Source code for speechbrain.dataio.dataloader

"""PyTorch compatible DataLoaders

Essentially we extend PyTorch DataLoader by adding the ability to save the
data loading state, so that a checkpoint may be saved in the middle of an

>>> import torch
>>> from speechbrain.utils.checkpoints import Checkpointer
>>> # An example "dataset" and its loader
>>> dataset = torch.randn(10, 1)
>>> dataloader = SaveableDataLoader(dataset, num_workers = 3)
>>> # Setup the checkpointer:
>>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir')
>>> checkpointer = Checkpointer(tmpdir, {"dataloader": dataloader})
>>> # Iterate:
>>> for i, data_point in enumerate(dataloader):
...     # Here you would process the data:
...     rainfall_amount_prediction = data_point * 4.
...     # Now, imagine the experiment gets killed on the fifth batch:
...     if i == 4:
...         break
...     # Luckily, you had just saved a checkpoint:
...     if i == 3:
...         _ = checkpointer.save_checkpoint(end_of_epoch = False)
>>> # So when you restart the experiment:
>>> new_dataloader = SaveableDataLoader(dataset, num_workers = 3)
>>> new_checkpointer = Checkpointer(tmpdir, {"dataloader": new_dataloader})
>>> _ = new_checkpointer.recover_if_possible()
>>> # The dataloader fast-forwards to the position where we left off:
>>> assert next(iter(new_dataloader)) == dataset[4]

  * Aku Rouhe 2020
from import DataLoader
from import IterableDataset
from import _BaseDataLoaderIter
import logging
import warnings
import functools
from speechbrain.dataio.batch import PaddedBatch, BatchsizeGuesser
from speechbrain.dataio.dataset import DynamicItemDataset
from speechbrain.dataio.sampler import ReproducibleRandomSampler
from speechbrain.utils.checkpoints import (

