nonblank posteriors, dim=1: xb, blank posteriors xnb = x.transpose(0, 1) xb = ( xnb[:, :, self.blank_index] .unsqueeze(2) .expand(-1, -1, self.vocab_size) ) # (2, L, batch_size * beam_size, vocab_size) self.x = torch.stack([xnb, xb]) # The first index of each sentence. self.beam_offset = ( torch.arange(batch_size, device=self.device) * self.beam_size ) # The first index of each candidates. self.cand_offset = ( torch.arange(batch_size, device=self.device) * self.vocab_size )
[docs] def forward_step(self, g, state, candidates=None, attn=None): """This method if one step of forwarding operation for the prefix ctc scorer. Arguments --------- g : torch.Tensor The tensor of prefix label sequences, h = g + c. state : tuple Previous ctc states. candidates : torch.Tensor (batch_size * beam_size, ctc_beam_size), The topk candidates for rescoring. The ctc_beam_size is set as 2 * beam_size. If given, performing partial ctc scoring. """ prefix_length = g.size(1) last_char = [gi[-1] for gi in g] if prefix_length > 0 else [0] * len(g) self.num_candidates = ( self.vocab_size if candidates is None else candidates.size(-1) ) if state is None: # r_prev: (L, 2, batch_size * beam_size) r_prev = torch.full( (self.max_enc_len, 2, self.batch_size, self.beam_size), self.minus_inf, device=self.device, ) # Accumulate blank posteriors at each step r_prev[:, 1] = torch.cumsum( self.x[0, :, :, self.blank_index], 0 ).unsqueeze(2) r_prev = r_prev.view(-1, 2, self.batch_size * self.beam_size) psi_prev = 0.0 else: r_prev, psi_prev = state # for partial search if candidates is not None: scoring_table = torch.full( (self.batch_size * self.beam_size, self.vocab_size), -1, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device, ) # Assign indices of candidates to their positions in the table col_index = torch.arange( self.batch_size * self.beam_size, device=self.device ).unsqueeze(1) scoring_table[col_index, candidates] = torch.arange( self.num_candidates, device=self.device ) # Select candidates indices for scoring scoring_index = ( candidates + self.cand_offset.unsqueeze(1) .repeat(1, self.beam_size) .view(-1, 1) ).view(-1) x_inflate = torch.index_select( self.x.view(2, -1, self.batch_size * self.vocab_size), 2, scoring_index, ).view(2, -1, self.batch_size * self.beam_size, self.num_candidates) # for full search else: scoring_table = None x_inflate = ( self.x.unsqueeze(3) .repeat(1, 1, 1, self.beam_size, 1) .view( 2, -1, self.batch_size * self.beam_size, self.num_candidates ) ) # Prepare forward probs r = torch.full( ( self.max_enc_len, 2, self.batch_size * self.beam_size, self.num_candidates, ), self.minus_inf, device=self.device, ) r.fill_(self.minus_inf) # (Alg.2-6) if prefix_length == 0: r[0, 0] = x_inflate[0, 0] # (Alg.2-10): phi = prev_nonblank + prev_blank = r_t-1^nb(g) + r_t-1^b(g) r_sum = torch.logsumexp(r_prev, 1) phi = r_sum.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, self.num_candidates) # (Alg.2-10): if last token of prefix g in candidates, phi = prev_b + 0 if candidates is not None: for i in range(self.batch_size * self.beam_size): pos = scoring_table[i, last_char[i]] if pos != -1: phi[:, i, pos] = r_prev[:, 1, i] else: for i in range(self.batch_size * self.beam_size): phi[:, i, last_char[i]] = r_prev[:, 1, i] # Start, end frames for scoring (|g| < |h|). # Scoring based on attn peak if ctc_window_size > 0 if self.ctc_window_size == 0 or attn is None: start = max(1, prefix_length) end = self.max_enc_len else: _, attn_peak = torch.max(attn, dim=1) max_frame = torch.max(attn_peak).item() + self.ctc_window_size min_frame = torch.min(attn_peak).item() - self.ctc_window_size start = max(max(1, prefix_length), int(min_frame)) end = min(self.max_enc_len, int(max_frame)) # Compute forward prob log(r_t^nb(h)) and log(r_t^b(h)): for t in range(start, end): # (Alg.2-11): dim=0, p(h|cur step is nonblank) = [p(prev step=y) + phi] * p(c) rnb_prev = r[t - 1, 0] # (Alg.2-12): dim=1, p(h|cur step is blank) = [p(prev step is blank) + p(prev step is nonblank)] * p(blank) rb_prev = r[t - 1, 1] r_ = torch.stack([rnb_prev, phi[t - 1], rnb_prev, rb_prev]).view( 2, 2, self.batch_size * self.beam_size, self.num_candidates ) r[t] = torch.logsumexp(r_, 1) + x_inflate[:, t] # Compute the predix prob, psi psi_init = r[start - 1, 0].unsqueeze(0) # phi is prob at t-1 step, shift one frame and add it to the current prob p(c) phix =[0].unsqueeze(0), phi[:-1]), dim=0) + x_inflate[0] # (Alg.2-13): psi = psi + phi * p(c) if candidates is not None: psi = torch.full( (self.batch_size * self.beam_size, self.vocab_size), self.minus_inf, device=self.device, ) psi_ = torch.logsumexp([start:end], psi_init), dim=0), dim=0 ) # only assign prob to candidates for i in range(self.batch_size * self.beam_size): psi[i, candidates[i]] = psi_[i] else: psi = torch.logsumexp([start:end], psi_init), dim=0), dim=0 ) # (Alg.2-3): if c = <eos>, psi = log(r_T^n(g) + r_T^b(g)), where T is the length of max frames for i in range(self.batch_size * self.beam_size): psi[i, self.eos_index] = r_sum[ self.last_frame_index[i // self.beam_size], i ] # Exclude blank probs for joint scoring psi[:, self.blank_index] = self.minus_inf return psi - psi_prev, (r, psi, scoring_table)
[docs] def permute_mem(self, memory, index): """This method permutes the CTC model memory to synchronize the memory index with the current output. Arguments --------- memory : No limit The memory variable to be permuted. index : torch.Tensor The index of the previous path. Return ------ The variable of the memory being permuted. """ r, psi, scoring_table = memory # The index of top-K vocab came from in (t-1) timesteps. best_index = ( index + (self.beam_offset.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(index) * self.vocab_size) ).view(-1) # synchronize forward prob psi = torch.index_select(psi.view(-1), dim=0, index=best_index) psi = ( psi.view(-1, 1) .repeat(1, self.vocab_size) .view(self.batch_size * self.beam_size, self.vocab_size) ) # synchronize ctc states if scoring_table is not None: effective_index = ( index // self.vocab_size + self.beam_offset.view(-1, 1) ).view(-1) selected_vocab = (index % self.vocab_size).view(-1) score_index = scoring_table[effective_index, selected_vocab] score_index[score_index == -1] = 0 best_index = score_index + effective_index * self.num_candidates r = torch.index_select( r.view( -1, 2, self.batch_size * self.beam_size * self.num_candidates ), dim=-1, index=best_index, ) r = r.view(-1, 2, self.batch_size * self.beam_size) return r, psi
[docs]def filter_ctc_output(string_pred, blank_id=-1): """Apply CTC output merge and filter rules. Removes the blank symbol and output repetitions. Arguments --------- string_pred : list A list containing the output strings/ints predicted by the CTC system. blank_id : int, string The id of the blank. Returns ------- list The output predicted by CTC without the blank symbol and the repetitions. Example ------- >>> string_pred = ['a','a','blank','b','b','blank','c'] >>> string_out = filter_ctc_output(string_pred, blank_id='blank') >>> print(string_out) ['a', 'b', 'c'] """ if isinstance(string_pred, list): # Filter the repetitions string_out = [i[0] for i in groupby(string_pred)] # Filter the blank symbol string_out = list(filter(lambda elem: elem != blank_id, string_out)) else: raise ValueError("filter_ctc_out can only filter python lists") return string_out
[docs]def ctc_greedy_decode(probabilities, seq_lens, blank_id=-1): """Greedy decode a batch of probabilities and apply CTC rules. Arguments --------- probabilities : torch.tensor Output probabilities (or log-probabilities) from the network with shape [batch, probabilities, time] seq_lens : torch.tensor Relative true sequence lengths (to deal with padded inputs), the longest sequence has length 1.0, others a value between zero and one shape [batch, lengths]. blank_id : int, string The blank symbol/index. Default: -1. If a negative number is given, it is assumed to mean counting down from the maximum possible index, so that -1 refers to the maximum possible index. Returns ------- list Outputs as Python list of lists, with "ragged" dimensions; padding has been removed. Example ------- >>> import torch >>> probs = torch.tensor([[[0.3, 0.7], [0.0, 0.0]], ... [[0.2, 0.8], [0.9, 0.1]]]) >>> lens = torch.tensor([0.51, 1.0]) >>> blank_id = 0 >>> ctc_greedy_decode(probs, lens, blank_id) [[1], [1]] """ if isinstance(blank_id, int) and blank_id < 0: blank_id = probabilities.shape[-1] + blank_id batch_max_len = probabilities.shape[1] batch_outputs = [] for seq, seq_len in zip(probabilities, seq_lens): actual_size = int(torch.round(seq_len * batch_max_len)) scores, predictions = torch.max(seq.narrow(0, 0, actual_size), dim=1) out = filter_ctc_output(predictions.tolist(), blank_id=blank_id) batch_outputs.append(out) return batch_outputs