Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_wav2vec

"""This lobe enables the integration of huggingface pretrained wav2vec2 models.

Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed:

 * Titouan Parcollet 2021

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn

# We check if transformers is installed.
    from transformers import Wav2Vec2Model, Wav2Vec2Config
    from transformers import Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor
except ImportError:
    print("Please install transformer from HuggingFace to use wav2vec2!")

[docs]class HuggingFaceWav2Vec2(nn.Module): """This lobe enables the integration of HuggingFace pretrained wav2vec2.0 models. Source paper: Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed: The model can be used as a fixed feature extractor or can be finetuned. It will download automatically the model from HuggingFace. Arguments --------- source : str HuggingFace hub name: e.g "facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60" save_path : str Path (dir) of the downloaded model. output_norm : bool (default: True) If True, a layer_norm (affine) will be applied to the output obtained from the wav2vec model. freeze : bool (default: True) If True, the model is frozen. If False, the model will be trained alongside with the rest of the pipeline. freeze_feature_extractor : bool (default: False) When freeze = False and freeze_feature_extractor True, the featue_extractor module of the model is Frozen. If False all the wav2vec model will be trained including featue_extractor module. pretrain : bool (default: True) If True, the model is pretrained with the specified source. If False, the randomly-initialized model is instantiated. apply_spec_augment : bool (default: False) If True, the model will apply spec augment on the output of feature extractor (inside huggingface Wav2VecModel() class). If False, the model will not apply spec augment. We set this to false to prevent from doing it twice. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 600]) >>> model_hub = "facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h" >>> save_path = "savedir" >>> model = HuggingFaceWav2Vec2(model_hub, save_path) >>> outputs = model(inputs) >>> outputs.shape torch.Size([10, 1, 768]) """ def __init__( self, source, save_path, output_norm=True, freeze=True, freeze_feature_extractor=False, pretrain=True, apply_spec_augment=False, ): super().__init__() # Download the extractor from HuggingFace. # The extractor is only used to retrieve the normalisation self.feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor.from_pretrained( source, cache_dir=save_path ) # Download the model from HuggingFace. # if pretrain is False, we do not download the pretrained weights # it it is True, we download and load them. if not (pretrain): config = Wav2Vec2Config.from_pretrained(source, cache_dir=save_path) self.model = Wav2Vec2Model(config) else: self.model = Wav2Vec2Model.from_pretrained( source, cache_dir=save_path ) # set apply_spec_augment self.model.config.apply_spec_augment = apply_spec_augment # We check if inputs need to be normalized w.r.t pretrained wav2vec2 self.normalize_wav = self.feature_extractor.do_normalize self.freeze = freeze self.freeze_feature_extractor = freeze_feature_extractor self.output_norm = output_norm if self.freeze: self.model.eval() else: self.model.train() if self.freeze_feature_extractor: self.model.feature_extractor._freeze_parameters()
[docs] def forward(self, wav): """Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding wav2vec encoding. Arguments --------- wav : torch.Tensor (signal) A batch of audio signals to transform to features. """ # If we freeze, we simply remove all grads and features from the graph. if self.freeze: with torch.no_grad(): return self.extract_features(wav).detach() return self.extract_features(wav)
[docs] def extract_features(self, wav): """Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding wav2vec encoding. Arguments --------- wav : torch.Tensor (signal) A batch of audio signals to transform to features. """ if self.normalize_wav: wav = F.layer_norm(wav, wav.shape) # Extract wav2vec output out = self.model(wav)[0] # We normalize the output if required if self.output_norm: out = F.layer_norm(out, out.shape) return out