speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.discrete_ssl moduleο
This lobe enables the integration of pretrained discrete SSL (hubert,wavlm,wav2vec) for extracting semnatic tokens from output of SSL layers.
Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed: https://huggingface.co/transformers/installation.html
- Author
Pooneh Mousavi 2024
Jarod Duret 2024
This lobe enables the integration of HuggingFace and SpeechBrain pretrained Discrete SSL models. |
- class speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.discrete_ssl.DiscreteSSL(save_path, ssl_model, kmeans_dataset, vocoder_repo_id='speechbrain/hifigan-wavlm-k1000-LibriTTS', num_clusters=1000, layers_num=None, device='cpu', sample_rate=16000)[source]ο
This lobe enables the integration of HuggingFace and SpeechBrain pretrained Discrete SSL models.
Transformer from HuggingFace needs to be installed: https://huggingface.co/transformers/installation.html
The model can be used as a fixed Discrete feature extractor or can be finetuned. It will download automatically the model from HuggingFace or use a local path.
The following table summarizes the compatible SSL models, their respective HF encoders, k-means training details, supported layers, and pretrained vocoder:
SSL Model | HF Encoder | K-Means Dataset | K-Means Size | SSL Layers | Vocoder Model ||------------|βββββββββββββ-|-----------------|βββββ|----------------------|βββββββββββββββ| | WavLM | microsoft/wavlm-large | LibriSpeech960 | 1000 | 1, 3, 7, 12, 18, 23 | speechbrain/hifigan-wavlm-k1000-LibriTTS | | HuBERT | facebook/hubert-large-ll60k | LibriSpeech960 | 1000 | 1, 3, 7, 12, 18, 23 | speechbrain/hifigan-hubert-k1000-LibriTTS | | Wav2Vec2 | facebook/wav2vec2-large | LibriSpeech960 | 1000 | 1, 3, 7, 12, 18, 23 | speechbrain/hifigan-wav2vec2-k1000-LibriTTS |
- Parameters:
save_path (str) β Path (dir) of the downloaded model.
ssl_model (str) β SSL model to extract semantic tokens from its layersβ output. Note that output_all_hiddens should be set to True to enable multi-layer discretization.
kmeans_dataset (str) β Name of the dataset that Kmeans model on HF repo is trained with.
vocoder_repo_id (str) β Huggingface repository that contains the pre-trained HiFi-GAN model.
num_clusters (int or List[int] (default: 1000)) β Determine the number of clusters of the targeted kmeans models to be downloaded. It could be varying for each layer.
layers_num (List[int] (Optional)) β Detremine layers to be download from HF repo. If it is not provided, all layers with num_clusters(int) is loaded from HF repo. If num_clusters is a list, the layers_num should be provided to determine the cluster number for each layer.
device (str (default 'cpu')) β The device to use for computation (βcpuβ or βcudaβ).
sample_rate (int (default: 16000)) β Sample rate of the input audio.
>>> import torch >>> from speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.wavlm import (WavLM) >>> inputs = torch.rand([3, 2000]) >>> model_hub = "microsoft/wavlm-large" >>> save_path = "savedir" >>> ssl_layer_num = [7,23] >>> deduplicate =[False, True] >>> bpe_tokenizers=[None, None] >>> vocoder_repo_id = "speechbrain/hifigan-wavlm-k1000-LibriTTS" >>> kmeans_dataset = "LibriSpeech" >>> num_clusters = 1000 >>> ssl_model = WavLM(model_hub, save_path,output_all_hiddens=True) >>> model = DiscreteSSL(save_path, ssl_model, vocoder_repo_id=vocoder_repo_id, kmeans_dataset=kmeans_dataset,num_clusters=num_clusters) >>> tokens, _, _ = model.encode(inputs,SSL_layers=ssl_layer_num, deduplicates=deduplicate, bpe_tokenizers=bpe_tokenizers) >>> print(tokens.shape) torch.Size([3, 6, 2]) >>> sig = model.decode(tokens, ssl_layer_num) >>> print(sig.shape) torch.Size([3, 1, 1920])
- check_if_input_is_compatible(layers_num, num_clusters)[source]ο
check if layer_number and num_clusters is consistent with each other.
