Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.fairseq_wav2vec

"""This lobe enables the integration of fairseq pretrained wav2vec models.

FairSeq >= 1.0.0 needs to be installed:

 * Titouan Parcollet 2021
 * Salima Mdhaffar 2021

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from speechbrain.utils.data_utils import download_file

# We check if fairseq is installed.
    import fairseq
except ImportError:
    print("Please install Fairseq to use pretrained wav2vec!")

[docs]class FairseqWav2Vec2(nn.Module): """This lobe enables the integration of fairseq pretrained wav2vec2.0 models. Source paper: FairSeq >= 1.0.0 needs to be installed: The model can be used as a fixed features extractor or can be finetuned. It will download automatically the model if a url is given (e.g FairSeq repository from GitHub). Arguments --------- pretrained_path : str Path of the pretrained wav2vec2 model. It can be a url or a local path. save_path : str Path and filename of the downloaded model. input_norm : bool (default: None) If True, a layer_norm (affine) will be applied to the input waveform. By default, it is extracted from the checkpoint of the downloaded model in order to match the pretraining conditions. However, if this information is not given in the checkpoint, it has to be given manually. output_norm : bool (default: True) If True, a layer_norm (affine) will be applied to the output obtained from the wav2vec model. freeze : bool (default: True) If True, the model is frozen. If False, the model will be trained alongside with the rest of the pipeline. pretrain : bool (default: True) If True, the model is pretrained with the specified source. If False, the randomly-initialized model is instantiated. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 600]) >>> model_url = "" >>> save_path = "models_checkpoints/" >>> model = FairseqWav2Vec2(model_url, save_path) >>> outputs = model(inputs) >>> outputs.shape torch.Size([10, 100, 768]) """ def __init__( self, pretrained_path, save_path, input_norm=None, output_norm=True, freeze=True, pretrain=True, ): super().__init__() # Download the pretrained wav2vec2 model. It can be local or online. download_file(pretrained_path, save_path) ( model, cfg, task, ) = fairseq.checkpoint_utils.load_model_ensemble_and_task([save_path]) # wav2vec pretrained models may need the input waveform to be normalized # Hence, we check if the model has be trained with or without it. # If the information isn't contained in the checkpoint IT HAS TO BE GIVEN # BY THE USER. if input_norm is None: if hasattr(cfg, "normalize"): self.normalize = cfg.normalize else: msg = "The normalize flag is not set in the loaded fairseq checkpoint. " msg += ( "Please set it to True or False. True = waveform will be " ) msg += "normalized. False, it won't. This is dependent on the model." msg += " !!! it has to match the pretraining of the wav2vec 2.0 !!!" raise ValueError(msg) else: self.normalize = input_norm model = model[0] self.model = model self.freeze = freeze self.output_norm = output_norm if self.freeze: model.eval() # Randomly initialized layers if pretrain is False if not (pretrain): self.reset_layer(self.model)
[docs] def forward(self, wav): """Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding wav2vec encoding. Arguments --------- wav : torch.Tensor (signal) A batch of audio signals to transform to features. """ # If we freeze, we simply remove all grads and features from the graph. if self.freeze: with torch.no_grad(): return self.extract_features(wav).detach() return self.extract_features(wav)
[docs] def extract_features(self, wav): """Extracts the wav2vect embeddings""" # We normalize the input signal if needed. if self.normalize: wav = F.layer_norm(wav, wav.shape) # Extract wav2vec output out = self.model.extract_features(wav, padding_mask=None, mask=False)[0] # We normalize the output if required if self.output_norm: out = F.layer_norm(out, out.shape) return out
[docs] def reset_layer(self, model): """Reinitializes the parameters of the network""" if hasattr(model, "reset_parameters"): model.reset_parameters() for child_layer in model.children(): if model != child_layer: self.reset_layer(child_layer)
[docs]class FairseqWav2Vec1(nn.Module): """This lobes enables the integration of fairseq pretrained wav2vec1.0 models. Arguments --------- pretrained_path : str Path of the pretrained wav2vec1 model. It can be a url or a local path. save_path : str Path and filename of the downloaded model. output_norm : bool (default: True) If True, a layer_norm (affine) will be applied to the output obtained from the wav2vec model. freeze : bool (default: True) If True, the model is frozen. If False, the model will be trained alongside with the rest of the pipeline. pretrain : bool (default: True) If True, the model is pretrained with the specified source. If False, the randomly-initialized model is instantiated. Example ------- >>> inputs = torch.rand([10, 600]) >>> model_url = "" >>> save_path = "models_checkpoints/" >>> model = FairseqWav2Vec1(model_url, save_path) >>> outputs = model(inputs) >>> outputs.shape torch.Size([10, 100, 512]) """ def __init__( self, pretrained_path, save_path, output_norm=True, freeze=True, pretrain=True, ): super().__init__() self.freeze = freeze self.output_norm = output_norm # Download the pretrained wav2vec1 model. It can be local or online. download_file(pretrained_path, save_path) ( model, cfg, task, ) = fairseq.checkpoint_utils.load_model_ensemble_and_task( [pretrained_path] ) self.model = model self.model = self.model[0] if self.freeze: model.eval() # Randomly initialized layers if pretrain is False if not (pretrain): self.reset_layer(self.model)
[docs] def forward(self, wav): """Takes an input waveform and return its corresponding wav2vec encoding. Arguments --------- wav : torch.Tensor (signal) A batch of audio signals to transform to features. """ # If we freeze, we simply remove all grads and features from the graph. if self.freeze: with torch.no_grad(): return self.extract_features(wav).detach() return self.extract_features(wav)
[docs] def extract_features(self, wav): """Extracts the wav2vect embeddings""" out = self.model.feature_extractor(wav) out = self.model.feature_aggregator(out).squeeze(0) out = out.transpose(2, 1) # We normalize the output if required if self.output_norm: out = F.layer_norm(out, out.shape) return out
[docs] def reset_layer(self, model): """Reinitializes the parameters of the network""" if hasattr(model, "reset_parameters"): model.reset_parameters() for child_layer in model.children(): if model != child_layer: self.reset_layer(child_layer)