Source code for speechbrain.utils.metric_stats

"""The ``metric_stats`` module provides an abstract class for storing
statistics produced over the course of an experiment and summarizing them.

 * Peter Plantinga 2020
 * Mirco Ravanelli 2020
import torch
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from speechbrain.utils.data_utils import undo_padding
from speechbrain.utils.edit_distance import wer_summary, wer_details_for_batch
from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import merge_char, split_word
from speechbrain.dataio.wer import print_wer_summary, print_alignments

[docs]class MetricStats: """A default class for storing and summarizing arbitrary metrics. More complex metrics can be created by sub-classing this class. Arguments --------- metric : function The function to use to compute the relevant metric. Should take at least two arguments (predictions and targets) and can optionally take the relative lengths of either or both arguments. Not usually used in sub-classes. batch_eval: bool When True it feeds the evaluation metric with the batched input. When False and n_jobs=1, it performs metric evaluation one-by-one in a sequential way. When False and n_jobs>1, the evaluation runs in parallel over the different inputs using joblib. n_jobs : int The number of jobs to use for computing the metric. If this is more than one, every sample is processed individually, otherwise the whole batch is passed at once. Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.nnet.losses import l1_loss >>> loss_stats = MetricStats(metric=l1_loss) >>> loss_stats.append( ... ids=["utterance1", "utterance2"], ... predictions=torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.2], [0.2, 0.3]]), ... targets=torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.2]]), ... reduction="batch", ... ) >>> stats = loss_stats.summarize() >>> stats['average'] 0.050... >>> stats['max_score'] 0.100... >>> stats['max_id'] 'utterance2' """ def __init__(self, metric, n_jobs=1, batch_eval=True): self.metric = metric self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.batch_eval = batch_eval self.clear()
[docs] def clear(self): """Creates empty container for storage, removing existing stats.""" self.scores = [] self.ids = [] self.summary = {}
[docs] def append(self, ids, *args, **kwargs): """Store a particular set of metric scores. Arguments --------- ids : list List of ids corresponding to utterances. *args, **kwargs Arguments to pass to the metric function. """ self.ids.extend(ids) # Batch evaluation if self.batch_eval: scores = self.metric(*args, **kwargs).detach() else: if "predict" not in kwargs or "target" not in kwargs: raise ValueError( "Must pass 'predict' and 'target' as kwargs if batch_eval=False" ) if self.n_jobs == 1: # Sequence evaluation (loop over inputs) scores = sequence_evaluation(metric=self.metric, **kwargs) else: # Multiprocess evaluation scores = multiprocess_evaluation( metric=self.metric, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, **kwargs ) self.scores.extend(scores)
[docs] def summarize(self, field=None): """Summarize the metric scores, returning relevant stats. Arguments --------- field : str If provided, only returns selected statistic. If not, returns all computed statistics. Returns ------- float or dict Returns a float if ``field`` is provided, otherwise returns a dictionary containing all computed stats. """ min_index = torch.argmin(torch.tensor(self.scores)) max_index = torch.argmax(torch.tensor(self.scores)) self.summary = { "average": float(sum(self.scores) / len(self.scores)), "min_score": float(self.scores[min_index]), "min_id": self.ids[min_index], "max_score": float(self.scores[max_index]), "max_id": self.ids[max_index], } if field is not None: return self.summary[field] else: return self.summary
[docs] def write_stats(self, filestream, verbose=False): """Write all relevant statistics to file. Arguments --------- filestream : file-like object A stream for the stats to be written to. verbose : bool Whether to also print the stats to stdout. """ if not self.summary: self.summarize() message = f"Average score: {self.summary['average']}\n" message += f"Min error: {self.summary['min_score']} " message += f"id: {self.summary['min_id']}\n" message += f"Max error: {self.summary['max_score']} " message += f"id: {self.summary['max_id']}\n" filestream.write(message) if verbose: print(message)
[docs]def multiprocess_evaluation(metric, predict, target, lengths=None, n_jobs=8): """Runs metric evaluation if parallel over multiple jobs.""" if lengths is not None: lengths = (lengths * predict.size(1)).int().cpu() predict = [p[:length].cpu() for p, length in zip(predict, lengths)] target = [t[:length].cpu() for t, length in zip(target, lengths)] scores = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(metric)(p, t) for p, t in zip(predict, target) ) return scores