- Parameters:
- load_kmeans(repo_id, kmeans_dataset, encoder_name, num_clusters, cache_dir, layers_num=None)[source]ο
Load a Pretrained kmeans model from HF.
- Parameters:
repo_id (str) β The hugingface repo id that contains the model.
kmeans_dataset (str) β Name of the dataset that Kmeans model are trained with in HF repo that need to be downloaded.
encoder_name (str) β Name of the encoder for locating files.
num_clusters (int or List[int]) β determine the number of clusters of the targeted kmeans models to be downloaded. It could be varying for each layer.
cache_dir (str) β Path (dir) of the downloaded model.
layers_num (List[int] (Optional)) β If num_clusters is a list, the layers_num should be provided to determine the cluster number for each layer.
- Returns:
kmeans_model (MiniBatchKMeans) β pretrained Kmeans model loaded from the HF.
layer_ids (List[int]) β supported layer nums for kmeans (extracted from the name of kmeans model.)
- forward(wav, wav_lens=None, SSL_layers=None, deduplicates=None, bpe_tokenizers=None)[source]ο
Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding tokens and reconstructed signal.
- Parameters:
wav (torch.Tensor (signal)) β A batch of audio signals to transform to features.
wav_lens (tensor) β The relative length of the wav given in SpeechBrain format.
SSL_layers (List[int]:) β determine which layers of SSL should be used to extract information.
deduplicates (List[boolean]:) β determine to apply deduplication(remove duplicate subsequent tokens) on the tokens extracted for the corresponding layer.
bpe_tokenizers (List[int]:) β determine to apply subwording on the tokens extracted for the corresponding layer if the sentencePiece tokenizer is trained for that layer.
- Returns:
tokens (torch.Tensor) β A (Batch x Seq x num_SSL_layers) tensor of audio tokens
waveforms (torch.tensor) β Batch of mel-waveforms [batch, time]
- encode(wav, wav_lens=None, SSL_layers=None, deduplicates=None, bpe_tokenizers=None)[source]ο
Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding encoding.
- Parameters:
wav (torch.Tensor (signal)) β A batch of audio signals to transform to features.
wav_lens (tensor) β The relative length of the wav given in SpeechBrain format.
SSL_layers (List[int]:) β determine which layers of SSL should be used to extract information.
deduplicates (List[boolean]:) β determine to apply deduplication(remove duplicate subsequent tokens) on the tokens extracted for the corresponding layer.
bpe_tokenizers (List[int]:) β determine to apply subwording on the tokens extracted for the corresponding layer if the sentencePiece tokenizer is trained for that layer.
- Returns:
tokens (torch.Tensor) β A (Batch x Seq x num_SSL_layers) tensor of audio tokens
emb (torch.Tensor) β A (Batch x Seq x num_SSL_layers x embedding_dim ) cluster_centers embeddings for each tokens
processed_tokens (torch.Tensor) β A (Batch x Seq x num_SSL_layers) tensor of audio tokens after applying deduplication and subwording if necessary.
- decode(tokens, SSL_layers=None)[source]ο
Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding waveform. Original source: https://github.com/speechbrain/benchmarks/blob/c87beb61d4747909a133d3e1b3a3df7c8eda1f08/ benchmarks/DASB/Libri2Mix/separation/conformer/train_discrete_ssl.py#L44
- Parameters:
tokens (torch.Tensor) β A (Batch, codes, layers) tensor of discrete units
SSL_layers (List[int]:) β determine which layers of SSL should be used by the vocoder.
- Returns:
waveforms β Batch of mel-waveforms [batch, time]
- Return type: