Source code for speechbrain.dataio.dataio

Data reading and writing.

 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
 * Aku Rouhe 2020
 * Ju-Chieh Chou 2020
 * Samuele Cornell 2020
 * Abdel HEBA 2020
 * Gaelle Laperriere 2021
 * Sahar Ghannay 2021
 * Sylvain de Langen 2022
import os
import torch
import logging
import numpy as np
import pickle
import hashlib
import csv
import time
import torchaudio
import json
import re
from speechbrain.utils.torch_audio_backend import check_torchaudio_backend

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_data_json(json_path, replacements={}): """Loads JSON and recursively formats string values. Arguments ---------- json_path : str Path to CSV file. replacements : dict (Optional dict), e.g., {"data_folder": "/home/speechbrain/data"}. This is used to recursively format all string values in the data. Returns ------- dict JSON data with replacements applied. Example ------- >>> json_spec = '''{ ... "ex1": {"files": ["{ROOT}/mic1/ex1.wav", "{ROOT}/mic2/ex1.wav"], "id": 1}, ... "ex2": {"files": [{"spk1": "{ROOT}/ex2.wav"}, {"spk2": "{ROOT}/ex2.wav"}], "id": 2} ... } ... ''' >>> tmpfile = getfixture('tmpdir') / "test.json" >>> with open(tmpfile, "w") as fo: ... _ = fo.write(json_spec) >>> data = load_data_json(tmpfile, {"ROOT": "/home"}) >>> data["ex1"]["files"][0] '/home/mic1/ex1.wav' >>> data["ex2"]["files"][1]["spk2"] '/home/ex2.wav' """ with open(json_path, "r") as f: out_json = json.load(f) _recursive_format(out_json, replacements) return out_json
def _recursive_format(data, replacements): # Data: dict or list, replacements : dict # Replaces string keys in replacements by their values # at all levels of data (in str values) # Works in-place. if isinstance(data, dict): for key, item in data.items(): if isinstance(item, dict) or isinstance(item, list): _recursive_format(item, replacements) elif isinstance(item, str): data[key] = item.format_map(replacements) # If not dict, list or str, do nothing if isinstance(data, list): for i, item in enumerate(data): if isinstance(item, dict) or isinstance(item, list): _recursive_format(item, replacements) elif isinstance(item, str): data[i] = item.format_map(replacements) # If not dict, list or str, do nothing
[docs]def load_data_csv(csv_path, replacements={}): """Loads CSV and formats string values. Uses the SpeechBrain legacy CSV data format, where the CSV must have an 'ID' field. If there is a field called duration, it is interpreted as a float. The rest of the fields are left as they are (legacy _format and _opts fields are not used to load the data in any special way). Bash-like string replacements with $to_replace are supported. Arguments ---------- csv_path : str Path to CSV file. replacements : dict (Optional dict), e.g., {"data_folder": "/home/speechbrain/data"} This is used to recursively format all string values in the data. Returns ------- dict CSV data with replacements applied. Example ------- >>> csv_spec = '''ID,duration,wav_path ... utt1,1.45,$data_folder/utt1.wav ... utt2,2.0,$data_folder/utt2.wav ... ''' >>> tmpfile = getfixture("tmpdir") / "test.csv" >>> with open(tmpfile, "w") as fo: ... _ = fo.write(csv_spec) >>> data = load_data_csv(tmpfile, {"data_folder": "/home"}) >>> data["utt1"]["wav_path"] '/home/utt1.wav' """ with open(csv_path, newline="") as csvfile: result = {} reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, skipinitialspace=True) variable_finder = re.compile(r"\$([\w.]+)") for row in reader: # ID: try: data_id = row["ID"] del row["ID"] # This is used as a key in result, instead. except KeyError: raise KeyError( "CSV has to have an 'ID' field, with unique ids" " for all data points" ) if data_id in result: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate id: {data_id}") # Replacements: for key, value in row.items(): try: row[key] = variable_finder.sub( lambda match: str(replacements[match[1]]), value ) except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"The item {value} requires replacements " "which were not supplied." ) # Duration: if "duration" in row: row["duration"] = float(row["duration"]) result[data_id] = row return result