[docs]def sequence_evaluation(metric, predict, target, lengths=None): """Runs metric evaluation sequentially over the inputs.""" if lengths is not None: lengths = (lengths * predict.size(1)).int().cpu() predict = [p[:length].cpu() for p, length in zip(predict, lengths)] target = [t[:length].cpu() for t, length in zip(target, lengths)] scores = [] for p, t in zip(predict, target): score = metric(p, t) scores.append(score) return scores
[docs]class ErrorRateStats(MetricStats): """A class for tracking error rates (e.g., WER, PER). Arguments --------- merge_tokens : bool Whether to merge the successive tokens (used for e.g., creating words out of character tokens). See ``speechbrain.dataio.dataio.merge_char``. split_tokens : bool Whether to split tokens (used for e.g. creating characters out of word tokens). See ``speechbrain.dataio.dataio.split_word``. space_token : str The character to use for boundaries. Used with ``merge_tokens`` this represents character to split on after merge. Used with ``split_tokens`` the sequence is joined with this token in between, and then the whole sequence is split. Example ------- >>> cer_stats = ErrorRateStats() >>> i2l = {0: 'a', 1: 'b'} >>> cer_stats.append( ... ids=['utterance1'], ... predict=torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1]]), ... target=torch.tensor([[0, 1, 0]]), ... target_len=torch.ones(1), ... ind2lab=lambda batch: [[i2l[int(x)] for x in seq] for seq in batch], ... ) >>> stats = cer_stats.summarize() >>> stats['WER'] 33.33... >>> stats['insertions'] 0 >>> stats['deletions'] 0 >>> stats['substitutions'] 1 """ def __init__(self, merge_tokens=False, split_tokens=False, space_token="_"): self.clear() self.merge_tokens = merge_tokens self.split_tokens = split_tokens self.space_token = space_token
[docs] def append( self, ids, predict, target, predict_len=None, target_len=None, ind2lab=None, ): """Add stats to the relevant containers. * See MetricStats.append() Arguments --------- ids : list List of ids corresponding to utterances. predict : torch.tensor A predicted output, for comparison with the target output target : torch.tensor The correct reference output, for comparison with the prediction. predict_len : torch.tensor The predictions relative lengths, used to undo padding if there is padding present in the predictions. target_len : torch.tensor The target outputs' relative lengths, used to undo padding if there is padding present in the target. ind2lab : callable Callable that maps from indices to labels, operating on batches, for writing alignments. """ self.ids.extend(ids) if predict_len is not None: predict = undo_padding(predict, predict_len) if target_len is not None: target = undo_padding(target, target_len) if ind2lab is not None: predict = ind2lab(predict) target = ind2lab(target) if self.merge_tokens: predict = merge_char(predict, space=self.space_token) target = merge_char(target, space=self.space_token) if self.split_tokens: predict = split_word(predict, space=self.space_token) target = split_word(target, space=self.space_token) scores = wer_details_for_batch(ids, target, predict, True) self.scores.extend(scores)
[docs] def summarize(self, field=None): """Summarize the error_rate and return relevant statistics. * See MetricStats.summarize() """ self.summary = wer_summary(self.scores) # Add additional, more generic key self.summary["error_rate"] = self.summary["WER"] if field is not None: return self.summary[field] else: return self.summary
[docs] def write_stats(self, filestream): """Write all relevant info (e.g., error rate alignments) to file. * See MetricStats.write_stats() """ if not self.summary: self.summarize() print_wer_summary(self.summary, filestream) print_alignments(self.scores, filestream)
[docs]class BinaryMetricStats(MetricStats): """Tracks binary metrics, such as precision, recall, F1, EER, etc. """ def __init__(self, positive_label=1): self.clear() self.positive_label = positive_label
[docs] def clear(self): self.ids = [] self.scores = [] self.labels = [] self.summary = {}
[docs] def append(self, ids, scores, labels): """Appends scores and labels to internal lists. Does not compute metrics until time of summary, since automatic thresholds (e.g., EER) need full set of scores. Arguments --------- ids : list The string ids for the samples """ self.ids.extend(ids) self.scores.extend(scores.detach()) self.labels.extend(labels.detach())
[docs] def summarize(self, field=None, threshold=None, beta=1, eps=1e-8): """Compute statistics using a full set of scores. Full set of fields: - TP - True Positive - TN - True Negative - FP - False Positive - FN - False Negative - FAR - False Acceptance Rate - FRR - False Rejection Rate - DER - Detection Error Rate (EER if no threshold passed) - precision - Precision (positive predictive value) - recall - Recall (sensitivity) - F-score - Balance of precision and recall (equal if beta=1) - MCC - Matthews Correlation Coefficient Arguments --------- field : str A key for selecting a single statistic. If not provided, a dict with all statistics is returned. threshold : float If no threshold is provided, equal error rate is used. beta : float How much to weight precision vs recall in F-score. Default of 1. is equal weight, while higher values weight recall