Source code for speechbrain.nnet.complex_networks.c_normalization

"""Library implementing complex-valued normalization.

 * Titouan Parcollet 2020

import torch
from torch.nn import Parameter
import numpy as np
from speechbrain.nnet.complex_networks.c_ops import multi_mean

[docs]class CBatchNorm(torch.nn.Module): """This class is implements the complex-valued batch-normalization as introduced by "Deep Complex Networks", Trabelsi C. et al. Arguments --------- input_shape : tuple Expected shape of the input. input_size : int Expected size of the input. dim : int, optional It defines the axis that should be normalized. It usually correspond to the channel dimension (default -1). eps : float, optional Term used to stabilize operation (default 1e-4). momentum : float, optional It defines the momentum as for the real-valued batch-normalization (default 0.1). scale : bool, optional, It defines if scaling should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization scaling (default True). center : bool, optional It defines if centering should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization centering (default True). track_running_stats : bool, optional Equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization parameter. When True, stats are tracked. When False, solely statistics computed over the batch are used (default True). Example ------- >>> inp_tensor = torch.rand([10, 16, 30]) >>> CBN = CBatchNorm(input_shape=inp_tensor.shape) >>> out_tensor = CBN(inp_tensor) >>> out_tensor.shape torch.Size([10, 16, 30]) """ def __init__( self, input_shape=None, input_size=None, dim=-1, eps=1e-4, momentum=0.1, scale=True, center=True, track_running_stats=True, ): super().__init__() self.dim = dim self.eps = eps self.momentum = momentum self.scale = scale = center self.track_running_stats = track_running_stats if input_size is None: self.num_complex_features = self._check_input(input_shape) else: self.num_complex_features = input_size // 2 if self.scale: self.gamma_rr = Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_complex_features)) self.gamma_ii = Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_complex_features)) self.gamma_ri = Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_complex_features)) else: self.register_parameter("gamma_rr", None) self.register_parameter("gamma_ii", None) self.register_parameter("gamma_ri", None) if self.beta = Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_complex_features * 2)) else: self.register_parameter("beta", None) if self.track_running_stats: self.register_buffer( "num_batches_tracked", torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.long) ) if self.scale: # We initializing the scaling parameter following the proposal # of "Deep Complex Networks". Trabelsi C. et al. self.register_buffer( "moving_Vrr", torch.ones(self.num_complex_features) * np.sqrt(1 / 2), ) self.register_buffer( "moving_Vii", torch.ones(self.num_complex_features) * np.sqrt(1 / 2), ) self.register_buffer( "moving_Vri", torch.zeros(self.num_complex_features) ) else: self.register_parameter("moving_Vrr", None) self.register_parameter("moving_Vii", None) self.register_parameter("moving_Vri", None) if self.register_buffer( "moving_mean", torch.zeros(self.num_complex_features * 2) ) else: self.register_parameter("moving_mean", None) else: self.register_parameter("moving_Vrr", None) self.register_parameter("moving_Vii", None) self.register_parameter("moving_Vri", None) self.register_parameter("moving_mean", None) self.register_parameter("num_batches_tracked", None) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_running_stats(self): # Simply reset the running statistics to the initial values # "Deep Complex Networks" Trabelsi C. et al. if self.track_running_stats: if self.moving_mean.zero_() if self.scale: self.moving_Vrr.fill_(1 / np.sqrt(2)) self.moving_Vii.fill_(1 / np.sqrt(2)) self.moving_Vri.zero_() self.num_batches_tracked.zero_()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): # Simply reset all the parameters. # "Deep Complex Networks" Trabelsi C. et al. self.reset_running_stats() if self.scale: / np.sqrt(2)) / np.sqrt(2)) if
[docs] def forward(self, input): """Returns the normalized input tensor. Arguments --------- input : torch.Tensor (batch, time, [channels]) Input to normalize. It can be 2d, 3d, 4d. """ exponential_average_factor = 0.0 # Initialize moving parameters if and self.track_running_stats: if self.moving_mean = self.moving_mean.detach() if self.scale: self.moving_Vrr = self.moving_Vrr.detach() self.moving_Vii = self.moving_Vii.detach() self.moving_Vri = self.moving_Vri.detach() self.num_batches_tracked = self.num_batches_tracked.detach() self.num_batches_tracked += 1 if self.momentum is None: # use cumulative moving average exponential_average_factor = 1.0 / self.num_batches_tracked.item() else: # use exponential moving average exponential_average_factor = self.momentum input_shape = input.size() ndim = input.dim() reduction_axes = list(range(ndim)) del reduction_axes[self.dim] input_dim = input_shape[self.dim] // 2 # Get the mean and center the input mu = multi_mean(input, reduction_axes, True) input_centred = input - mu if self.scale: centred_squared = input_centred ** 2 # Retrieve the real and image parts of the input tensor w.r.t the # dimension if self.scale: ( centred_squared_real, centred_squared_imag, ) = self._retrieve_real_imag(centred_squared, ndim, input_dim) if centred_real, centred_imag = self._retrieve_real_imag( input_centred, ndim, input_dim ) # We compute the mean for each component if self.scale: Vrr = ( multi_mean( centred_squared_real, axes=reduction_axes, keepdim=True ) + self.eps ) Vii = ( multi_mean( centred_squared_imag, axes=reduction_axes, keepdim=True ) + self.eps ) # Vri contains the real and imaginary covariance # for each feature map. Vri = multi_mean( centred_real * centred_imag, axes=reduction_axes, keepdim=True ) else: Vrr = None Vii = None Vri = None # Pick the normalized form corresponding # to the training phase when we use running stats. if and self.track_running_stats: if self.moving_mean = ( 1 - exponential_average_factor ) * self.moving_mean + exponential_average_factor * mu.view( self.moving_mean.size() ) if self.scale: self.moving_Vrr = ( 1 - exponential_average_factor ) * self.moving_Vrr + exponential_average_factor * Vrr.view( self.moving_Vrr.size() ) self.moving_Vii = ( 1 - exponential_average_factor ) * self.moving_Vii + exponential_average_factor * Vii.view( self.moving_Vii.size() ) self.moving_Vri = ( 1 - exponential_average_factor ) * self.moving_Vri + exponential_average_factor * Vri.view( self.moving_Vri.size() ) if or (not self.track_running_stats): input_inferred = input_centred if else input return c_norm( input_inferred, Vrr, Vii, Vri, self.beta, self.gamma_rr, self.gamma_ri, self.gamma_ii, self.scale,, layernorm=False, dim=self.dim, ) else: # if we are not training or using running_stats if input_inferred = input - self.moving_mean.view(mu.size()) else: input_inferred = input return c_norm( input_inferred, self.moving_Vrr, self.moving_Vii, self.moving_Vri, self.beta, self.gamma_rr, self.gamma_ri, self.gamma_ii, self.scale,, layernorm=False, dim=self.dim, )
def _retrieve_real_imag(self, tensor, ndim, input_dim): """ Function used to retrieve the real and imaginary component of a tensor according to the dimensions """ if self.dim == 1 or ndim == 2: tensor_real = tensor[:, :input_dim] tensor_imag = tensor[:, input_dim:] elif self.dim == -1 and ndim == 3: tensor_real = tensor[:, :, :input_dim] tensor_imag = tensor[:, :, input_dim:] elif self.dim == -1 and ndim == 4: tensor_real = tensor[:, :, :, :input_dim] tensor_imag = tensor[:, :, :, input_dim:] else: msg = "Retrieve_real_imag expects 2d to 4d inputs. Got " + str( len(tensor) ) raise ValueError(msg) return tensor_real, tensor_imag def _check_input(self, input_shape): """ Checks the input and returns the number of complex values. """ if input_shape[self.dim] % 2 == 0: return input_shape[self.dim] // 2 else: msg = "ComplexBatchNorm dim must be divisible by 2 ! Got " + str( input_shape[self.dim] ) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class CLayerNorm(torch.nn.Module): """This class is used to instantiate the complex layer-normalization as introduced by "Deep Complex Networks", Trabelsi C. et al. Arguments --------- input_shape : tuple Expected shape of the input. input_size : int Expected size of the input dimension. dim : int, optional It defines the axis that should be normalized. It usually correspond to the channel dimension (default -1). eps : float, optional Term used to stabilize operation (default 1e-4). scale : bool, optional, It defines if scaling should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization scaling (default True). center : bool, optional It defines if centering should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization centering (default True). Example ------- >>> inp_tensor = torch.rand([10, 16, 30]) >>> CBN = CLayerNorm(input_shape=inp_tensor.shape) >>> out_tensor = CBN(inp_tensor) >>> out_tensor.shape torch.Size([10, 16, 30]) """ def __init__( self, input_shape=None, input_size=None, dim=-1, eps=1e-4, scale=True, center=True, ): super().__init__() self.dim = dim self.eps = eps self.scale = scale = center if input_size is None: self.num_complex_features = self._check_input(input_shape) else: self.num_complex_features = input_size // 2 if self.scale: self.gamma_rr = Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_complex_features)) self.gamma_ii = Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_complex_features)) self.gamma_ri = Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_complex_features)) else: self.register_parameter("gamma_rr", None) self.register_parameter("gamma_ii", None) self.register_parameter("gamma_ri", None) if self.beta = Parameter(torch.empty(self.num_complex_features * 2)) else: self.register_parameter("beta", None) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): # Simply reset all the parameters. # "Deep Complex Networks" Trabelsi C. et al. if self.scale: / np.sqrt(2)) / np.sqrt(2)) if