[docs]def read_audio_info(path) -> "torchaudio.backend.common.AudioMetaData": """Retrieves audio metadata from a file path. Behaves identically to, but attempts to fix metadata (such as frame count) that is otherwise broken with certain torchaudio version and codec combinations. Note that this may cause full file traversal in certain cases! Arguments ---------- path : str Path to the audio file to examine. Returns ------- torchaudio.backend.common.AudioMetaData Same value as returned by ``, but may eventually have `num_frames` corrected if it otherwise would have been `== 0`. NOTE ---- Some codecs, such as MP3, require full file traversal for accurate length information to be retrieved. In these cases, you may as well read the entire audio file to avoid doubling the processing time. """ _path_no_ext, path_ext = os.path.splitext(path) if path_ext == ".mp3": # Additionally, certain affected versions of torchaudio fail to # autodetect mp3. # HACK: here, we check for the file extension to force mp3 detection, # which prevents an error from occuring in torchaudio. info =, format="mp3") else: info = # Certain file formats, such as MP3, do not provide a reliable way to # query file duration from metadata (when there is any). # For MP3, certain versions of torchaudio began returning num_frames == 0. # # # # # Accomodate for these cases here: if `num_frames == 0` then maybe something # has gone wrong. # If some file really had `num_frames == 0` then we are not doing harm # double-checking anyway. If I am wrong and you are reading this comment # because of it: sorry if info.num_frames == 0: channels_data, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(path, normalize=False) info.num_frames = channels_data.size(1) info.sample_rate = sample_rate # because we might as well return info
[docs]def read_audio(waveforms_obj): """General audio loading, based on a custom notation. Expected use case is in conjunction with Datasets specified by JSON. The parameter may just be a path to a file: `read_audio("/path/to/wav1.wav")` Alternatively, you can specify more options in a dict, e.g.: ``` # load a file from sample 8000 through 15999 read_audio({ "file": "/path/to/wav2.wav", "start": 8000, "stop": 16000 }) ``` Which codecs are supported depends on your torchaudio backend. Refer to `torchaudio.load` documentation for further details. Arguments ---------- waveforms_obj : str, dict Path to audio or dict with the desired configuration. Keys for the dict variant: - `"file"` (str): Path to the audio file. - `"start"` (int, optional): The first sample to load. If unspecified, load from the very first frame. - `"stop"` (int, optional): The last sample to load (exclusive). If unspecified or equal to start, load from `start` to the end. Will not fail if `stop` is past the sample count of the file and will return less frames. Returns ------- torch.Tensor 1-channel: audio tensor with shape: `(samples, )`. >=2-channels: audio tensor with shape: `(samples, channels)`. Example ------- >>> dummywav = torch.rand(16000) >>> import os >>> tmpfile = str(getfixture('tmpdir') / "wave.wav") >>> write_audio(tmpfile, dummywav, 16000) >>> asr_example = { "wav": tmpfile, "spk_id": "foo", "words": "foo bar"} >>> loaded = read_audio(asr_example["wav"]) >>> loaded.allclose(dummywav.squeeze(0),atol=1e-4) # replace with eq with sox_io backend True """ if isinstance(waveforms_obj, str): audio, _ = torchaudio.load(waveforms_obj) else: path = waveforms_obj["file"] start = waveforms_obj.get("start", 0) # To match past SB behavior, `start == stop` or omitted `stop` means to # load all frames from `start` to the file end. stop = waveforms_obj.get("stop", start) if start < 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid sample range (start < 0): {start}..{stop}!" ) if stop < start: # Could occur if the user tried one of two things: # - specify a negative value as an attempt to index from the end; # - specify -1 as an attempt to load up to the last sample. raise ValueError( f"Invalid sample range (stop < start): {start}..{stop}!\n" 'Hint: Omit "stop" if you want to read to the end of file.' ) # Requested to load until a specific frame? if start != stop: num_frames = stop - start audio, fs = torchaudio.load( path, num_frames=num_frames, frame_offset=start ) else: # Load to the end. audio, fs = torchaudio.load(path, frame_offset=start) audio = audio.transpose(0, 1) return audio.squeeze(1)
