Source code for speechbrain.lobes.augment

Combinations of processing algorithms to implement common augmentations.

 * SpecAugment
 * Environmental corruption (noise, reverberation)

 * Peter Plantinga 2020
 * Jianyuan Zhong 2020
import os
import torch
import torchaudio
import speechbrain as sb
from speechbrain.utils.data_utils import download_file
from speechbrain.processing.speech_augmentation import (
from speechbrain.utils.torch_audio_backend import check_torchaudio_backend



[docs]class SpecAugment(torch.nn.Module): """An implementation of the SpecAugment algorithm. Reference: Arguments --------- time_warp : bool Whether applying time warping. time_warp_window : int Time warp window. time_warp_mode : str Interpolation mode for time warping (default "bicubic"). freq_mask : bool Whether applying freq mask. freq_mask_width : int or tuple Freq mask width range. n_freq_mask : int Number of freq mask. time_mask : bool Whether applying time mask. time_mask_width : int or tuple Time mask width range. n_time_mask : int Number of time mask. replace_with_zero : bool If True, replace masked value with 0, else replace masked value with mean of the input tensor. Example ------- >>> aug = SpecAugment() >>> a = torch.rand([8, 120, 80]) >>> a = aug(a) >>> print(a.shape) torch.Size([8, 120, 80]) """ def __init__( self, time_warp=True, time_warp_window=5, time_warp_mode="bicubic", freq_mask=True, freq_mask_width=(0, 20), n_freq_mask=2, time_mask=True, time_mask_width=(0, 100), n_time_mask=2, replace_with_zero=True, ): super().__init__() assert ( time_warp or freq_mask or time_mask ), "at least one of time_warp, time_mask, or freq_mask should be applied" self.apply_time_warp = time_warp self.time_warp_window = time_warp_window self.time_warp_mode = time_warp_mode self.freq_mask = freq_mask if isinstance(freq_mask_width, int): freq_mask_width = (0, freq_mask_width) self.freq_mask_width = freq_mask_width self.n_freq_mask = n_freq_mask self.time_mask = time_mask if isinstance(time_mask_width, int): time_mask_width = (0, time_mask_width) self.time_mask_width = time_mask_width self.n_time_mask = n_time_mask self.replace_with_zero = replace_with_zero
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Takes in input a tensors and returns an augmented one.""" if self.apply_time_warp: x = self.time_warp(x) if self.freq_mask: x = self.mask_along_axis(x, dim=2) if self.time_mask: x = self.mask_along_axis(x, dim=1) return x
[docs] def time_warp(self, x): """Time warping with torch.nn.functional.interpolate""" original_size = x.shape window = self.time_warp_window # 2d interpolation requires 4D or higher dimension tensors # x: (Batch, Time, Freq) -> (Batch, 1, Time, Freq) if x.dim() == 3: x = x.unsqueeze(1) time = x.shape[2] if time - window <= window: return x.view(*original_size) # compute center and corresponding window c = torch.randint(window, time - window, (1,))[0] w = torch.randint(c - window, c + window, (1,))[0] + 1 left = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( x[:, :, :c], (w, x.shape[3]), mode=self.time_warp_mode, align_corners=True, ) right = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( x[:, :, c:], (time - w, x.shape[3]), mode=self.time_warp_mode, align_corners=True, ) x[:, :, :w] = left x[:, :, w:] = right return x.view(*original_size)
[docs] def mask_along_axis(self, x, dim): """Mask along time or frequency axis. Arguments --------- x : tensor Input tensor. dim : int Corresponding dimension to mask. """ original_size = x.shape if x.dim() == 4: x = x.view(-1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3]) batch, time, fea = x.shape if dim == 1: D = time n_mask = self.n_time_mask width_range = self.time_mask_width else: D = fea n_mask = self.n_freq_mask width_range = self.freq_mask_width mask_len = torch.randint( width_range[0], width_range[1], (batch, n_mask), device=x.device ).unsqueeze(2) mask_pos = torch.randint( 0, max(1, D - mask_len.max()), (batch, n_mask), device=x.device ).unsqueeze(2) # compute masks arange = torch.arange(D, device=x.device).view(1, 1, -1) mask = (mask_pos <= arange) * (arange < (mask_pos + mask_len)) mask = mask.any(dim=1) if dim == 1: mask = mask.unsqueeze(2) else: mask = mask.unsqueeze(1) if self.replace_with_zero: val = 0.0 else: val = x.mean() x = x.masked_fill_(mask, val) return x.view(*original_size)
