Source code for speechbrain.processing.signal_processing

Low level signal processing utilities

 * Peter Plantinga 2020
 * Francois Grondin 2020
 * William Aris 2020
 * Samuele Cornell 2020
 * Sarthak Yadav 2022
import torch
import math
from packaging import version

[docs]def compute_amplitude(waveforms, lengths=None, amp_type="avg", scale="linear"): """Compute amplitude of a batch of waveforms. Arguments --------- waveform : tensor The waveforms used for computing amplitude. Shape should be `[time]` or `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`. lengths : tensor The lengths of the waveforms excluding the padding. Shape should be a single dimension, `[batch]`. amp_type : str Whether to compute "avg" average or "peak" amplitude. Choose between ["avg", "peak"]. scale : str Whether to compute amplitude in "dB" or "linear" scale. Choose between ["linear", "dB"]. Returns ------- The average amplitude of the waveforms. Example ------- >>> signal = torch.sin(torch.arange(16000.0)).unsqueeze(0) >>> compute_amplitude(signal, signal.size(1)) tensor([[0.6366]]) """ if len(waveforms.shape) == 1: waveforms = waveforms.unsqueeze(0) assert amp_type in ["avg", "peak"] assert scale in ["linear", "dB"] if amp_type == "avg": if lengths is None: out = torch.mean(torch.abs(waveforms), dim=1, keepdim=True) else: wav_sum = torch.sum(input=torch.abs(waveforms), dim=1, keepdim=True) out = wav_sum / lengths elif amp_type == "peak": out = torch.max(torch.abs(waveforms), dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] else: raise NotImplementedError if scale == "linear": return out elif scale == "dB": return torch.clamp(20 * torch.log10(out), min=-80) # clamp zeros else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def normalize(waveforms, lengths=None, amp_type="avg", eps=1e-14): """This function normalizes a signal to unitary average or peak amplitude. Arguments --------- waveforms : tensor The waveforms to normalize. Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`. lengths : tensor The lengths of the waveforms excluding the padding. Shape should be a single dimension, `[batch]`. amp_type : str Whether one wants to normalize with respect to "avg" or "peak" amplitude. Choose between ["avg", "peak"]. Note: for "avg" clipping is not prevented and can occur. eps : float A small number to add to the denominator to prevent NaN. Returns ------- waveforms : tensor Normalized level waveform. """ assert amp_type in ["avg", "peak"] batch_added = False if len(waveforms.shape) == 1: batch_added = True waveforms = waveforms.unsqueeze(0) den = compute_amplitude(waveforms, lengths, amp_type) + eps if batch_added: waveforms = waveforms.squeeze(0) return waveforms / den
[docs]def rescale(waveforms, lengths, target_lvl, amp_type="avg", scale="linear"): """This functions performs signal rescaling to a target level. Arguments --------- waveforms : tensor The waveforms to normalize. Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`. lengths : tensor The lengths of the waveforms excluding the padding. Shape should be a single dimension, `[batch]`. target_lvl : float Target lvl in dB or linear scale. amp_type : str Whether one wants to rescale with respect to "avg" or "peak" amplitude. Choose between ["avg", "peak"]. scale : str whether target_lvl belongs to linear or dB scale. Choose between ["linear", "dB"]. Returns ------- waveforms : tensor Rescaled waveforms. """ assert amp_type in ["peak", "avg"] assert scale in ["linear", "dB"] batch_added = False if len(waveforms.shape) == 1: batch_added = True waveforms = waveforms.unsqueeze(0) waveforms = normalize(waveforms, lengths, amp_type) if scale == "linear": out = target_lvl * waveforms elif scale == "dB": out = dB_to_amplitude(target_lvl) * waveforms else: raise NotImplementedError("Invalid scale, choose between dB and linear") if batch_added: out = out.squeeze(0) return out