[docs]def read_audio_multichannel(waveforms_obj): """General audio loading, based on a custom notation. Expected use case is in conjunction with Datasets specified by JSON. The custom notation: The annotation can be just a path to a file: "/path/to/wav1.wav" Multiple (possibly multi-channel) files can be specified, as long as they have the same length: {"files": [ "/path/to/wav1.wav", "/path/to/wav2.wav" ] } Or you can specify a single file more succinctly: {"files": "/path/to/wav2.wav"} Offset number samples and stop number samples also can be specified to read only a segment within the files. {"files": [ "/path/to/wav1.wav", "/path/to/wav2.wav" ] "start": 8000 "stop": 16000 } Arguments ---------- waveforms_obj : str, dict Audio reading annotation, see above for format. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Audio tensor with shape: (samples, ). Example ------- >>> dummywav = torch.rand(16000, 2) >>> import os >>> tmpfile = str(getfixture('tmpdir') / "wave.wav") >>> write_audio(tmpfile, dummywav, 16000) >>> asr_example = { "wav": tmpfile, "spk_id": "foo", "words": "foo bar"} >>> loaded = read_audio(asr_example["wav"]) >>> loaded.allclose(dummywav.squeeze(0),atol=1e-4) # replace with eq with sox_io backend True """ if isinstance(waveforms_obj, str): audio, _ = torchaudio.load(waveforms_obj) return audio.transpose(0, 1) files = waveforms_obj["files"] if not isinstance(files, list): files = [files] waveforms = [] start = waveforms_obj.get("start", 0) # Default stop to start -> if not specified, num_frames becomes 0, # which is the torchaudio default stop = waveforms_obj.get("stop", start - 1) num_frames = stop - start for f in files: audio, fs = torchaudio.load( f, num_frames=num_frames, frame_offset=start ) waveforms.append(audio) out =, 0) return out.transpose(0, 1)
[docs]def write_audio(filepath, audio, samplerate): """Write audio on disk. It is basically a wrapper to support saving audio signals in the speechbrain format (audio, channels). Arguments --------- filepath: path Path where to save the audio file. audio : torch.Tensor Audio file in the expected speechbrain format (signal, channels). samplerate: int Sample rate (e.g., 16000). Example ------- >>> import os >>> tmpfile = str(getfixture('tmpdir') / "wave.wav") >>> dummywav = torch.rand(16000, 2) >>> write_audio(tmpfile, dummywav, 16000) >>> loaded = read_audio(tmpfile) >>> loaded.allclose(dummywav,atol=1e-4) # replace with eq with sox_io backend True """ if len(audio.shape) == 2: audio = audio.transpose(0, 1) elif len(audio.shape) == 1: audio = audio.unsqueeze(0), audio, samplerate)
[docs]def load_pickle(pickle_path): """Utility function for loading .pkl pickle files. Arguments --------- pickle_path : str Path to pickle file. Returns ------- out : object Python object loaded from pickle. """ with open(pickle_path, "rb") as f: out = pickle.load(f) return out
[docs]def to_floatTensor(x: (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): """ Arguments --------- x : (list, tuple, np.ndarray) Input data to be converted to torch float. Returns ------- tensor : torch.tensor Data now in torch.tensor float datatype. """ if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return x.float() if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return torch.from_numpy(x).float() else: return torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float)
[docs]def to_doubleTensor(x: (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): """ Arguments --------- x : (list, tuple, np.ndarray) Input data to be converted to torch double. Returns ------- tensor : torch.tensor Data now in torch.tensor double datatype. """ if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return x.double() if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return torch.from_numpy(x).double() else: return torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.double)
[docs]def to_longTensor(x: (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): """ Arguments --------- x : (list, tuple, np.ndarray) Input data to be converted to torch long. Returns ------- tensor : torch.tensor Data now in torch.tensor long datatype. """ if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return x.long() if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return torch.from_numpy(x).long() else: return torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.long)
[docs]def convert_index_to_lab(batch, ind2lab): """Convert a batch of integer IDs to string labels. Arguments --------- batch : list List of lists, a batch of sequences. ind2lab : dict Mapping from integer IDs to labels. Returns ------- list List of lists, same size as batch, with labels from ind2lab. Example ------- >>> ind2lab = {1: "h", 2: "e", 3: "l", 4: "o"} >>> out = convert_index_to_lab([[4,1], [1,2,3,3,4]], ind2lab) >>> for seq in out: ... print("".join(seq)) oh hello """ return [[ind2lab[int(index)] for index in seq] for seq in batch]
