Source code for speechbrain.lobes.models.conv_tasnet

""" Implementation of a popular speech separation model.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import speechbrain as sb
import torch.nn.functional as F

from speechbrain.processing.signal_processing import overlap_and_add

EPS = 1e-8

[docs]class Encoder(nn.Module): """This class learns the adaptive frontend for the ConvTasnet model. Arguments --------- L : int The filter kernel size. Needs to be an odd number. N : int Number of dimensions at the output of the adaptive front end. Example ------- >>> inp = torch.rand(10, 100) >>> encoder = Encoder(11, 20) >>> h = encoder(inp) >>> h.shape torch.Size([10, 20, 20]) """ def __init__(self, L, N): super(Encoder, self).__init__() # 50% overlap self.conv1d_U = sb.nnet.CNN.Conv1d( in_channels=1, out_channels=N, kernel_size=L, stride=L // 2, bias=False, )
[docs] def forward(self, mixture): """ Arguments --------- mixture : Tensor Tesor shape is [M, T]. M is batch size. T is #samples Returns ------- mixture_w : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, K, N], where K = (T-L)/(L/2)+1 = 2T/L-1 """ mixture = torch.unsqueeze(mixture, -1) # [M, T, 1] conv_out = self.conv1d_U(mixture) mixture_w = F.relu(conv_out) # [M, K, N] return mixture_w
[docs]class Decoder(nn.Module): """This class implements the decoder for the ConvTasnet. The separated source embeddings are fed to the decoder to reconstruct the estimated sources in the time domain. Arguments --------- L : int Number of bases to use when reconstructing. Example ------- >>> L, C, N = 8, 2, 8 >>> mixture_w = torch.randn(10, 100, N) >>> est_mask = torch.randn(10, 100, C, N) >>> Decoder = Decoder(L, N) >>> mixture_hat = Decoder(mixture_w, est_mask) >>> mixture_hat.shape torch.Size([10, 404, 2]) """ def __init__(self, L, N): super(Decoder, self).__init__() # Hyper-parameter self.L = L # Components self.basis_signals = sb.nnet.linear.Linear( input_size=N, n_neurons=L, bias=False )
[docs] def forward(self, mixture_w, est_mask): """ Arguments --------- mixture_w : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, K, N]. est_mask : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, K, C, N]. Returns ------- est_source : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, T, C]. """ # D = W * M source_w = ( torch.unsqueeze(mixture_w, 2).repeat(1, 1, est_mask.size(2), 1) * est_mask ) # [M, K, C, N] source_w = source_w.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) # [M, C, K, N] # S = DV est_source = self.basis_signals(source_w) # [M, C, K, L] est_source = overlap_and_add(est_source, self.L // 2) # M x C x T return est_source.permute(0, 2, 1) # M x T x C
[docs]class TemporalBlocksSequential(sb.nnet.containers.Sequential): """ A wrapper for the temporal-block layer to replicate it Arguments --------- input_shape : tuple Expected shape of the input. H : int The number of intermediate channels. P : int The kernel size in the convolutions. R : int The number of times to replicate the multilayer Temporal Blocks. X : int The number of layers of Temporal Blocks with different dilations. norm type : str The type of normalization, in ['gLN', 'cLN']. causal : bool To use causal or non-causal convolutions, in [True, False]. Example ------- >>> x = torch.randn(14, 100, 10) >>> H, P, R, X = 10, 5, 2, 3 >>> TemporalBlocks = TemporalBlocksSequential( ... x.shape, H, P, R, X, 'gLN', False ... ) >>> y = TemporalBlocks(x) >>> y.shape torch.Size([14, 100, 10]) """ def __init__(self, input_shape, H, P, R, X, norm_type, causal): super().__init__(input_shape=input_shape) for r in range(R): for x in range(X): dilation = 2 ** x self.append( TemporalBlock, out_channels=H, kernel_size=P, stride=1, padding="same", dilation=dilation, norm_type=norm_type, causal=causal, layer_name=f"temporalblock_{r}_{x}", )
