Source code for speechbrain.utils.logger

"""Managing the logger, utilities

 * Fang-Pen Lin 2012
 * Peter Plantinga 2020
 * Aku Rouhe 2020

import sys
import os
import yaml
import tqdm
import logging
import logging.config
import math
import torch
from speechbrain.utils.data_utils import recursive_update
from speechbrain.utils.superpowers import run_shell

    -24: "y",
    -21: "z",
    -18: "a",
    -15: "f",
    -12: "p",
    -9: "n",
    -6: "ยต",
    -3: "m",
    0: "",
    3: "k",
    6: "M",
    9: "G",
    12: "T",
    15: "P",
    18: "E",
    21: "Z",
    24: "Y",

# Short scale
# Negative powers of ten in lowercase, positive in uppercase
    -24: "septillionths",
    -21: "sextillionths",
    -18: "quintillionths",
    -15: "quadrillionths",
    -12: "trillionths",
    -9: "billionths",
    -6: "millionths",
    -3: "thousandths",
    0: "",
    3: "Thousand",
    6: "Million",
    9: "Billion",
    12: "Trillion",
    15: "Quadrillion",
    18: "Quintillion",
    21: "Sextillion",
    24: "Septillion",

[docs]class TqdmCompatibleStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """TQDM compatible StreamHandler. Writes and prints should be passed through tqdm.tqdm.write so that the tqdm progressbar doesn't get messed up. """
[docs] def emit(self, record): try: msg = self.format(record) stream = tqdm.tqdm.write(msg, end=self.terminator, file=stream) self.flush() except RecursionError: raise except Exception: self.handleError(record)
[docs]def setup_logging( config_path="log-config.yaml", overrides={}, default_level=logging.INFO, ): """Setup logging configuration. Arguments --------- config_path : str The path to a logging config file. default_level : int The level to use if the config file is not found. overrides : dict A dictionary of the same structure as the config dict with any updated values that need to be applied. """ if os.path.exists(config_path): with open(config_path, "rt") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) recursive_update(config, overrides) logging.config.dictConfig(config) else: logging.basicConfig(level=default_level)
[docs]def format_order_of_magnitude(number, abbreviate=True): """Formats number to the appropriate order of magnitude for printing. Arguments --------- number : int, float The number to format. abbreviate : bool Whether to use abbreviations (k,M,G) or words (Thousand, Million, Billion). Numbers will be either like: "123.5k" or "123.5 Thousand". Returns ------- str The formatted number. Note that the order of magnitude token is part of the string. Example ------- >>> print(format_order_of_magnitude(123456)) 123.5k >>> print(format_order_of_magnitude(0.00000123, abbreviate=False)) 1.2 millionths >>> print(format_order_of_magnitude(5, abbreviate=False)) 5 """ style = ORDERS_ABBREV if abbreviate else ORDERS_WORDS precision = "{num:3.1f}" order = 3 * math.floor(math.log(math.fabs(number), 1000)) # Fallback for very large numbers: while order not in style and order != 0: order = order - math.copysign(3, order) # Bring 3 units towards 0 order_token = style[order] if order != 0: formatted_number = precision.format(num=number / 10 ** order) else: if isinstance(number, int): formatted_number = str(number) else: formatted_number = precision.format(num=number) if abbreviate or not order_token: return formatted_number + order_token else: return formatted_number + " " + order_token
[docs]def get_environment_description(): """Returns a string describing the current Python / SpeechBrain environment. Useful for making experiments as replicable as possible. Returns ------- str The string is formatted ready to be written to a file. Example ------- >>> get_environment_description().splitlines()[0] 'SpeechBrain system description' """ python_version_str = "Python version:\n" + sys.version + "\n" try: freezed, _, _ = run_shell("pip freeze") python_packages_str = "Installed Python packages:\n" python_packages_str += freezed.decode() except OSError: python_packages_str = "Could not list python packages with pip freeze" try: git_hash, _, _ = run_shell("git rev-parse --short HEAD") git_str = "Git revision:\n" + git_hash.decode() except OSError: git_str = "Could not get git revision" if torch.cuda.is_available(): cuda_str = "Cuda version:\n" + torch.version.cuda else: cuda_str = "CUDA not available" result = "SpeechBrain system description\n" result += "==============================\n" result += python_version_str result += "==============================\n" result += python_packages_str result += "==============================\n" result += git_str result += "==============================\n" result += cuda_str return result