[docs]def relative_time_to_absolute(batch, relative_lens, rate): """Converts SpeechBrain style relative length to the absolute duration. Operates on batch level. Arguments --------- batch : torch.tensor Sequences to determine the duration for. relative_lens : torch.tensor The relative length of each sequence in batch. The longest sequence in the batch needs to have relative length 1.0. rate : float The rate at which sequence elements occur in real-world time. Sample rate, if batch is raw wavs (recommended) or 1/frame_shift if batch is features. This has to have 1/s as the unit. Returns ------: torch.tensor Duration of each sequence in seconds. Example ------- >>> batch = torch.ones(2, 16000) >>> relative_lens = torch.tensor([3./4., 1.0]) >>> rate = 16000 >>> print(relative_time_to_absolute(batch, relative_lens, rate)) tensor([0.7500, 1.0000]) """ max_len = batch.shape[1] durations = torch.round(relative_lens * max_len) / rate return durations
[docs]class IterativeCSVWriter: """Write CSV files a line at a time. Arguments --------- outstream : file-object A writeable stream data_fields : list List of the optional keys to write. Each key will be expanded to the SpeechBrain format, producing three fields: key, key_format, key_opts. Example ------- >>> import io >>> f = io.StringIO() >>> writer = IterativeCSVWriter(f, ["phn"]) >>> print(f.getvalue()) ID,duration,phn,phn_format,phn_opts >>> writer.write("UTT1",2.5,"sil hh ee ll ll oo sil","string","") >>> print(f.getvalue()) ID,duration,phn,phn_format,phn_opts UTT1,2.5,sil hh ee ll ll oo sil,string, >>> writer.write(ID="UTT2",phn="sil ww oo rr ll dd sil",phn_format="string") >>> print(f.getvalue()) ID,duration,phn,phn_format,phn_opts UTT1,2.5,sil hh ee ll ll oo sil,string, UTT2,,sil ww oo rr ll dd sil,string, >>> writer.set_default('phn_format', 'string') >>> writer.write_batch(ID=["UTT3","UTT4"],phn=["ff oo oo", "bb aa rr"]) >>> print(f.getvalue()) ID,duration,phn,phn_format,phn_opts UTT1,2.5,sil hh ee ll ll oo sil,string, UTT2,,sil ww oo rr ll dd sil,string, UTT3,,ff oo oo,string, UTT4,,bb aa rr,string, """ def __init__(self, outstream, data_fields, defaults={}): self._outstream = outstream self.fields = ["ID", "duration"] + self._expand_data_fields(data_fields) self.defaults = defaults self._outstream.write(",".join(self.fields))
[docs] def set_default(self, field, value): """Sets a default value for the given CSV field. Arguments --------- field : str A field in the CSV. value The default value. """ if field not in self.fields: raise ValueError(f"{field} is not a field in this CSV!") self.defaults[field] = value
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): """Writes one data line into the CSV. Arguments --------- *args Supply every field with a value in positional form OR. **kwargs Supply certain fields by key. The ID field is mandatory for all lines, but others can be left empty. """ if args and kwargs: raise ValueError( "Use either positional fields or named fields, but not both." ) if args: if len(args) != len(self.fields): raise ValueError("Need consistent fields") to_write = [str(arg) for arg in args] if kwargs: if "ID" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("I'll need to see some ID") full_vals = self.defaults.copy() full_vals.update(kwargs) to_write = [str(full_vals.get(field, "")) for field in self.fields] self._outstream.write("\n") self._outstream.write(",".join(to_write))
[docs] def write_batch(self, *args, **kwargs): """Writes a batch of lines into the CSV. Here each argument should be a list with the same length. Arguments --------- *args Supply every field with a value in positional form OR. **kwargs Supply certain fields by key. The ID field is mandatory for all lines, but others can be left empty. """ if args and kwargs: raise ValueError( "Use either positional fields or named fields, but not both." ) if args: if len(args) != len(self.fields): raise ValueError("Need consistent fields") for arg_row in zip(*args): self.write(*arg_row) if kwargs: if "ID" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("I'll need to see some ID") keys = kwargs.keys() for value_row in zip(*kwargs.values()): kwarg_row = dict(zip(keys, value_row)) self.write(**kwarg_row)
@staticmethod def _expand_data_fields(data_fields): expanded = [] for data_field in data_fields: expanded.append(data_field) expanded.append(data_field + "_format") expanded.append(data_field + "_opts") return expanded