[docs]class MaskNet(nn.Module): """ Arguments --------- N : int Number of filters in autoencoder. B : int Number of channels in bottleneck 1 × 1-conv block. H : int Number of channels in convolutional blocks. P : int Kernel size in convolutional blocks. X : int Number of convolutional blocks in each repeat. R : int Number of repeats. C : int Number of speakers. norm_type : str One of BN, gLN, cLN. causal : bool Causal or non-causal. mask_nonlinear : str Use which non-linear function to generate mask, in ['softmax', 'relu']. Example: --------- >>> N, B, H, P, X, R, C = 11, 12, 2, 5, 3, 1, 2 >>> MaskNet = MaskNet(N, B, H, P, X, R, C) >>> mixture_w = torch.randn(10, 11, 100) >>> est_mask = MaskNet(mixture_w) >>> est_mask.shape torch.Size([2, 10, 11, 100]) """ def __init__( self, N, B, H, P, X, R, C, norm_type="gLN", causal=False, mask_nonlinear="relu", ): super(MaskNet, self).__init__() # Hyper-parameter self.C = C self.mask_nonlinear = mask_nonlinear # Components # [M, K, N] -> [M, K, N] self.layer_norm = ChannelwiseLayerNorm(N) # [M, K, N] -> [M, K, B] self.bottleneck_conv1x1 = sb.nnet.CNN.Conv1d( in_channels=N, out_channels=B, kernel_size=1, bias=False, ) # [M, K, B] -> [M, K, B] in_shape = (None, None, B) self.temporal_conv_net = TemporalBlocksSequential( in_shape, H, P, R, X, norm_type, causal ) # [M, K, B] -> [M, K, C*N] self.mask_conv1x1 = sb.nnet.CNN.Conv1d( in_channels=B, out_channels=C * N, kernel_size=1, bias=False )
[docs] def forward(self, mixture_w): """Keep this API same with TasNet. Arguments --------- mixture_w : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, K, N], M is batch size. Returns ------- est_mask : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, K, C, N]. """ mixture_w = mixture_w.permute(0, 2, 1) M, K, N = mixture_w.size() y = self.layer_norm(mixture_w) y = self.bottleneck_conv1x1(y) y = self.temporal_conv_net(y) score = self.mask_conv1x1(y) # score = # [M, K, N] -> [M, K, C*N] score = score.contiguous().reshape( M, K, self.C, N ) # [M, K, C*N] -> [M, K, C, N] # [M, K, C, N] -> [C, M, N, K] score = score.permute(2, 0, 3, 1) if self.mask_nonlinear == "softmax": est_mask = F.softmax(score, dim=2) elif self.mask_nonlinear == "relu": est_mask = F.relu(score) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported mask non-linear function") return est_mask
[docs]class TemporalBlock(torch.nn.Module): """The conv1d compound layers used in Masknet. Arguments --------- input_shape : tuple The expected shape of the input. out_channels : int The number of intermediate channels. kernel_size : int The kernel size in the convolutions. stride : int Convolution stride in convolutional layers. padding : str The type of padding in the convolutional layers, (same, valid, causal). If "valid", no padding is performed. dilation : int Amount of dilation in convolutional layers. norm type : str The type of normalization, in ['gLN', 'cLN']. causal : bool To use causal or non-causal convolutions, in [True, False]. Example: --------- >>> x = torch.randn(14, 100, 10) >>> TemporalBlock = TemporalBlock(x.shape, 10, 11, 1, 'same', 1) >>> y = TemporalBlock(x) >>> y.shape torch.Size([14, 100, 10]) """ def __init__( self, input_shape, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, norm_type="gLN", causal=False, ): super().__init__() M, K, B = input_shape self.layers = sb.nnet.containers.Sequential(input_shape=input_shape) # [M, K, B] -> [M, K, H] self.layers.append( sb.nnet.CNN.Conv1d, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False, layer_name="conv", ) self.layers.append(nn.PReLU(), layer_name="act") self.layers.append( choose_norm(norm_type, out_channels), layer_name="norm" ) # [M, K, H] -> [M, K, B] self.layers.append( DepthwiseSeparableConv, out_channels=B, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, norm_type=norm_type, causal=causal, layer_name="DSconv", )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Arguments --------- x : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, K, B]. Returns ------- x : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, K, B]. """ residual = x x = self.layers(x) return x + residual