[docs]class TimeDomainSpecAugment(torch.nn.Module): """A time-domain approximation of the SpecAugment algorithm. This augmentation module implements three augmentations in the time-domain. 1. Drop chunks of the audio (zero amplitude or white noise) 2. Drop frequency bands (with band-drop filters) 3. Speed peturbation (via resampling to slightly different rate) Arguments --------- perturb_prob : float from 0 to 1 The probability that a batch will have speed perturbation applied. drop_freq_prob : float from 0 to 1 The probability that a batch will have frequencies dropped. drop_chunk_prob : float from 0 to 1 The probability that a batch will have chunks dropped. speeds : list of ints A set of different speeds to use to perturb each batch. See ``speechbrain.processing.speech_augmentation.SpeedPerturb`` sample_rate : int Sampling rate of the input waveforms. drop_freq_count_low : int Lowest number of frequencies that could be dropped. drop_freq_count_high : int Highest number of frequencies that could be dropped. drop_chunk_count_low : int Lowest number of chunks that could be dropped. drop_chunk_count_high : int Highest number of chunks that could be dropped. drop_chunk_length_low : int Lowest length of chunks that could be dropped. drop_chunk_length_high : int Highest length of chunks that could be dropped. drop_chunk_noise_factor : float The noise factor used to scale the white noise inserted, relative to the average amplitude of the utterance. Default 0 (no noise inserted). Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.randn([10, 16000]) >>> feature_maker = TimeDomainSpecAugment(speeds=[80]) >>> feats = feature_maker(inputs, torch.ones(10)) >>> feats.shape torch.Size([10, 12800]) """ def __init__( self, perturb_prob=1.0, drop_freq_prob=1.0, drop_chunk_prob=1.0, speeds=[95, 100, 105], sample_rate=16000, drop_freq_count_low=0, drop_freq_count_high=3, drop_chunk_count_low=0, drop_chunk_count_high=5, drop_chunk_length_low=1000, drop_chunk_length_high=2000, drop_chunk_noise_factor=0, ): super().__init__() self.speed_perturb = SpeedPerturb( perturb_prob=perturb_prob, orig_freq=sample_rate, speeds=speeds ) self.drop_freq = DropFreq( drop_prob=drop_freq_prob, drop_count_low=drop_freq_count_low, drop_count_high=drop_freq_count_high, ) self.drop_chunk = DropChunk( drop_prob=drop_chunk_prob, drop_count_low=drop_chunk_count_low, drop_count_high=drop_chunk_count_high, drop_length_low=drop_chunk_length_low, drop_length_high=drop_chunk_length_high, noise_factor=drop_chunk_noise_factor, )
[docs] def forward(self, waveforms, lengths): """Returns the distorted waveforms. Arguments --------- waveforms : torch.Tensor The waveforms to distort """ # Augmentation with torch.no_grad(): waveforms = self.speed_perturb(waveforms) waveforms = self.drop_freq(waveforms) waveforms = self.drop_chunk(waveforms, lengths) return waveforms
[docs]class EnvCorrupt(torch.nn.Module): """Environmental Corruptions for speech signals: noise, reverb, babble. Arguments --------- reverb_prob : float from 0 to 1 The probability that each batch will have reverberation applied. babble_prob : float from 0 to 1 The probability that each batch will have babble added. noise_prob : float from 0 to 1 The probability that each batch will have noise added. openrir_folder : str If provided, download and prepare openrir to this location. The reverberation csv and noise csv will come from here unless overridden by the ``reverb_csv`` or ``noise_csv`` arguments. openrir_max_noise_len : float The maximum length in seconds for a noise segment from openrir. Only takes effect if ``openrir_folder`` is used for noises. Cuts longer noises into segments equal to or less than this length. reverb_csv : str A prepared csv file for loading room impulse responses. noise_csv : str A prepared csv file for loading noise data. noise_num_workers : int Number of workers to use for loading noises. babble_speaker_count : int Number of speakers to use for babble. Must be less than batch size. babble_snr_low : int Lowest generated SNR of reverbed signal to babble. babble_snr_high : int Highest generated SNR of reverbed signal to babble. noise_snr_low : int Lowest generated SNR of babbled signal to noise. noise_snr_high : int Highest generated SNR of babbled signal to noise. rir_scale_factor : float It compresses or dilates the given impulse response. If ``0 < rir_scale_factor < 1``, the impulse response is compressed (less reverb), while if ``rir_scale_factor > 1`` it is dilated (more reverb). reverb_sample_rate : int Sample rate of input audio signals (rirs) used for reverberation. noise_sample_rate: int Sample rate of input audio signals used for adding noise. clean_sample_rate: int Sample rate of original (clean) audio signals. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.randn([10, 16000]) >>> corrupter = EnvCorrupt(babble_speaker_count=9) >>> feats = corrupter(inputs, torch.ones(10)) """ def __init__( self, reverb_prob=1.0, babble_prob=1.0, noise_prob=1.0, openrir_folder=None, openrir_max_noise_len=None, reverb_csv=None, noise_csv=None, noise_num_workers=0, babble_speaker_count=0, babble_snr_low=0, babble_snr_high=0, noise_snr_low=0, noise_snr_high=0, rir_scale_factor=1.0, reverb_sample_rate=16000, noise_sample_rate=16000, clean_sample_rate=16000, ): super().__init__() # Download and prepare openrir if openrir_folder and (not reverb_csv or not noise_csv): open_reverb_csv = os.path.join(openrir_folder, "reverb.csv") open_noise_csv = os.path.join(openrir_folder, "noise.csv") _prepare_openrir( openrir_folder, open_reverb_csv, open_noise_csv, openrir_max_noise_len, ) # Specify filepath and sample rate if not specified already if not reverb_csv: reverb_csv = open_reverb_csv reverb_sample_rate = 16000 if not noise_csv: noise_csv = open_noise_csv noise_sample_rate = 16000 # Initialize corrupters if reverb_csv is not None and reverb_prob > 0.0: self.add_reverb = AddReverb( reverb_prob=reverb_prob, csv_file=reverb_csv, rir_scale_factor=rir_scale_factor, reverb_sample_rate=reverb_sample_rate, clean_sample_rate=clean_sample_rate, ) if babble_speaker_count > 0 and babble_prob > 0.0: self.add_babble = AddBabble( mix_prob=babble_prob, speaker_count=babble_speaker_count, snr_low=babble_snr_low, snr_high=babble_snr_high, ) if noise_csv is not None and noise_prob > 0.0: self.add_noise = AddNoise( mix_prob=noise_prob, csv_file=noise_csv, num_workers=noise_num_workers, snr_low=noise_snr_low, snr_high=noise_snr_high, noise_sample_rate=noise_sample_rate, clean_sample_rate=clean_sample_rate, )
[docs] def forward(self, waveforms, lengths): """Returns the distorted waveforms. Arguments --------- waveforms : torch.Tensor The waveforms to distort. """ # Augmentation with torch.no_grad(): if hasattr(self, "add_reverb"): try: waveforms = self.add_reverb(waveforms, lengths) except Exception: pass if hasattr(self, "add_babble"): waveforms = self.add_babble(waveforms, lengths) if hasattr(self, "add_noise"): waveforms = self.add_noise(waveforms, lengths) return waveforms
def _prepare_openrir(folder, reverb_csv, noise_csv, max_noise_len): """Prepare the openrir dataset for adding reverb and noises. Arguments --------- folder : str The location of the folder containing the dataset. reverb_csv : str Filename for storing the prepared reverb csv. noise_csv : str Filename for storing the prepared noise csv. max_noise_len : float The maximum noise length in seconds. Noises longer than this will be cut into pieces. """ # Download and unpack if necessary filepath = os.path.join(folder, "") if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, "RIRS_NOISES")): download_file(OPENRIR_URL, filepath, unpack=True) else: download_file(OPENRIR_URL, filepath) # Prepare reverb csv if necessary if not os.path.isfile(reverb_csv): rir_filelist = os.path.join( folder, "RIRS_NOISES", "real_rirs_isotropic_noises", "rir_list" ) _prepare_csv(folder, rir_filelist, reverb_csv) # Prepare noise csv if necessary if not os.path.isfile(noise_csv): noise_filelist = os.path.join( folder, "RIRS_NOISES", "pointsource_noises", "noise_list" ) _prepare_csv(folder, noise_filelist, noise_csv, max_noise_len) def _prepare_csv(folder, filelist, csv_file, max_length=None): """Iterate a set of wavs and write the corresponding csv file. Arguments --------- folder : str The folder relative to which the files in the list are listed. filelist : str The location of a file listing the files to be used. csvfile : str The location to use for writing the csv file. max_length : float The maximum length in seconds. Waveforms longer than this will be cut into pieces. """ try: if sb.utils.distributed.if_main_process(): with open(csv_file, "w") as w: w.write("ID,duration,wav,wav_format,wav_opts\n\n") for line in open(filelist): # Read file for duration/channel info filename = os.path.join(folder, line.split()[-1]) signal, rate = torchaudio.load(filename) # Ensure only one channel if signal.shape[0] > 1: signal = signal[0].unsqueeze(0), signal, rate) ID, ext = os.path.basename(filename).split(".") duration = signal.shape[1] / rate # Handle long waveforms if max_length is not None and duration > max_length: # Delete old file os.remove(filename) for i in range(int(duration / max_length)): start = int(max_length * i * rate) stop = int( min(max_length * (i + 1), duration) * rate ) new_filename = ( filename[: -len(f".{ext}")] + f"_{i}.{ext}" ) new_filename, signal[:, start:stop], rate ) csv_row = ( f"{ID}_{i}", str((stop - start) / rate), new_filename, ext, "\n", ) w.write(",".join(csv_row)) else: w.write( ",".join((ID, str(duration), filename, ext, "\n")) ) finally: sb.utils.distributed.ddp_barrier()