[docs]def convolve1d( waveform, kernel, padding=0, pad_type="constant", stride=1, groups=1, use_fft=False, rotation_index=0, ): """Use torch.nn.functional to perform 1d padding and conv. Arguments --------- waveform : tensor The tensor to perform operations on. kernel : tensor The filter to apply during convolution. padding : int or tuple The padding (pad_left, pad_right) to apply. If an integer is passed instead, this is passed to the conv1d function and pad_type is ignored. pad_type : str The type of padding to use. Passed directly to `torch.nn.functional.pad`, see PyTorch documentation for available options. stride : int The number of units to move each time convolution is applied. Passed to conv1d. Has no effect if `use_fft` is True. groups : int This option is passed to `conv1d` to split the input into groups for convolution. Input channels should be divisible by the number of groups. use_fft : bool When `use_fft` is passed `True`, then compute the convolution in the spectral domain using complex multiply. This is more efficient on CPU when the size of the kernel is large (e.g. reverberation). WARNING: Without padding, circular convolution occurs. This makes little difference in the case of reverberation, but may make more difference with different kernels. rotation_index : int This option only applies if `use_fft` is true. If so, the kernel is rolled by this amount before convolution to shift the output location. Returns ------- The convolved waveform. Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio >>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav') >>> signal = signal.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2) >>> kernel = torch.rand(1, 10, 1) >>> signal = convolve1d(signal, kernel, padding=(9, 0)) """ if len(waveform.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("Convolve1D expects a 3-dimensional tensor") # Move time dimension last, which pad and fft and conv expect. waveform = waveform.transpose(2, 1) kernel = kernel.transpose(2, 1) # Padding can be a tuple (left_pad, right_pad) or an int if isinstance(padding, tuple): waveform = torch.nn.functional.pad( input=waveform, pad=padding, mode=pad_type, ) # This approach uses FFT, which is more efficient if the kernel is large if use_fft: # Pad kernel to same length as signal, ensuring correct alignment zero_length = waveform.size(-1) - kernel.size(-1) # Handle case where signal is shorter if zero_length < 0: kernel = kernel[..., :zero_length] zero_length = 0 # Perform rotation to ensure alignment zeros = torch.zeros( kernel.size(0), kernel.size(1), zero_length, device=kernel.device ) after_index = kernel[..., rotation_index:] before_index = kernel[..., :rotation_index] kernel =, zeros, before_index), dim=-1) # Multiply in frequency domain to convolve in time domain if version.parse(torch.__version__) > version.parse("1.6.0"): import torch.fft as fft result = fft.rfft(waveform) * fft.rfft(kernel) convolved = fft.irfft(result, n=waveform.size(-1)) else: f_signal = torch.rfft(waveform, 1) f_kernel = torch.rfft(kernel, 1) sig_real, sig_imag = f_signal.unbind(-1) ker_real, ker_imag = f_kernel.unbind(-1) f_result = torch.stack( [ sig_real * ker_real - sig_imag * ker_imag, sig_real * ker_imag + sig_imag * ker_real, ], dim=-1, ) convolved = torch.irfft( f_result, 1, signal_sizes=[waveform.size(-1)] ) # Use the implementation given by torch, which should be efficient on GPU else: convolved = torch.nn.functional.conv1d( input=waveform, weight=kernel, stride=stride, groups=groups, padding=padding if not isinstance(padding, tuple) else 0, ) # Return time dimension to the second dimension. return convolved.transpose(2, 1)
[docs]def reverberate(waveforms, rir_waveform, rescale_amp="avg"): """ General function to contaminate a given signal with reverberation given a Room Impulse Response (RIR). It performs convolution between RIR and signal, but without changing the original amplitude of the signal. Arguments --------- waveforms : tensor The waveforms to normalize. Shape should be `[batch, time]` or `[batch, time, channels]`. rir_waveform : tensor RIR tensor, shape should be [time, channels]. rescale_amp : str Whether reverberated signal is rescaled (None) and with respect either to original signal "peak" amplitude or "avg" average amplitude. Choose between [None, "avg", "peak"]. Returns ------- waveforms: tensor Reverberated signal. """ orig_shape = waveforms.shape if len(waveforms.shape) > 3 or len(rir_waveform.shape) > 3: raise NotImplementedError # if inputs are mono tensors we reshape to 1, samples if len(waveforms.shape) == 1: waveforms = waveforms.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1) elif len(waveforms.shape) == 2: waveforms = waveforms.unsqueeze(-1) if len(rir_waveform.shape) == 1: # convolve1d expects a 3d tensor ! rir_waveform = rir_waveform.