[docs]class DepthwiseSeparableConv(sb.nnet.containers.Sequential): """Building block for the Temporal Blocks of Masknet in ConvTasNet. Arguments --------- input_shape : tuple Expected shape of the input. out_channels : int Number of output channels. kernel_size : int The kernel size in the convolutions. stride : int Convolution stride in convolutional layers. padding : str The type of padding in the convolutional layers, (same, valid, causal). If "valid", no padding is performed. dilation : int Amount of dilation in convolutional layers. norm type : str The type of normalization, in ['gLN', 'cLN']. causal : bool To use causal or non-causal convolutions, in [True, False]. Example ------- >>> x = torch.randn(14, 100, 10) >>> DSconv = DepthwiseSeparableConv(x.shape, 10, 11, 1, 'same', 1) >>> y = DSconv(x) >>> y.shape torch.Size([14, 100, 10]) """ def __init__( self, input_shape, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, norm_type="gLN", causal=False, ): super().__init__(input_shape=input_shape) batchsize, time, in_channels = input_shape # [M, K, H] -> [M, K, H] self.append( sb.nnet.CNN.Conv1d, out_channels=in_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, groups=in_channels, bias=False, layer_name="conv_0", ) if causal: self.append(Chomp1d(padding), layer_name="chomp") self.append(nn.PReLU(), layer_name="act") self.append(choose_norm(norm_type, in_channels), layer_name="act") # [M, K, H] -> [M, K, B] self.append( sb.nnet.CNN.Conv1d, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False, layer_name="conv_1", )
[docs]class Chomp1d(nn.Module): """This class cuts out a portion of the signal from the end. It is written as a class to be able to incorporate it inside a sequential wrapper. Arguments --------- chomp_size : int The size of the portion to discard (in samples). Example ------- >>> x = torch.randn(10, 110, 5) >>> chomp = Chomp1d(10) >>> x_chomped = chomp(x) >>> x_chomped.shape torch.Size([10, 100, 5]) """ def __init__(self, chomp_size): super(Chomp1d, self).__init__() self.chomp_size = chomp_size
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Arguments x : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, Kpad, H]. Returns ------- x : Tensor Tensor shape is [M, K, H]. """ return x[:, : -self.chomp_size, :].contiguous()
[docs]def choose_norm(norm_type, channel_size): """This function returns the chosen normalization type. Arguments --------- norm_type : str One of ['gLN', 'cLN', 'batchnorm']. channel_size : int Number of channels. Example ------- >>> choose_norm('gLN', 10) GlobalLayerNorm() """ if norm_type == "gLN": return GlobalLayerNorm(channel_size) elif norm_type == "cLN": return ChannelwiseLayerNorm(channel_size) else: return nn.BatchNorm1d(channel_size)
[docs]class ChannelwiseLayerNorm(nn.Module): """Channel-wise Layer Normalization (cLN). Arguments --------- channel_size : int Number of channels in the normalization dimension (the third dimension). Example ------- >>> x = torch.randn(2, 3, 3) >>> norm_func = ChannelwiseLayerNorm(3) >>> x_normalized = norm_func(x) >>> x.shape torch.Size([2, 3, 3]) """ def __init__(self, channel_size): super(ChannelwiseLayerNorm, self).__init__() self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(1, 1, channel_size)) # [1, 1, N] self.beta = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(1, 1, channel_size)) # [1, 1, N] self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self):
[docs] def forward(self, y): """ Args: y: [M, K, N], M is batch size, N is channel size, K is length Returns: cLN_y: [M, K, N] """ mean = torch.mean(y, dim=2, keepdim=True) # [M, K, 1] var = torch.var(y, dim=2, keepdim=True, unbiased=False) # [M, K, 1] cLN_y = self.gamma * (y - mean) / torch.pow(var + EPS, 0.5) + self.beta return cLN_y
[docs]class GlobalLayerNorm(nn.Module): """Global Layer Normalization (gLN). Arguments --------- channel_size : int Number of channels in the third dimension. Example ------- >>> x = torch.randn(2, 3, 3) >>> norm_func = GlobalLayerNorm(3) >>> x_normalized = norm_func(x) >>> x.shape torch.Size([2, 3, 3]) """ def __init__(self, channel_size): super(GlobalLayerNorm, self).__init__() self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(1, 1, channel_size)) # [1, 1, N] self.beta = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(1, 1, channel_size)) # [1, 1, N] self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self):
[docs] def forward(self, y): """ Arguments --------- y : Tensor Tensor shape [M, K, N]. M is batch size, N is channel size, and K is length. Returns ------- gLN_y : Tensor Tensor shape [M, K. N] """ mean = y.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).mean( dim=2, keepdim=True ) # [M, 1, 1] var = ( (torch.pow(y - mean, 2)) .mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) .mean(dim=2, keepdim=True) ) gLN_y = self.gamma * (y - mean) / torch.pow(var + EPS, 0.5) + self.beta return gLN_y