higher, and lower values weight precision higher. eps : float A small value to avoid dividing by zero. """ if isinstance(self.scores, list): self.scores = torch.stack(self.scores) self.labels = torch.stack(self.labels) if threshold is None: positive_scores = self.scores[self.labels.nonzero(as_tuple=True)] negative_scores = self.scores[ self.labels[self.labels == 0].nonzero(as_tuple=True) ] eer, threshold = EER(positive_scores, negative_scores) pred = (self.scores >= threshold).float() true = self.labels TP = self.summary["TP"] = float(pred.mul(true).sum()) TN = self.summary["TN"] = float((1.0 - pred).mul(1.0 - true).sum()) FP = self.summary["FP"] = float(pred.mul(1.0 - true).sum()) FN = self.summary["FN"] = float((1.0 - pred).mul(true).sum()) self.summary["FAR"] = FP / (FP + TN + eps) self.summary["FRR"] = FN / (TP + FN + eps) self.summary["DER"] = (FP + FN) / (TP + TN + eps) self.summary["precision"] = TP / (TP + FP + eps) self.summary["recall"] = TP / (TP + FN + eps) self.summary["F-score"] = ( (1.0 + beta ** 2.0) * TP / ((1.0 + beta ** 2.0) * TP + beta ** 2.0 * FN + FP) ) self.summary["MCC"] = (TP * TN - FP * FN) / ( (TP + FP) * (TP + FN) * (TN + FP) * (TN + FN) + eps ) ** 0.5 if field is not None: return self.summary[field] else: return self.summary
[docs]def EER(positive_scores, negative_scores): """Computes the EER (and its threshold). Arguments --------- positive_scores : torch.tensor The scores from entries of the same class. negative_scores : torch.tensor The scores from entries of different classes. Example ------- >>> positive_scores = torch.tensor([0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.5]) >>> negative_scores = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]) >>> val_eer, threshold = EER(positive_scores, negative_scores) >>> val_eer 0.0 """ # Computing candidate thresholds thresholds, _ = torch.sort([positive_scores, negative_scores])) thresholds = torch.unique(thresholds) # Adding intermediate thresholds interm_thresholds = (thresholds[0:-1] + thresholds[1:]) / 2 thresholds, _ = torch.sort([thresholds, interm_thresholds])) # Computing False Rejection Rate (miss detection) positive_scores = len(thresholds) * [positive_scores.unsqueeze(0)] ) pos_scores_threshold = positive_scores.transpose(0, 1) <= thresholds FRR = (pos_scores_threshold.sum(0)).float() / positive_scores.shape[1] del positive_scores del pos_scores_threshold # Computing False Acceptance Rate (false alarm) negative_scores = len(thresholds) * [negative_scores.unsqueeze(0)] ) neg_scores_threshold = negative_scores.transpose(0, 1) > thresholds FAR = (neg_scores_threshold.sum(0)).float() / negative_scores.shape[1] del negative_scores del neg_scores_threshold # Finding the threshold for EER min_index = (FAR - FRR).abs().argmin() # It is possible that eer != fpr != fnr. We return (FAR + FRR) / 2 as EER. EER = (FAR[min_index] + FRR[min_index]) / 2 return float(EER), float(thresholds[min_index])
[docs]def minDCF( positive_scores, negative_scores, c_miss=1.0, c_fa=1.0, p_target=0.01 ): """Computes the minDCF metric normally used to evaluate speaker verification systems. The min_DCF is the minimum of the following C_det function computed within the defined threshold range: C_det = c_miss * p_miss * p_target + c_fa * p_fa * (1 -p_target) where p_miss is the missing probability and p_fa is the probability of having a false alarm. Arguments --------- positive_scores : torch.tensor The scores from entries of the same class. negative_scores : torch.tensor The scores from entries of different classes. c_miss : float Cost assigned to a missing error (default 1.0). c_fa : float Cost assigned to a false alarm (default 1.0). p_target: float Prior probability of having a target (default 0.01). Example ------- >>> positive_scores = torch.tensor([0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.5]) >>> negative_scores = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]) >>> val_minDCF, threshold = minDCF(positive_scores, negative_scores) >>> val_minDCF 0.0 """ # Computing candidate thresholds thresholds, _ = torch.sort([positive_scores, negative_scores])) thresholds = torch.unique(thresholds) # Adding intermediate thresholds interm_thresholds = (thresholds[0:-1] + thresholds[1:]) / 2 thresholds, _ = torch.sort([thresholds, interm_thresholds])) # Computing False Rejection Rate (miss detection) positive_scores = len(thresholds) * [positive_scores.unsqueeze(0)] ) pos_scores_threshold = positive_scores.transpose(0, 1) <= thresholds p_miss = (pos_scores_threshold.sum(0)).float() / positive_scores.shape[1] del positive_scores del pos_scores_threshold # Computing False Acceptance Rate (false alarm) negative_scores = len(thresholds) * [negative_scores.unsqueeze(0)] ) neg_scores_threshold = negative_scores.transpose(0, 1) > thresholds p_fa = (neg_scores_threshold.sum(0)).float() / negative_scores.shape[1] del negative_scores del neg_scores_threshold c_det = c_miss * p_miss * p_target + c_fa * p_fa * (1 - p_target) c_min, min_index = torch.min(c_det, dim=0) return float(c_min), float(thresholds[min_index])