[docs]def write_txt_file(data, filename, sampling_rate=None): """Write data in text format. Arguments --------- data : str, list, torch.tensor, numpy.ndarray The data to write in the text file. filename : str Path to file where to write the data. sampling_rate : None Not used, just here for interface compatibility. Returns ------- None Example ------- >>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir') >>> signal=torch.tensor([1,2,3,4]) >>> write_txt_file(signal, tmpdir / 'example.txt') """ del sampling_rate # Not used. # Check if the path of filename exists os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) with open(filename, "w") as fout: if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): data = data.tolist() if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = data.tolist() if isinstance(data, list): for line in data: print(line, file=fout) if isinstance(data, str): print(data, file=fout)
[docs]def write_stdout(data, filename=None, sampling_rate=None): """Write data to standard output. Arguments --------- data : str, list, torch.tensor, numpy.ndarray The data to write in the text file. filename : None Not used, just here for compatibility. sampling_rate : None Not used, just here for compatibility. Returns ------- None Example ------- >>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir') >>> signal = torch.tensor([[1,2,3,4]]) >>> write_stdout(signal, tmpdir / 'example.txt') [1, 2, 3, 4] """ # Managing Torch.Tensor if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): data = data.tolist() # Managing np.ndarray if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = data.tolist() if isinstance(data, list): for line in data: print(line) if isinstance(data, str): print(data)
[docs]def length_to_mask(length, max_len=None, dtype=None, device=None): """Creates a binary mask for each sequence. Reference: Arguments --------- length : torch.LongTensor Containing the length of each sequence in the batch. Must be 1D. max_len : int Max length for the mask, also the size of the second dimension. dtype : torch.dtype, default: None The dtype of the generated mask. device: torch.device, default: None The device to put the mask variable. Returns ------- mask : tensor The binary mask. Example ------- >>> length=torch.Tensor([1,2,3]) >>> mask=length_to_mask(length) >>> mask tensor([[1., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 1.]]) """ assert len(length.shape) == 1 if max_len is None: max_len = length.max().long().item() # using arange to generate mask mask = torch.arange( max_len, device=length.device, dtype=length.dtype ).expand(len(length), max_len) < length.unsqueeze(1) if dtype is None: dtype = length.dtype if device is None: device = length.device mask = torch.as_tensor(mask, dtype=dtype, device=device) return mask
[docs]def read_kaldi_lab(kaldi_ali, kaldi_lab_opts): """Read labels in kaldi format. Uses kaldi IO. Arguments --------- kaldi_ali : str Path to directory where kaldi alignments are stored. kaldi_lab_opts : str A string that contains the options for reading the kaldi alignments. Returns ------- lab : dict A dictionary containing the labels. Note ---- This depends on kaldi-io-for-python. Install it separately. See: Example ------- This example requires kaldi files. ``` lab_folder = '/home/kaldi/egs/TIMIT/s5/exp/dnn4_pretrain-dbn_dnn_ali' read_kaldi_lab(lab_folder, 'ali-to-pdf') ``` """ # EXTRA TOOLS try: import kaldi_io except ImportError: raise ImportError("Could not import kaldi_io. Install it to use this.") # Reading the Kaldi labels lab = { k: v for k, v in kaldi_io.read_vec_int_ark( "gunzip -c " + kaldi_ali + "/ali*.gz | " + kaldi_lab_opts + " " + kaldi_ali + "/final.mdl ark:- ark:-|" ) } return lab
[docs]def get_md5(file): """Get the md5 checksum of an input file. Arguments --------- file : str Path to file for which compute the checksum. Returns ------- md5 Checksum for the given filepath. Example ------- >>> get_md5('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav') 'c482d0081ca35302d30d12f1136c34e5' """ # Lets read stuff in 64kb chunks! BUF_SIZE = 65536 md5 = hashlib.md5() # Computing md5 with open(file, "rb") as f: while True: data = if not data: break md5.update(data) return md5.hexdigest()
[docs]def save_md5(files, out_file): """Saves the md5 of a list of input files as a pickled dict into a file. Arguments --------- files : list List of input files from which we will compute the md5. outfile : str The path where to store the output pkl file. Returns ------- None Example: >>> files = ['tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav'] >>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir') >>> save_md5(files, tmpdir / "md5.pkl") """ # Initialization of the dictionary md5_dict = {} # Computing md5 for all the files in the list for file in files: md5_dict[file] = get_md5(file) # Saving dictionary in pkl format save_pkl(md5_dict, out_file)