# Optional support for webdataset
    import webdataset as wds
    from importlib_metadata import version


    # Use appropriate class based on webdataset version
    if version("webdataset")[0:4] == "0.1.":
        WDS_CLASS = wds.dataset.Composable
        WDS_CLASS = wds.DataPipeline
except ImportError:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def make_dataloader(dataset, looped_nominal_epoch=None, **loader_kwargs): """Makes a basic DataLoader with SpeechBrain defaults. For DynamicItemDatasets (which return dicts), use PaddedBatch as the default collate_fn. Shuffling gets implemented by ReproducibleRandomSampler. If the Dataset is not an IterableDataset, the DataLoader is a SaveableDataLoader. If the Dataset is a webdataset.dataset.Composable, set default batch_size = None. Can also loop over the underlying dataloader continuously, and stop iterations at nominal epoch lengths. Arguments --------- dataset : Dataset The dataset to make a DataLoader for. looped_nominal_epoch : None, int If an integer is given, loop the underlying DataLoader infinitely and set a nominal epoch length in batches (or whatever the DataLoader yields). **loader_kwargs : dict Keyword args to DataLoader, see PyTorch DataLoader for options. Returns ------- DataLoader If looped_nominal_epoch is None LoopedLoader If looped_nominal_epoch is not None """ # PaddedBatch as default collation for DynamicItemDataset if "collate_fn" not in loader_kwargs and isinstance( dataset, DynamicItemDataset ): loader_kwargs["collate_fn"] = PaddedBatch # Reproducible random sampling if loader_kwargs.get("shuffle", False): if loader_kwargs.get("sampler") is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify both shuffle=True and a " "sampler in loader_kwargs" ) sampler = ReproducibleRandomSampler(dataset) loader_kwargs["sampler"] = sampler # Should delete shuffle because you can't set both Sampler and # shuffle # NOTE: the dict of loader options may get used elsewhere! # However, this del doesn't touch those because loader_kwargs comes # from a **kwargs dict. del loader_kwargs["shuffle"] # With WDS it is recommended to do batching in the dataset itself, # which requires batch_size = None in the DataLoader if ( WDS_AVAILABLE and isinstance(dataset, WDS_CLASS) and "batch_size" not in loader_kwargs ): loader_kwargs["batch_size"] = None # Create the loader if isinstance(dataset, IterableDataset): dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, **loader_kwargs) else: dataloader = SaveableDataLoader(dataset, **loader_kwargs) if looped_nominal_epoch is not None: dataloader = LoopedLoader(dataloader, looped_nominal_epoch) return dataloader
# We essentially want to make the DataLoader iterators able to skip ahead # after checkpoint recovery # This should be handled by the DataLoader iterators' base class. # To make the implementation here a little more maintainable # we decide to patch some PyTorch functionality def __new_init(self, loader, *args, **kwargs): self.__old_init__(loader, *args, **kwargs) if ( hasattr(loader, "_speechbrain_recovery_skip_to") and loader._speechbrain_recovery_skip_to is not None ): # Fast forward the sampler iterator since we have recovered: for i in range(loader._speechbrain_recovery_skip_to): try: next(self._sampler_iter) except StopIteration: MSG = "Tried to fast-forward Sampler after checkpoint " f"recovery by {loader._speechbrain_recovery_skip_to} " "indices, but now Sampler raised StopIteration after " f"{i} indices. Ignoring this mismatch." warnings.warn(MSG) break self._num_yielded = i + 1 # Mark recovery as done: loader._speechbrain_recovery_skip_to = None def __new_reset(self, loader, first_iter=False, *args, **kwargs): # On the first iteration, these have already normally been set by the init anyway. # And we don't want to overwrite them if we've recovered if not first_iter: self._sampler_iter = iter(self._index_sampler) self._num_yielded = 0 self._IterableDataset_len_called = loader._IterableDataset_len_called # functools.update_wrapper is meant for decorators, but it should basically # preserve what we want: functools.update_wrapper(__new_init, _BaseDataLoaderIter.__init__) _BaseDataLoaderIter.__old_init__ = _BaseDataLoaderIter.__init__ _BaseDataLoaderIter.__init__ = __new_init if hasattr(_BaseDataLoaderIter, "_reset"): _BaseDataLoaderIter._reset = __new_reset
[docs]@register_checkpoint_hooks class SaveableDataLoader(DataLoader): """A saveable version of the PyTorch DataLoader. See `` for usage. This class should work exactly like the PyTorch basic DataLoader, but this can be checkpointed with SpeechBrain's Checkpointer. Note ---- 1. The saveability is implemented via some unfortunately slightly magical means. 2. The data loader cannot recover after entering __iter__. Normally this is not a problem, as recovery should happen before training begins. However, just before evaluation, it is also typical to recover the checkpoint at which performance was the best. Thus, if a checkpoint is loaded after entering __iter__, we just assume it is for this reason. A warning is logged, but that is all. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(self.dataset, IterableDataset): logging.warning( "SaveableDataLoader cannot save the position in an " "IterableDataset. Save the position on the dataset itself." ) self._speechbrain_recovery_skip_to = None self._speechbrain_iterator = None def __iter__(self): iterator = super().__iter__() # Keep a reference to the iterator, # to be able to access the iterator._num_yielded value. # Keep a full reference (keeping the iterator alive) # rather than e.g. a weakref, as we may want to save a checkpoint # after the iterator has been exhausted, but before the full epoch has # ended (e.g. validation is still running) self._speechbrain_iterator = iterator return iterator @mark_as_saver def _speechbrain_save(self, path): if isinstance(self.dataset, IterableDataset): logging.warning( "Warning again: a checkpoint was requested on " "SaveableDataLoader, but the dataset is an IterableDataset. " "Cannot save the position in an IterableDataset. Not raising " "an error; assuming that you know what you're doing." ) if self._speechbrain_iterator is None: to_save = None else: to_save = self._speechbrain_iterator._num_yielded with open(path, "w") as fo: fo.write(str(to_save)) @mark_as_loader def _speechbrain_load(self, path, end_of_epoch, device=None): del device # Unused here if self._speechbrain_iterator is not None: logging.debug( "SaveableDataLoader was requested to load a " "checkpoint, but the DataLoader has already been " "iterated. The DataLoader file will be ignored. " "This is normal in evaluation, when a checkpoint is " "loaded just to retrieve the best model." ) return if end_of_epoch: # Don't load at end of epoch, as we actually want to start a fresh # epoch iteration next. return with open(path) as fi: saved = if saved == str(None): # Saved at a point where e.g. an iterator did not yet exist. return else: self._speechbrain_recovery_skip_to = int(saved)
[docs]@register_checkpoint_hooks class LoopedLoader: """Loops an underlying iterable indefinitely, with nominal epoch lengths This is useful for working with IterableDatasets, and particularly webdataset-style loading. We recommend using ``.repeat()`` on the webdataset IterableDataset instance, so that the underlying dataloader naturally continues for ever. Arguments --------- loader : iterable A DataLoader or other iterable that is looped repeatedly. epoch_length : int The length of the nominal epoch. After this many steps, raises StopIteration """ def __init__(self, loader, epoch_length, batchsize_fn=None): self.loader = loader self.iterator = None self.epoch_length = epoch_length self.step = 0 # Step in epoch self.total_steps = 0 # Total steps ever self.total_samples = 0 # Total samples seen on this process if batchsize_fn is None: self.batchsize_fn = BatchsizeGuesser() def __iter__(self): if self.iterator is None: self.iterator = iter(self.loader) return self def __next__(self): if self.step < self.epoch_length: self.step += 1 self.total_steps += 1 try: batch = next(self.iterator) except StopIteration: self.iterator = iter(self.loader) batch = next(self.iterator) self.total_samples += self.batchsize_fn(batch) return batch else: self.step = 0 raise StopIteration def __len__(self): return self.epoch_length
[docs] @mark_as_saver def save(self, path): """Saves the needed information.""" with open(path, "w") as fo: print(self.step, file=fo) print(self.total_steps, file=fo) print(self.total_samples, file=fo)
[docs] @mark_as_loader def load(self, path, end_of_epoch=True, device=None): """Loads the needed information.""" del device # Unused here with open(path) as fi: self.step = int(fi.readline().strip()) self.total_steps = int(fi.readline().strip()) self.total_samples = int(fi.readline().strip()) if not end_of_epoch and self.step == 0 and self.total_steps > 0: # Step has been set to 0 at the end of iteration, # so return it to epoch_length, so that first iteration # of this will immediately raise StopIteration. # Basically, this can happen when e.g. the main training # loop has already finished but there is a checkpoint in the # middle of validation. self.step = self.epoch_length