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1) elif len(rir_waveform.shape) == 2: rir_waveform = rir_waveform.unsqueeze(-1) # Compute the average amplitude of the clean orig_amplitude = compute_amplitude( waveforms, waveforms.size(1), rescale_amp ) # Compute index of the direct signal, so we can preserve alignment value_max, direct_index = rir_waveform.abs().max(axis=1, keepdim=True) # Making sure the max is always positive (if not, flip) # mask = torch.logical_and(rir_waveform == value_max, rir_waveform < 0) # rir_waveform[mask] = -rir_waveform[mask] # Use FFT to compute convolution, because of long reverberation filter waveforms = convolve1d( waveform=waveforms, kernel=rir_waveform, use_fft=True, rotation_index=direct_index, ) # Rescale to the peak amplitude of the clean waveform waveforms = rescale( waveforms, waveforms.size(1), orig_amplitude, rescale_amp ) if len(orig_shape) == 1: waveforms = waveforms.squeeze(0).squeeze(-1) if len(orig_shape) == 2: waveforms = waveforms.squeeze(-1) return waveforms
[docs]def dB_to_amplitude(SNR): """Returns the amplitude ratio, converted from decibels. Arguments --------- SNR : float The ratio in decibels to convert. Example ------- >>> round(dB_to_amplitude(SNR=10), 3) 3.162 >>> dB_to_amplitude(SNR=0) 1.0 """ return 10 ** (SNR / 20)
[docs]def notch_filter(notch_freq, filter_width=101, notch_width=0.05): """Returns a notch filter constructed from a high-pass and low-pass filter. (from how-to-create-simple-band-pass-and-band-reject-filters) Arguments --------- notch_freq : float frequency to put notch as a fraction of the sampling rate / 2. The range of possible inputs is 0 to 1. filter_width : int Filter width in samples. Longer filters have smaller transition bands, but are more inefficient. notch_width : float Width of the notch, as a fraction of the sampling_rate / 2. Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio >>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav') >>> signal = signal.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2) >>> kernel = notch_filter(0.25) >>> notched_signal = convolve1d(signal, kernel) """ # Check inputs assert 0 < notch_freq <= 1 assert filter_width % 2 != 0 pad = filter_width // 2 inputs = torch.arange(filter_width) - pad # Avoid frequencies that are too low notch_freq += notch_width # Define sinc function, avoiding division by zero def sinc(x): "Computes the sinc function." def _sinc(x): return torch.sin(x) / x # The zero is at the middle index return[_sinc(x[:pad]), torch.ones(1), _sinc(x[pad + 1 :])]) # Compute a low-pass filter with cutoff frequency notch_freq. hlpf = sinc(3 * (notch_freq - notch_width) * inputs) hlpf *= torch.blackman_window(filter_width) hlpf /= torch.sum(hlpf) # Compute a high-pass filter with cutoff frequency notch_freq. hhpf = sinc(3 * (notch_freq + notch_width) * inputs) hhpf *= torch.blackman_window(filter_width) hhpf /= -torch.sum(hhpf) hhpf[pad] += 1 # Adding filters creates notch filter return (hlpf + hhpf).view(1, -1, 1)
[docs]def overlap_and_add(signal, frame_step): """Taken from Reconstructs a signal from a framed representation. Adds potentially overlapping frames of a signal with shape `[..., frames, frame_length]`, offsetting subsequent frames by `frame_step`. The resulting tensor has shape `[..., output_size]` where output_size = (frames - 1) * frame_step + frame_length Args: signal: A [..., frames, frame_length] Tensor. All dimensions may be unknown, and rank must be at least 2. frame_step: An integer denoting overlap offsets. Must be less than or equal to frame_length. Returns: A Tensor with shape [..., output_size] containing the overlap-added frames of signal's inner-most two dimensions. output_size = (frames - 1) * frame_step + frame_length Based on Example ------- >>> signal = torch.randn(5, 20) >>> overlapped = overlap_and_add(signal, 20) >>> overlapped.shape torch.Size([100]) """ outer_dimensions = signal.size()[:-2] frames, frame_length = signal.size()[-2:] subframe_length = math.gcd( frame_length, frame_step ) # gcd=Greatest Common Divisor subframe_step = frame_step // subframe_length subframes_per_frame = frame_length // subframe_length output_size = frame_step * (frames - 1) + frame_length output_subframes = output_size // subframe_length subframe_signal = signal.view(*outer_dimensions, -1, subframe_length) frame = torch.arange(0, output_subframes).unfold( 0, subframes_per_frame, subframe_step ) # frame_old = signal.new_tensor(frame).long() # signal may in GPU or CPU frame = frame.clone().detach().to(signal.device.type) # print((frame - frame_old).sum()) frame = frame.contiguous().view(-1) result = signal.new_zeros( *outer_dimensions, output_subframes, subframe_length ) result.index_add_(-2, frame, subframe_signal) result = result.view(*outer_dimensions, -1) return result