[docs]def save_pkl(obj, file): """Save an object in pkl format. Arguments --------- obj : object Object to save in pkl format file : str Path to the output file sampling_rate : int Sampling rate of the audio file, TODO: this is not used? Example ------- >>> tmpfile = getfixture('tmpdir') / "example.pkl" >>> save_pkl([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], tmpfile) >>> load_pkl(tmpfile) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] """ with open(file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(obj, f)
[docs]def load_pkl(file): """Loads a pkl file. For an example, see `save_pkl`. Arguments --------- file : str Path to the input pkl file. Returns ------- The loaded object. """ # Deals with the situation where two processes are trying # to access the same label dictionary by creating a lock count = 100 while count > 0: if os.path.isfile(file + ".lock"): time.sleep(1) count -= 1 else: break try: open(file + ".lock", "w").close() with open(file, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) finally: if os.path.isfile(file + ".lock"): os.remove(file + ".lock")
[docs]def prepend_bos_token(label, bos_index): """Create labels with <bos> token at the beginning. Arguments --------- label : torch.IntTensor Containing the original labels. Must be of size: [batch_size, max_length]. bos_index : int The index for <bos> token. Returns ------- new_label : tensor The new label with <bos> at the beginning. Example ------- >>> label=torch.LongTensor([[1,0,0], [2,3,0], [4,5,6]]) >>> new_label=prepend_bos_token(label, bos_index=7) >>> new_label tensor([[7, 1, 0, 0], [7, 2, 3, 0], [7, 4, 5, 6]]) """ new_label = label.long().clone() batch_size = label.shape[0] bos = new_label.new_zeros(batch_size, 1).fill_(bos_index) new_label =[bos, new_label], dim=1) return new_label
[docs]def append_eos_token(label, length, eos_index): """Create labels with <eos> token appended. Arguments --------- label : torch.IntTensor Containing the original labels. Must be of size: [batch_size, max_length] length : torch.LongTensor Containing the original length of each label sequences. Must be 1D. eos_index : int The index for <eos> token. Returns ------- new_label : tensor The new label with <eos> appended. Example ------- >>> label=torch.IntTensor([[1,0,0], [2,3,0], [4,5,6]]) >>> length=torch.LongTensor([1,2,3]) >>> new_label=append_eos_token(label, length, eos_index=7) >>> new_label tensor([[1, 7, 0, 0], [2, 3, 7, 0], [4, 5, 6, 7]], dtype=torch.int32) """ new_label = batch_size = label.shape[0] pad = new_label.new_zeros(batch_size, 1) new_label =[new_label, pad], dim=1) new_label[torch.arange(batch_size), length.long()] = eos_index return new_label
[docs]def merge_char(sequences, space="_"): """Merge characters sequences into word sequences. Arguments --------- sequences : list Each item contains a list, and this list contains a character sequence. space : string The token represents space. Default: _ Returns ------- The list contains word sequences for each sentence. Example ------- >>> sequences = [["a", "b", "_", "c", "_", "d", "e"], ["e", "f", "g", "_", "h", "i"]] >>> results = merge_char(sequences) >>> results [['ab', 'c', 'de'], ['efg', 'hi']] """ results = [] for seq in sequences: words = "".join(seq).split(space) results.append(words) return results
[docs]def merge_csvs(data_folder, csv_lst, merged_csv): """Merging several csv files into one file. Arguments --------- data_folder : string The folder to store csv files to be merged and after merging. csv_lst : list Filenames of csv file to be merged. merged_csv : string The filename to write the merged csv file. Example ------- >>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir') >>> os.symlink(os.path.realpath("tests/samples/annotation/speech.csv"), tmpdir / "speech.csv") >>> merge_csvs(tmpdir, ... ["speech.csv", "speech.csv"], ... "test_csv_merge.csv") """ write_path = os.path.join(data_folder, merged_csv) if os.path.isfile(write_path):"Skipping merging. Completed in previous run.") with open(os.path.join(data_folder, csv_lst[0])) as f: header = f.readline() lines = [] for csv_file in csv_lst: with open(os.path.join(data_folder, csv_file)) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if i == 0: # Checking header if line != header: raise ValueError( "Different header for " f"{csv_lst[0]} and {csv}." ) continue lines.append(line) with open(write_path, "w") as f: f.write(header) for line in lines: f.write(line)"{write_path} is created.")