[docs] def forward(self, input): input_shape = input.size() ndim = input.dim() reduction_axes = list(range(ndim)) del reduction_axes[self.dim] del reduction_axes[0] input_dim = input_shape[self.dim] // 2 # Get the mean and center mu = multi_mean(input, reduction_axes, True) if input_centred = input - mu else: input_centred = input centred_squared = input_centred ** 2 if self.dim == 1 or ndim == 2: centred_squared_real = centred_squared[:, :input_dim] centred_squared_imag = centred_squared[:, input_dim:] centred_real = input_centred[:, :input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[:, input_dim:] elif self.dim == -1 and ndim == 3: centred_squared_real = centred_squared[:, :, :input_dim] centred_squared_imag = centred_squared[:, :, input_dim:] centred_real = input_centred[:, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[:, :, input_dim:] elif self.dim == -1 and ndim == 4: centred_squared_real = centred_squared[:, :, :, :input_dim] centred_squared_imag = centred_squared[:, :, :, input_dim:] centred_real = input_centred[:, :, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[:, :, :, input_dim:] else: centred_squared_real = centred_squared[:, :, :, :, :input_dim] centred_squared_imag = centred_squared[:, :, :, :, input_dim:] centred_real = input_centred[:, :, :, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[:, :, :, :, input_dim:] if self.scale: Vrr = ( multi_mean( centred_squared_real, axes=reduction_axes, keepdim=True ) + self.eps ) Vii = ( multi_mean( centred_squared_imag, axes=reduction_axes, keepdim=True ) + self.eps ) Vri = multi_mean( centred_real * centred_imag, axes=reduction_axes, keepdim=True ) else: Vrr = None Vii = None Vri = None return c_norm( input_centred, Vrr, Vii, Vri, self.beta, self.gamma_rr, self.gamma_ri, self.gamma_ii, self.scale,, dim=self.dim, layernorm=True, )
def _check_input(self, input_shape): """Checks the input and returns the number of complex values. """ if input_shape[self.dim] % 2 == 0: return input_shape[self.dim] // 2 else: msg = "ComplexBatchNorm dim must be dividble by 2 ! Got " + str( input_shape[self.dim] ) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def c_norm( input_centred, Vrr, Vii, Vri, beta, gamma_rr, gamma_ri, gamma_ii, scale=True, center=True, layernorm=False, dim=-1, ): """This function is used to apply the complex normalization as introduced by "Deep Complex Networks", Trabelsi C. et al. Arguments --------- input_centred : torch.Tensor It is the tensor to be normalized. The features dimension is divided by 2 with the first half corresponding to the real-parts and the second half to the imaginary parts. Vrr : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the covariance between real-parts. Vii : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the covariance between imaginary-parts. Vri : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the covariance between real-parts and imaginary-parts. beta : torch.Tensor It is a tensor corresponding to the beta parameter on the real-valued batch-normalization, but in the complex-valued space. gamma_rr : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the gamma between real-parts. gamma_ii : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the gamma between imaginary-parts. gamma_ri : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the gamma between real-parts and imaginary-parts. scale : bool, optional It defines if scaling should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization scaling (default True). center : bool, optional, It defines if centering should be used or not. It is equivalent to the real-valued batchnormalization centering (default True). layernorm : bool, optional It defines is c_standardization is called from a layernorm or a batchnorm layer (default False). dim : int, optional It defines the axis that should be considered as the complex-valued axis (divided by 2 to get r and i) (default -1). """ ndim = input_centred.dim() input_dim = input_centred.size(dim) // 2 if scale: gamma_broadcast_shape = [1] * ndim gamma_broadcast_shape[dim] = input_dim if center: broadcast_beta_shape = [1] * ndim broadcast_beta_shape[dim] = input_dim * 2 if scale: standardized_output = c_standardization( input_centred, Vrr, Vii, Vri, layernorm, dim=dim ) # Now we perform the scaling and Shifting of the normalized x using # the scaling parameter # [ gamma_rr gamma_ri ] # Gamma = [ gamma_ri gamma_ii ] # and the shifting parameter # Beta = [beta_real beta_imag].T # where: # x_real_BN = gamma_rr * x_real_normed + # gamma_ri * x_imag_normed + beta_real # x_imag_BN = gamma_ri * x_real_normed + # gamma_ii * x_imag_normed + beta_imag broadcast_gamma_rr = gamma_rr.view(gamma_broadcast_shape) broadcast_gamma_ri = gamma_ri.view(gamma_broadcast_shape) broadcast_gamma_ii = gamma_ii.view(gamma_broadcast_shape) cat_gamma_4_real = [broadcast_gamma_rr, broadcast_gamma_ii], dim=dim ) cat_gamma_4_imag = [broadcast_gamma_ri, broadcast_gamma_ri], dim=dim ) if dim == 0: centred_real = standardized_output[:input_dim] centred_imag = standardized_output[input_dim:] elif dim == 1 or (dim == -1 and ndim == 2): centred_real = standardized_output[:, :input_dim] centred_imag = standardized_output[:, input_dim:] elif dim == -1 and ndim == 3: centred_real = standardized_output[:, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = standardized_output[:, :, input_dim:] elif dim == -1 and ndim == 4: centred_real = standardized_output[:, :, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = standardized_output[:, :, :, input_dim:] else: centred_real = standardized_output[:, :, :, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = standardized_output[:, :, :, :, input_dim:] rolled_standardized_output = [centred_imag, centred_real], dim=dim ) if center: broadcast_beta = beta.view(broadcast_beta_shape) a = cat_gamma_4_real * standardized_output b = cat_gamma_4_imag * rolled_standardized_output return a + b + broadcast_beta else: return ( cat_gamma_4_real * standardized_output + cat_gamma_4_imag * rolled_standardized_output ) else: if center: broadcast_beta = beta.view(broadcast_beta_shape) return input_centred + broadcast_beta else: return input_centred
[docs]def c_standardization(input_centred, Vrr, Vii, Vri, layernorm=False, dim=-1): """This function is used to standardize a centred tensor of complex numbers (mean of the set must be 0). Arguments --------- input_centred : torch.Tensor It is the tensor to be normalized. The features dimension is divided by 2 with the first half corresponding to the real-parts and the second half to the imaginary parts. Vrr : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the covariance between real-parts. Vii : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the covariance between imaginary-parts. Vri : torch.Tensor It is a tensor that contains the covariance between real-parts and imaginary-parts. layernorm : bool, optional It defines is c_standardization is called from a layernorm or a batchnorm layer (default False). dim : int, optional It defines the axis that should be considered as the complex-valued axis (divided by 2 to get r and i) (default -1). """ ndim = input_centred.dim() input_dim = input_centred.size(dim) // 2 variances_broadcast = [1] * ndim variances_broadcast[dim] = input_dim if layernorm: variances_broadcast[0] = input_centred.size(0) # We require the covariance matrix's inverse square root. That requires # square rooting, followed by inversion (During the computation of square # root we compute the determinant we'll need for inversion as well). # tau = Vrr + Vii = Trace. Guaranteed >=0 because Positive-definite matrix tau = Vrr + Vii # delta = (Vrr * Vii) - (Vri ** 2) = Determinant delta = (Vrr * Vii) - (Vri ** 2) s = delta.sqrt() t = (tau + 2 * s).sqrt() # The square root matrix could now be explicitly formed as # [ Vrr+s Vri ] # (1/t) [ Vir Vii+s ] # # but we don't need to do this immediately since we can also simultaneously # invert. We can do this because we've already computed the determinant of # the square root matrix, and can thus invert it using the analytical # solution for 2x2 matrices # [ A B ] [ D -B ] # inv( [ C D ] ) = (1/det) [ -C A ] # # Thus giving us # [ Vii+s -Vri ] # (1/s)(1/t)[ -Vir Vrr+s ] # So we proceed as follows: inverse_st = 1.0 / (s * t) Wrr = (Vii + s) * inverse_st Wii = (Vrr + s) * inverse_st Wri = -Vri * inverse_st # And we have computed the inverse square root matrix W = sqrt(V)! # Normalization. We multiply, x_normalized = W.x. # The returned result will be a complex standardized input # where the real and imaginary parts are obtained as follows: # x_real_normed = Wrr * x_real_centred + Wri * x_imag_centred # x_imag_normed = Wri * x_real_centred + Wii * x_imag_centred broadcast_Wrr = Wrr.view(variances_broadcast) broadcast_Wri = Wri.view(variances_broadcast) broadcast_Wii = Wii.view(variances_broadcast) cat_W_4_real =[broadcast_Wrr, broadcast_Wii], dim=dim) cat_W_4_imag =[broadcast_Wri, broadcast_Wri], dim=dim) if dim == 0: centred_real = input_centred[:input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[input_dim:] elif dim == 1 or (dim == -1 and ndim == 2): centred_real = input_centred[:, :input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[:, input_dim:] elif dim == -1 and ndim == 3: centred_real = input_centred[:, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[:, :, input_dim:] elif dim == -1 and ndim == 4: centred_real = input_centred[:, :, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[:, :, :, input_dim:] else: centred_real = input_centred[:, :, :, :, :input_dim] centred_imag = input_centred[:, :, :, :, input_dim:] rolled_input =[centred_imag, centred_real], dim=dim) output = cat_W_4_real * input_centred + cat_W_4_imag * rolled_input # Wrr * x_real_centered | Wii * x_imag_centered # + Wri * x_imag_centered | Wri * x_real_centered # ----------------------------------------------- # = output return output