[docs]def resynthesize(enhanced_mag, noisy_inputs, stft, istft, normalize_wavs=True): """Function for resynthesizing waveforms from enhanced mags. Arguments --------- enhanced_mag : torch.Tensor Predicted spectral magnitude, should be three dimensional. noisy_inputs : torch.Tensor The noisy waveforms before any processing, to extract phase. lengths : torch.Tensor The length of each waveform for normalization. stft : torch.nn.Module Module for computing the STFT for extracting phase. istft : torch.nn.Module Module for computing the iSTFT for resynthesis. normalize_wavs : bool Whether to normalize the output wavs before returning them. Returns ------- enhanced_wav : torch.Tensor The resynthesized waveforms of the enhanced magnitudes with noisy phase. """ # Extract noisy phase from inputs noisy_feats = stft(noisy_inputs) noisy_phase = torch.atan2(noisy_feats[:, :, :, 1], noisy_feats[:, :, :, 0]) # Combine with enhanced magnitude complex_predictions = torch.mul( torch.unsqueeze(enhanced_mag, -1), ( torch.unsqueeze(torch.cos(noisy_phase), -1), torch.unsqueeze(torch.sin(noisy_phase), -1), ), -1, ), ) pred_wavs = istft(complex_predictions, sig_length=noisy_inputs.shape[1]) # Normalize. Since we're using peak amplitudes, ignore lengths if normalize_wavs: pred_wavs = normalize(pred_wavs, amp_type="peak") return pred_wavs
[docs]def gabor_impulse_response(t, center, fwhm): """ Function for generating gabor impulse responses as used by GaborConv1d proposed in Neil Zeghidour, Olivier Teboul, F{\'e}lix de Chaumont Quitry & Marco Tagliasacchi, "LEAF: A LEARNABLE FRONTEND FOR AUDIO CLASSIFICATION", in Proc of ICLR 2021 ( """ denominator = 1.0 / (torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2.0) * math.pi) * fwhm) gaussian = torch.exp( torch.tensordot( 1.0 / (2.0 * fwhm.unsqueeze(1) ** 2), (-(t ** 2.0)).unsqueeze(0), dims=1, ) ) center_frequency_complex = center.type(torch.complex64) t_complex = t.type(torch.complex64) sinusoid = torch.exp( torch.complex(torch.tensor(0.0), torch.tensor(1.0)) * torch.tensordot( center_frequency_complex.unsqueeze(1), t_complex.unsqueeze(0), dims=1, ) ) denominator = denominator.type(torch.complex64).unsqueeze(1) gaussian = gaussian.type(torch.complex64) return denominator * sinusoid * gaussian
[docs]def gabor_impulse_response_legacy_complex(t, center, fwhm): """ Function for generating gabor impulse responses, but without using complex64 dtype as used by GaborConv1d proposed in Neil Zeghidour, Olivier Teboul, F{\'e}lix de Chaumont Quitry & Marco Tagliasacchi, "LEAF: A LEARNABLE FRONTEND FOR AUDIO CLASSIFICATION", in Proc of ICLR 2021 ( """ denominator = 1.0 / (torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2.0) * math.pi) * fwhm) gaussian = torch.exp( torch.tensordot( 1.0 / (2.0 * fwhm.unsqueeze(1) ** 2), (-(t ** 2.0)).unsqueeze(0), dims=1, ) ) temp = torch.tensordot(center.unsqueeze(1), t.unsqueeze(0), dims=1) temp2 = torch.zeros(*temp.shape + (2,), device=temp.device) # since output of torch.tensordot(..) is multiplied by 0+j # output can simply be written as flipping real component of torch.tensordot(..) to the imag component temp2[:, :, 0] *= -1 * temp2[:, :, 0] temp2[:, :, 1] = temp[:, :] # exponent of complex number c is # o.real = exp(c.real) * cos(c.imag) # o.imag = exp(c.real) * sin(c.imag) sinusoid = torch.zeros_like(temp2, device=temp.device) sinusoid[:, :, 0] = torch.exp(temp2[:, :, 0]) * torch.cos(temp2[:, :, 1]) sinusoid[:, :, 1] = torch.exp(temp2[:, :, 0]) * torch.sin(temp2[:, :, 1]) # multiplication of two complex numbers c1 and c2 -> out: # out.real = c1.real * c2.real - c1.imag * c2.imag # out.imag = c1.real * c2.imag + c1.imag * c2.real denominator_sinusoid = torch.zeros(*temp.shape + (2,), device=temp.device) denominator_sinusoid[:, :, 0] = ( denominator.view(-1, 1) * sinusoid[:, :, 0] ) - (torch.zeros_like(denominator).view(-1, 1) * sinusoid[:, :, 1]) denominator_sinusoid[:, :, 1] = ( denominator.view(-1, 1) * sinusoid[:, :, 1] ) + (torch.zeros_like(denominator).view(-1, 1) * sinusoid[:, :, 0]) output = torch.zeros(*temp.shape + (2,), device=temp.device) output[:, :, 0] = (denominator_sinusoid[:, :, 0] * gaussian) - ( denominator_sinusoid[:, :, 1] * torch.zeros_like(gaussian) ) output[:, :, 1] = ( denominator_sinusoid[:, :, 0] * torch.zeros_like(gaussian) ) + (denominator_sinusoid[:, :, 1] * gaussian) return output