[docs]def split_word(sequences, space="_"): """Split word sequences into character sequences. Arguments --------- sequences: list Each item contains a list, and this list contains a words sequence. space: string The token represents space. Default: _ Returns ------- The list contains word sequences for each sentence. Example ------- >>> sequences = [['ab', 'c', 'de'], ['efg', 'hi']] >>> results = split_word(sequences) >>> results [['a', 'b', '_', 'c', '_', 'd', 'e'], ['e', 'f', 'g', '_', 'h', 'i']] """ results = [] for seq in sequences: chars = list(space.join(seq)) results.append(chars) return results
[docs]def extract_concepts_values(sequences, keep_values, tag_in, tag_out, space): """keep the semantic concepts and values for evaluation. Arguments --------- sequences: list Each item contains a list, and this list contains a character sequence. keep_values: bool If True, keep the values. If not don't. tag_in: char Indicates the start of the concept. tag_out: char Indicates the end of the concept. space: string The token represents space. Default: _ Returns ------- The list contains concept and value sequences for each sentence. Example ------- >>> sequences = [['<reponse>','_','n','o','_','>','_','<localisation-ville>','_','L','e','_','M','a','n','s','_','>'], ['<reponse>','_','s','i','_','>'],['v','a','_','b','e','n','e']] >>> results = extract_concepts_values(sequences, True, '<', '>', '_') >>> results [['<reponse> no', '<localisation-ville> Le Mans'], ['<reponse> si'], ['']] """ results = [] for sequence in sequences: # ['<reponse>_no_>_<localisation-ville>_Le_Mans_>'] sequence = "".join(sequence) # ['<reponse>','no','>','<localisation-ville>','Le','Mans,'>'] sequence = sequence.split(space) processed_sequence = [] value = ( [] ) # If previous sequence value never used because never had a tag_out kept = "" # If previous sequence kept never used because never had a tag_out concept_open = False for word in sequence: if re.match(tag_in, word): # If not close tag but new tag open if concept_open and keep_values: if len(value) != 0: kept += " " + " ".join(value) concept_open = False processed_sequence.append(kept) kept = word # 1st loop: '<reponse>' value = [] # Concept's value concept_open = True # Trying to catch the concept's value # If we want the CER if not keep_values: processed_sequence.append(kept) # Add the kept concept # If we have a tag_out, had a concept, and want the values for CVER elif re.match(tag_out, word) and concept_open and keep_values: # If we have a value if len(value) != 0: kept += " " + " ".join( value ) # 1st loop: '<response>' + ' ' + 'no' concept_open = False # Wait for a new tag_in to pursue processed_sequence.append(kept) # Add the kept concept + value elif concept_open: value.append(word) # 1st loop: 'no' # If not close tag but end sequence if concept_open and keep_values: if len(value) != 0: kept += " " + " ".join(value) concept_open = False processed_sequence.append(kept) if len(processed_sequence) == 0: processed_sequence.append("") results.append(processed_sequence) return results